I love random facts and I want to know the world's most random ones to amaze the crap outta my friends.
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The actor that played big bird on sesame street died the same day rapper Juice WRLD died.
Human blood is a baking substitute for eggs.
turtles can breath out of there butts
i was gonna say that at first butt(get it "butt"boom boom ting)i saw you said it so i chose something else
dinosaurs actually have fur
M&M's stand for (Forest) Mars and (Bruce) Murrie, the two Buisnessman to make the chocolate brand
All humans are female at conception; this is the default gender. The SRY gene on the Y chromosome has to be "switched on" for the fetus to develop into a male. Eve, not Adam, is the original human.
when we zone out, we don't blink
or so I heard
also, we never stop tasting our tongues
bees die when they sting you
Honey bees, yes, but not necessarily all bees. It’s basically disemboweled, but if it manages to sting you without the stinger pulling out of its body, then it lives.
From my collection of random facts about the presidents: 1. William Taft never actually got stuck in the tub 2. Zachary Taylor died from eating too much fruit 3. Ulysses S. Grant got a ticket for speeding on a horse 4. Grover Cleveland was the only president who wasn't elected for two consecutive terms. He served from 1885 to 1889 and then again from 1893 to 1897
2. Was it because it gave him the runs and he basically 💩 himself to death from dehydration?
There’s a theory that mental illnesses don’t exist- people with it just see the world how it actually is.
As someone with a mental illness, I certainly hope that’s not true...although if everyone felt suicidal most of the time, we wouldn’t have the obscene population we have now.
1. the moon has earthquakes called moonquakes
2. goosebumps were once meant to scare away predators ( when humans were hairy)
3. Pineapple is a natural meat tenderizer
4. Humans are the only animals that blush
5. The feeling of getting lost inside a mall is known as the Gruen transfer.
6. You lose up to 30 percent of your taste buds during flight.
7. Your nostrils work one at a time.
8. Rabbits can’t puke.
In Toy Story 2, when Al is about to hang up with the Japanese Toy museum buying woody, he goes “Don’t touch my mustache”. He mispronounced “Dōitashimashite”, which supposedly means You’re Welcome in Japanese.
Lego is the largest tire manufacturer in the world
Paper cuts hurt so much because they don’t often bleed, which leaves the pain receptors open to the air.