Tell me the meanest thing you have done!


I told my sister Soy Sauce was "Chocolate Milk that came from Japan." She looked so excited and poured the the whole packet in her mouth...let's just say she hated me for the rest of the...month.


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    Ive said many mean things but this might be the meanest- "Just because your parents don't love you doesn't mean you have to take you anger out on others"



    my little brother was making fun of me because my grandma kept getting me confused with my mom, so my grandma used a female pronoun and I said, "well he is kind of a dumb blonde." (little brother is blonde, I'm a guy) one of my many wonderful roasts I will never get to use again


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    Well, I regret it horribly to this day. This was about 3 years ago.

    In 4th grade there were always “those boys” that your friend group was constantly quarreling with (assuming you’re a girl) (this my have been just me) anyways- there was the leader of this boy group, let’s call him J. My and my friend didn’t like J. The summer before 5th grade I switched schools to do Excel. I did track that year, and at a track meet I was sitting with my team before the tug of war. And I look over, and see J. He sees me and waves and kinda smiled shyly. I glared back at him. I regretted it immediately. Then in middle school we were in PE together and he would always ignore me unless we had to converse. May not seem like a big deal to y’all but it was (and is) to me. Sorry this is so long.



    I elbowed a classmate once first she blamed the teacher then she blamed me and the teacher didn't believe it was me. So that was kind of mean but i don't regret it she's an ass


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    putting water on a bullies chair. then i put a brownie on his chair when he finished cleaning the water. and he was wearing kackie pants.



    I don't know if it was the meanest thing I've done, but its one thing that springs to mind.
    At School, during an OFSTEAD (UK education regulatory body) inspection, I made 2 inspectors cry by insulting them so badly and tried to stab another during home economics. The school ended up closing down it failed so miserably. A lot of people blamed me specifically (but the school was bad and probably would have failed anyway) for all the teaches that lost their jobs and students that needed to find a new school.
    It was shortly after that I started therapy.


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