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    I was the bigger person and didn't get mad when i found out after we broke up that he had cheated. I told him that i will want to talk about it at some pointy and now every time we meet (We have joint custody of our pupper) he is anxious about "The talk". Really i have no intention of brining it up as its ancient history by now


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Deliciously Perfect, planted that brain ninja in the back of his head when you don't even care anymore.

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    I haven't, and I think that's the best "revenge" for my own peace of mind.



    Not an ex, but a high school ‘friend’ who told me ‘you’d be the hottest girl in school if you lost 10 lbs!’ .. well guess who gained about 50 lbs after high school? I saw him on (what turned out to be) a first date with a girl .. I just walked past their table, looked her straight in the eye and said ‘trust me, you can do way better’ .. and walked off giggling to my hot self!!


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Leaving her with so many questions lol love it. Good for you.


    I am usually nice to people when they break up with me, e.g. pay off their bills, give them a parting gift, etc. It means I sleep well and I know that they will feel guilty forever. However, the most recent one was abusive, so she gets to see social media posts of me and my kids and new partner, who I landed shortly after.



    He said he was in love with someone else so I told him to go and wished him the best. Not even 2 months after moving in with her he found that she was on her best behavior catering to his every need until she got her hooks in him. He moved to a hotel until he found an apt. Sometimes revenge just happens on its own. I don't believe in Karma.



    I stopped cleaning.

    Him and one of his daughters were emotionally and verbally abusive to me for years. The cats peed on everything that has his scent. His side of the mattress, his side of the bedroom carpet, clothes, shoes, section of the couch he likes. He wants the apartment, he can have it and the mattress.

    None of the cats have medical conditions, I checked. It's behavioral, stress response.



    Ex-girlfriend. Used to cosplay a lot. Turns out she wasn't gay just wanted the attention and was dating a man behind my back. He found out eventually, told me. I was pissed. Naturally, I went into her contact lense collection (about 30, mostly unopened) and stole one lense out of every pair that was already unopened (about 13 pairs). I put them into new cases and hid them around her house. Air vents, behind appliances, pockets on clothes she never wore. Even tied one to the fan.

    I'm still friends with the guy and shes apparently still missing a few. Shes got about 6 months left before they expire, and i did give her a few clues before I left.



    I found myself again, he broke me down mentally. I'm stronger than before.


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    BeepBoop the Single Pringle
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is currently happening to me! He's devastated but I'm happier than ever and I'm slowly realizing that parts of our relationship were so unhealthy. I find myself freely talking about him and telling stories because I'm not scared that he'll hear/see it and get upset and mad. I'm doing great!

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    Moved on and did 1000% better for myself than the loser she left me for. 19 years later I have a beautiful wife, family, and home. She hasn’t had a stable job or home and has been through multiple guys since the guy she left me for.


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    Revenge is a pretty toxic concept that doesn't really help anyone. Then again, nearly everyone I dated is awesome and I still like them. I have gotten "revenge" on abusive exes of friends of mine. A little witchcraft here and there that seemed to work, but who knows, could juatbbe karma. But mostly just by being loud and honest about what kind of people they are to anyone who would listen. From new gfs, to their audiences at band performances, to employers. "Hey, this guy was physically and emotionally abusive to his ex and hides his income to avoid paying child support. Just FYI. Do a public records search for his DV arrests and convictions if you don't believe me, or watch out for these lines/red flags he's been known to use."
    I've had people thank me after the fact for the heads up. They usually believed me because I had nothing to gain and was so obviously gay it was obvious I wasn't a "crazy" ex gf.


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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It helped that most of those guys hated me enough to go on super problematic rants that showed their homophobic or racist or otherwise problematic mindset to anyone who brought me And what i'd been saying up to them. But they were all scared of me for some reason in person. Most abusers are cowards, I've found. Weak men (or sometimes women) who ingratiate themselves by faking it until they've figured out someone's insecurities and can slowly start breaking them down, like a subtle cancer you don't realize is there till its nearly terminal. But if someone calls them on their s**t from the get, usually it has to be someone who's seen what damage they can cause before and know what to look for they can't handle the heat in the least. I've had couple try to tell me they've changed their ways and ask me to stop and when I told them to prove it by leaving the community and establishing themselves somewhere else so the people they hurt didn't have to fear them anymore, most showed their colors then to. Reformed unless it means sacrificing anything or doing something hard.


    Revenge is best served cold. Ice cream is cold so a turtle sundae is what I figure is just desserts !



    Not looking for "revenge". Love should not be a competition.


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    daisy Clements
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No, it shouldn't be......but unfortunately. A lot of people think it is.


    My ex of 20 years turned out to be a womanizer and he finally found a women he wanted to be with. He wanted a divorce and became cruel and petty as I went through the plans to leave and start a new life. He told me I was washed up (at 38 years old) and no man would ever want me. I took our 2 children, moved out and planned revenge after revenge. My therapist insisted “revenge is best when it’s cold.” Sure enough, about 20 years later, when he retired as a Lt. Col. in the Nat’l Guard, I automatically began to receive 42 per cent of his generous retirement. Today I am retired and living well, happy with my new husband and, each month when that beautiful check hits the bank, I feel blessed, and vindicated.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I thought when you remarry, you usually lose the rights to your ex’s pension. Maybe it’s different in the military.

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    Well was kind of sad that he couldn't be honest with me and tell me that he doesn't have feelings for me anymore during the last months of our relationship. So I did us both a favor and started the talk that led to our breaking up. According to his friends that was the best revenge I got out of it because he now thinks that I dumped him instead all I did was set him and my self free.


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    I made out with my ex girlfriend's sister after I found out she dated my brother.



    Not really even for my ex. But for my partners ex. Yeah we live happily ever after and they don’t want you. GET OVER IT


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    I'm happy now, and he's not. I'm still depressed as hell but I'm doing better now than I was last month with him. I think that may be the best revenge!



    I once received a text message from my ex's number saying, "Hey, this phone was left at my place after a party and I found it on the floor, this was the most recently used number so we thought we'd ask you?" (This was about ten years ago and lots of people still didn't have smart phones, including the ex.)
    He and I had just broken up like a week before and, as it transpired, the reason the phone had been lost was because he'd lent it to his new girlfriend.
    I toyed with the idea of just ignoring the text, but decided instead to email him saying, "Hey, you know this girl you say you want to marry and have kids with? She got drunk and left your phone in some guy's room at a party. The guy who has the phone will email you."
    I like to think I'm a good person. Just not a very nice one.


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    in a toxic relationship in the past, I cheated on her after she cheated on me.


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    I didn't look back and when he asked for me - he was told I was married and had a baby son. MOVED ON.


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    "or otherwise problematic mindset to anyone who brought"
    Why is a viewpoint problamatic, everyone can think what they want, and trying to change them wont help the "issue"


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    My ex of 20 years turned out to be a womanizer and he finally found a women he wanted to be with. He wanted a divorce and became cruel and petty as I went through the plans to leave and start a new life. He told me I was washed up (at 38 years old) and no man would ever want me. I took our 2 children, moved out and planned revenge after revenge. My therapist insisted “revenge is best when it’s cold.” Sure enough, about 20 years later, when he retired as a Lt. Col. in the Nat’l Guard, I automatically began to receive 42 per cent of his generous retirement. Today I am retired and living well, happy with my new husband and, each month when that beautiful check hits the bank, I feel blessed, and vindicated.


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    ok here it is so im a boy but my ex was a girl but was a lesbian she told me that the only reason that she got with me was becuase she was dared to so she then told me that she was geting with a girl that's one of my oldest friends so that vary night i told her that i knew but i was just playing along i told the girl that she was going after my vary friend that 2 week before that i broke up with her so that vary night i asked her out and she said yes and after a week later i invited my ex to talk over diner but little did she know that the girl she left me for that i was dating was coming with me to diner and i got her so hart broken so bad that i told my girlfriend witch i much also mention is now my wife every thing embarrassing about her to who is know my wife during diner at the vary end what made it worth it she said to her that thank god im not dating you and made her cry in front every on in public so worth it


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    she also said that it was my flout that my father left me and my family and that its my flout my mother died


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    daisy Clements
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds like you were lucky to be rid of her. Really do not want to say what those remarks made me think of her as a person,

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