Hey Pandas, What Is Something Your Country Did That You Are Proud Of?
What the title said.
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We invented Nokia, and the Nokia 3310 a.k.a the indestructible phone
My country, Spain, gave some years ago 4 months of parental leave to fathers, non transferable to the mothers. Its one of the biggest and while its not enough its a big step in the right direction.
Developed building technologies that allowed the construction of the first skyscrapers and immense indoor open spaces.
We screwed up Big Time. We legally elected a dictator and let him kill millions of people. We induced a World War. When it was all over and our country burnt to the ground, we didn't say "Wasn't us, it was our fathers !", we said "We are collectively responsible of not ever letting this happen again." We held ourselves responsible, thought deep and hard about what we did, and even 2 generations later, we refuse to say "it was a long time ago, it couldn't happen again, we changed, everything's fine !" It's not. It's in us. It's in everyone, it happens everywhere, and the only way to stop it is to face it. We fight it, and it's not easy. But we know where this path ends, because we walked it already, and we're not willing to go there again... And this consciousness is what I'm proud of. It's heavy and not my personal guilt, but it's my personal responsibility. It's actually everyone's, it's just that *we* know it.
I'm from Portugal and we had a revolution to end fascist dictatorship without dropping One drop of blood. It was in 1974 and it became known as "Revolução dos cravos" : The carnations revolution, because the soldiers were given red carnations and wore them on their guns.
I am proud of the fact that my small country,Denmark,when occupied by the Germans during wwII rallied around our Jewish population and brought all of them,save a few,to safety in neutral Sweden.Not because they were Jewish,but because they were Danish citizens.
I am proud of fact that Denmark was the 1st country to abolish slavery in 1803 though it had started way back in the early 18th cent.when the then king decreed that slaves brought back from our West-Indian colonies (st croix,st John and st Thomas)once on Danish soil would enjoy the same rights as other Danes i.e free citizens.
i am German. so ... literally nothing. I'm ashamed of this country.
Don´t be too hard on yourself...Germany should not be judged solely on the 2nd ww.Germany has produced great thinkers,great painters and great composers and through these geniuses given pleasure to countless generations...
For all of America’s flaws, I am proud of the fact that if someone makes an offensive movie depicting any person that is not the “acceptable norm” by ableist/racist/sexist/etc. audiences, that those who were depicted poorly can actually raise awareness and freely demand it. Then it makes society think and try to not the same mistakes again.
my country offers the worlds most expensive healthcare (not proud just fact) take a guess as to where i live...