Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Is Portrayed As Shameful That Should Not Be? (Closed)
Society often makes people feel shamed because of certain things that you do, wear, or say.
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Having a period or buying tampons/pads. Women shouldn’t feel ashamed- it happens once a month. It’s no secret.
I had a teacher in middle school ask me why I was bringing a bag to the restroom. I looked him dead a*s in the eyes and opened my bag revealing the tampon and pads and he was just like . . . "okay"
Struggle in general. If someone is constantly shamed for not understanding something, having mental health problems, or struggling with something, they will not receive the help they need. People are made to feel like they can't ask for help.
Sexworkers of any kind, they deserve the same amount of respect as other people do, some even more so because they are doing whatever they can to help their families at the cost of their own saftey
Yes! Sex work should be decriminalized. It can perform a very valuable service. So many people in the industry talk about how most of it is just the need for people to have human contact. To feel wanted or desired. A lot of times sex is not even involved, they just seek companionship.
Appearance, both how we look and act. People shouldn’t care what you do or what you wear or any of that stuff. If it makes you comfortable you should do it.
Mental health issues, the stigma and judgement surrounding it. Whom ever you are, I want you to be the very best human you can be. ❤️
Sex and nudity. Bodies in general. Anatomy is something we’re all born with but you can bet more than one family member shamed me as a child if a male relative happened to see my “lady supplies”. Which is anything from pads and tampons to deodorant just for females. Also, sex work. And mental disorders.
Another big yes! Why is blood and gore and violence in general so acceptable, but seeing a butt or a boob will trigger the apocalypse? (This is more America than anywhere else) And stop shaming women for breastfeeding!!! Also, body shaming in general. Some women have big breasts, some have small. Some men have large penises, some don't. Don't shame people for what they're born with.
Animals do it is nature.
Having a period, animals do that too.
There is a lot of things that need to be normal that animals do that we sometimes find embarrassing but it is nature. It what we where meant to do. Why do you think we where created the way we where.....
Crying. Some parents shame their kids for crying because it embarrasses them.
Anger. Shamed for being a “bad” emotion.
Well guess who has anger issues AND will SNAP if the pressure is enough because they have to hold tears in?
Dyed hair. I was raised highly conservative and the comments I've heard relatives say about "unnatural hair colors" are countless. I recently went and had one of the undercut hair dye where you can't see it if it's down and my papaw was livid. Mom finally shut him down with "if that's the worst she does then we've done great." I just don't understand why it's so bad in the first place.
That men can be babysitters, too. It kills me when a man babysits, and behind his back, he’s gotta be a predator or he’s grooming the child(ren). There are some very vile creatures on this earth that are lower than the dirt on a snakes stomach, some of them do these things to kids. But, it’s not just men. Hate, rage and violence know no gender. If you’re comfortable with the person, and the child is, too, then go for it. Besides, it may be cheaper than a daycare center.
Dads are not babysitters. They are parents, I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard someone say, “your turn to babysit?” My answer was usually the same: no, I’m spending the day with my son, as his dad. It should be a partnership. But, these comments come from the same men who think it’s too effeminate to wear an apron cooking in the house, but, will put one on to stand over a grill
very true, many people feel as though their partner is doing them a favor by watching their children.
I have two answers. My first one is sex. I have such an unhealthy view of it and I hate it. I feel guilty or dirty if I read or watch something more mature or if I have any vaguely sexual thoughts. And I don’t think that’s how it’s supposed to be. My second thing is polyamorous relationships. As long as it’s a healthy, consenting relationship they’re fine.
Having different hard textures..
Nudety, sex and sex education that is not based on fear or religion.
People can react so shocked when being confronted by, for example, nude art, when in fact it is just a model not wearing clothes.... Instead it is often looked upon as dirty, filthy, an whatever names they give it.
Sex: talk to your kids about sex openly and honestly and if you don't have the answer,look it up together but without shame.
Sex education: It's so important to be able to give your kids proper, donw to earth real explanations about everything and anything that concerns sex ed. Don't wait until school does it, because that is way too late. Sex ed is not about reproduction only (that was my sex ed back in the days, end 1970's) and my parents were shocked by even hearing about the word "Rubber" so they were no help at all.
That made me weird about anything and anything concerning nudety and sex, which ultimately lead to me being sexually abused for years.
So please, teach your kids the honest things about having sex and making love, how to use protection and be sure they know how to use it, even talk about toys if they are curious and lube, please talk about lube...
The human body is nothing to be ashamed of and nothing it does or can do should be looked upon as shamefull... educate and prevent worse things from happening, in the best case scenario you'll prevent an STD, in the worse case you'll prevent an unwanted pregnancy and having to go through an abortion (if that is even possible, nowadays politics all over are thinking the right to have an abortion should be decided by people that are not the ones being pregnant when the woman that is pregnant is actually the one who's life is affected the most).
I hope I have not made to many grammatical mistakes, English is nog my first language.
Being a part of the furry community. Way too many people portray furries as zo@philes, Ped@philes and sexu@l deviants. We are a creative, friendly and accepting community who love to draw and create costumes of our original characters.
Yeah, sure, we are a nerdy bunch :D But we love and care about each other and are always willing to give the support that someone needs.
The one I have heard a lot on Bored Panda is cousins marrying. It is not illegal in most places and should be made to sound horrible. My parents are first cousins, therefore I am a product of that and when people talk trash about it it really makes me mad!