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I got in a drunken fight with some guys who busted my lip and broke one of my fingers. While I was at the emergency room, I realized I needed to make some changes in my life. Next month, I'll be celebrating 23 years of continuous sobriety.



    Going to a church event I am christian yet my church has the weirdest events I never liked to go to this one was a barbecue and I am so happy I went because at that barbecue me and my younger cousin really bonded if it wasn't for that day I don't think I would be so close to her she is truly one of the best things that has ever happened to me ❤️


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    In 2008 I moved. My mom and I got a place, she was with my grandparents while I moved us in. I was at my trunk, new town didn't know anyone, moving into a new apartment complex. I started pulling boxes out of my trunk when this little kid just appeared next to me. He said hi, told me his name, told me where hisom, sister, and brother lived. Asked me if I was new here. Said he wanted to be my friend. Announced he'd help me with my boxes and then proceeded to pick up a box and walk into my apartment. He was all of 8 at the time and no I didn't get a word in edgewise at first. He helped me unload my car and then ran home.

    Over the next few months I met his sister, his mom, his brother, most of the neighborhood kids, and suddenly had this child in my life. I became known as the 'Bike Lady' because I fixed up their bikes. I played with them outside, eventually once I got to know their parents some of them hung out and played in my apartment.

    That boy is 22 today. Him and his siblings are my not kids, his mother is now a woman I consider my sister and I've been apart of their lives even today, all of it because that 8 year-old wanted a friend.

    Similarly my newest sister I made at work coming out of a room and looking at the janitor who had been outside of every room I had exited over 10 minutes during a safety tour I was doing. I asked her to stop stalking me and she looked down at her watch and announced gleefully it was working. We've been inseparable since and I'd die for her. Her family 'adopted' me.

    Trust random encounters. They can change your life in some of the best ways.


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    Hey! For me it was when my parents had me learn the piano.
    Ever since I was little I had always wanted to learn the violin - and when I had gotten little older, my parents decided I would learn the piano. (However if I absolutely hated it, I could always switch to the violin).
    At first I hated it, hated practicing, and wanted to learn the violin. However I soon became hooked. Now I have been playing the piano for well over a decade and enjoy playing it so much.
    Piano is my passion and I am so glad my parents encouraged me to play it! 😂


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    Also being made to write creative essays.
    Now I have a book up online.


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    Mine was being forced to draw. I have a bad habit of quitting things easily. I wanted to quit drawing, but my mom made me continue, and now I can draw and color and paint very well.


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