There may be memorable, enjoyable, or remarkable experiences or situations that you have experienced or that have taken place in your past. Is there something you wish that happened again? What are they and what makes them so special to you?


Till I was about thirteen, I was the happiest kid on the planet.
My parents loved me and everything I did. And I had a worth, ig.
Eventually, I just transformed into someone that my parents and my family could never accept. That continues to still break my heart, as I still love love my family with all my heart.

I would do anything to feel that worth and happiness again.
My life would have something, if my family could love me like they did long ago.


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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Its just that I would like to have that time back again in my life. My childhood, when I was all happy and content

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Meeting my late husband and spending my life with him. I had 14 beautiful years with him.


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Caro Caro
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm sorry for your loss. I hope the memories bring a smile to your face tho. Veel sterkte.


Having someone I fall in love with feel the same for me.


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To hear my grandpa explain how the barometer he had in his bedroom works one more time (he was a meteorologist). When I was little, I would always ask him to explain it to me, he did, everytime, but my little mind just couldn't grasp the concept. He was an exceptionally intelligent man, spoke multiple languages, I just wish I knew him better and for longer...



For me, it was spending time with my (maternal) grandmother. She passed when i was 7 y/o and it has always been a wish in my heart that I would be able to be with her again. She was soo lovable and cheerful and had gone through many hurdles in her life but kept her smile on forever. I really miss her.😥


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Aw, your grandmother must have been awesome! Sorry for your loss :(


I wish I could have the 13 years I spent with my beloved dog again.


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Britnee Eee
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had to put my dog down unexpectedly last friday, I would give almost anything to spend that ti.e with him again. Pure love I miss so much

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To have my husband fall in love with me again. We had a very rough time a while back, and I didn't handle it well at all. I became very disconnected - even pushing back - on the relationship. The last couple of years I've been doing the work to heal and to really re-evaluate myself. In doing so, I know I love him more than ever, but he doesn't feel the same or "safe" with me anymore. I'm healing, but I can see how much he isn't healing. I would love for him to heal and to fall in love again.



I wish I weighed the same weight I was when I finished college. I thought I was fat then, but I've gained 100 pounds since then.


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Julie Snelling
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I know exactly what you mean. When I was younger I thought I was fat other people said I was fat but when I look at photos I was fat at all but I am now.

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After reading the first few posts, I feel a little bad for posting this. This was over 10 years ago when I worked at a convenient store. I was closing so I had to take out the garbage. On the ground I found almost $200 and about an ounce of pot. That was a good day for me. Bad day for whoever dropped it.



When I was like 8 or 9 I went to one of my mom’s friends house. They were so nice to me and my favorite part was when we had cookies and hot chocolate together. I know it’s kinda a weird thing to want to do again but I never saw the friend again and I’ll always remember how kind she was. And also that hot chocolate was the best! :)


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For me? Full moon party in Thailand with my boyfriend, now husband. What a party!! Soft sand under our feet, stars in the sky, bathtub warm ocean, any kind of music for any possible mood, friendly people from all over the world, and my love by my side .. Ahhh Koh Phangan …


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I remember back when I was 7 or 8 or so, my mom surprised me with a trip to Great Wolf Lodge as a special "girl's trip". We had an absolute blast, and it's something that I look back on fondly, especially since we argue a lot nowadays.


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Dani Pret
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Have you told her about that great memory and how you wish you could do it again?


To have my brother love me one more time.


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Dak Janiels
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ignore the other comments - family discord is NO FUN. Your brother probably does still love you on some level. IDK what you guys went through, but no matter what, nothing will undo being related. Give it time, and who knows.

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The chance to live my time in South Korea over again. Tl:dr at the end because I ended up writing a really long post ^-^'

I lived and worked in Korea teaching English as a second language for a little over 3 years and there are SO many reasons I wish I could relive that time. The main reasons being...

1) Ridiculously affordable healthcare. Less than $10 for a clinic visit AND the prescription combined? Uh, yes please! My diabetic sister, who also spent a year teaching ESL there, got her insulin for WAY cheaper than in the US. I also was able to walk into a pharmacy and ask for birth control without needing a doctor's visit and prescription. One month's supply was less than $10. Those are just a few examples.

2) The amazing public transportation! You can get anywhere in Korea without much trouble at all. The subway system is extensive, clean, and cheap, there are taxis on every corner, and multiple bus stops on every block. There are also many bus connections or trains for longer-distance travel that is very clean, comfortable, cheap, and fast! I didn't need a car and I didn't want a car. And let me tell you, living free of the burden of owning a car is so great!

3) Physical activity was a natural part of life. Because I didn't need or want a car, I walked EVERYWHERE. To the subway, bus or taxi stop, grocery store, exploring around Korea almost every weekend, etc. It was SO easy to be fit in Korea and I didn't have to do anything special or extra for my basic fitness other than just live life! Contrast that to here in the US where I have to drive a car everywhere for everything, sit at a desk for work, then set time aside in my busy schedule and pay a gym fee to make up for all that because I don't have the privilege of a home gym. Don't feel so guilty about having such a hard time making time for exercise if you work full time, have dependants, or other things that consume your time. In general, there are a lot of things about living in the US that make it really challenging to prioritize exercise. But that's a whole other rant...

4) How safe it was. Korea has one of the lowest crime rates. It was a culture shock when I first moved there to see people leaving their laptops at their tables while they went up to the register to order coffee. As a single woman, I never felt nervous walking down the street in the middle of the night. I've never felt comfortable doing that in the US.

5) Last but certainly not least, the FOOD! How can you argue with Korean Bbq?! Not only is the food so delicious, but also way better for you overall compared to the US. Korea has its share of fast and junk food, but nothing like here in the US. Most dine-in restaurant cuisine is not nearly so carb and calorie dense and includes a lot of fresh foods. It was very easy to cut sodas, cheese, and bread out of my daily diet as that is not a regular part of the Korean diet and I noticed I felt a lot better for it. I wouldn't say it's not possible to eat healthy in the US, but the food culture in Korea certainly made it so much easier!

Bonus: There were a lot of clever conveniences and systems to take advantage of too that just made sense and made life easier and more enjoyable. For example, many subway stops and grocery stores have free lockers to store your bags so that you don't have to be burdened with them while you shop since most people don't have or don't always use their car.

The only reason I didn't stay was because the pollution affected my health and made me sick all the time. I lived my best life in Korea so far and I've never stopped missing it.

Tl;dr: The culture and lifestyle in South Korea allowed me to thrive like I never have before or since and I wish I could live that time all over again.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Lots of pluses then pollution at the end driving you out. Seems counter-intuitive?

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My bf and I had gone to the park for a day and his mom was picking us up. When she did, we sat in the back because his baby sister was with her. He had put his arm around my shoulder and I like laid my head on his chest and he put his head on mine. He said, "Can you close your eyes rq." I did and then he like kissed me. It was like such a soft kiss and it made me feel so special. Even when I think about it gives me tingles. I would give anything to do it again.



Whenever I went to visit my Grandma in Jersey my Godmother would take me over to NYC for the day (since she grew up there and knew the city like the back of her hand) and I got to see some great places like the United Nations building, Museum of Natural History, The Ringling Bros. Circus at Madison Square Garden, Chinatown, Little Italy, Central Park, and even took me ice-skating at Rockefeller Center where they had the colossal Christmas tree.

But the one thing I wish I could experience again was having a real N.Y. pizza for the very first time. Oh my dear say it was "life changing" would be a serious understatement !!!



My Granna's last hug :)


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Some people may not understand this but if I could do anything over again, I would hold my infant daughter as she was dying. She was born 8 weeks early via an emergency C-section after they found ascites in her abdominal cavity during a routine ultrasound. The NICU nurses & doctors did everything they could to stabilize her but her tiny body couldn't handle it. She passed away at two days old, on my birthday of all days. If I could change the past, of course I would change it where she didn't have to go through all that suffering & still be with me today, but that's not the topic of this post; I can't relive something that unfortunately never happened in the first place. One of my greatest fears is developing dementia & forgetting her one day. So although losing her was the most difficult & painful thing I've ever experienced, I would do it all again just to hold her closer & love her longer.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Heartbreaking, such pure love and I can imagine why you’d want to relive those precious moments. A virtual hug is all I can offer and the hope that your fears never materialise and her memory remains with you.


Change my major 'cause now it's too late, and I still don't like it.



Oh, where to start.
To actually feel like im safe, like i wont have to explain myself out of a harmful situation every time my family talks to me.
To see and hug my sweet red, and my sweet ronan again. I didnt treat him right the years the poor dog was with us. I was young and f*****g stupid. im so sorry.


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Depends. If I went back knowing what I know now, a lot would probably be different.

My partner, currently snoring his head off beside me was my high school BFF. He loved me then. In hindsight I loved him too. We lost touch for 20+ years. He looked for me during Covid and here we are.

The last time with my mum.

Hurting my ex-husband by telling him I’m not sure I ever truly loved him. I did, but I was hurting over his cheating and lies.

So many things make the list. But actually, I wouldn’t change any of it because I wouldn’t be who and where I am now. Regret does us no favours.



My grandma passed away about 2 years ago. She would always pick us up from school on Thursday, and she would make us cookies and we would play with legos and other random toys. The first Thursday of the school year, me and my brothers had become a bit addicted to computer (mostly roblox), and we spent the entire time on her computer. The next time, our mom picked us up, saying she was sick, and asking if we wanted to face-time, or at least call her. I was scarred to call her cause I was a little kid, and she was in the hospital, and idk...

She died 2 weeks later, and I still wish I would of spent more time with her that last Thursday.


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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You were a child and need to forgive yourself. I’m sure she knew you loved her deep down, just watching you all happily playing together that afternoon I think would have brought a smile to her face.


1) The period in my career journey where I was genuinely enjoying my work life; Having a good co-worker and friends that support us during or even after office hours. I'm still in touch with them, but all of us already scaterred into new jobs.

2) When I was having close friends (or circles); Hanging out, adventuring together, and sharing life stories. Now, life is hard. While I'm still in touch with those people, we'd rather spending our time to recuperate before working again endlessly.



Going on walks with my grandfather 😀


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Gardening with my husband. We both enjoyed it so much. After work, we sat outside with a drink and admired each other's work. God, I miss that man!


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Waking up not in pain!

I have EDS and fibromyalgia, every morning is horrible. Meds (not opioids because I refuse to be high 24/7) help keep it "managed". But I will never be pain free because even opioids can't stop it. I will hurt every second of every day until I die.


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pat manna
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

medical weed. they gave me 180 10's a month for years. i got away from them as soon as i found out about medical in 2013. now that i'm retired and money is tight i may have to go back.

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Nothing big in my life yet has been worth reliving, but I have a feeling that I'm going to hit something soon that I'll never forget. I might update this once summer happens and things start moving


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Most of the posts here are about really beautiful experiences. For me just being a kid again. Being able to do pretty much anything and just getting to be a kid.


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that 𝕤𝕒𝕡𝕚𝕠 planet
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Kinda the opposite for me. I hated being a kid and felt so excited when I turned 18, and after moving out I started realizing just how hard it is. 😕



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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ok so my post did not actually post! He we go again: I would like to relive the time I spent with the man I loved the most. He was not interested in me but we were friends anyway. I don't regret anything, and I told him how I felt so he knew that I loved him, but knowing what I know now about how and when it would all come to an end, and knowing the interference I would have to face from someone who really didn't want us to become close, I'd like to enjoy and appreciate it all just a bit more in the moments with him, while keeping the other person away better. If anything, that is my only regret: that I didn't do more to shut down the interfering party.


After 40 some odd years I met someone who actually loved me. They didn't want anything besides the normal stuff. Fairness,Compassion, Honesty, Loyalty, Love, Companionship, Comfort&Trust. Y'all know wht I mean, ya know, everything that make knowing someone else worth your time. Then they passed away and poof all comfort and happiness gone.Just thier so called children fighting over the money in his account. VULTURES..... Anyway I digress. Yea all that, Not sure what few words describes it.


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Being able to spend time with any of my grandparents, RIP ❤️


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i would get to see my brother. i am a teenager and i haven't seen him in about three to four years the place i live i don't live with my real parents but i get to see them once a month my mom decided that i was to much of a disappointment for her to come see me so she just stopped coming on visits me and my brother used to be really close our days didn't start till we saw each other and our days didn't end till we told each other what happened. my days are not as fun with him in it and i really miss him. i comfort myself with the thought that if i don't see him while i'm alive then I'll see him in heaven.
JESUS LOVES YOU have an amazing day I hope its filled with joy and laughter and everything in between


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I just want a regular Sunday from 6 years ago. Before my Wife died unexpectedly; before my Mum passed a year later. To relive a normal day as a proper little family with our son. Going out for lunch as a special treat so neither of us would have not cook. Talking to my Mum and Dad in the afternoon. Putting our boy to sleep, then just being content in each others company. Bliss.


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I wish that I could visit my grandparents as they are in India and I haven't seen them in years and they have probably changed so much. T-T



when my twin sisters used to copy everything I did. I hated it. have never been idolized since.



Driving my extremely well-appointed 1998 Nissan Maxima SE down the highway between my house and where my friends lived on a warm summer evening. Sunroof open, beats thumping from the subwoofer in the back, taking full advantage of the open road. Being embraced by life, it seemed!



Feeling safe to fall in love without fear of the person hurting me.


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Some people may not understand this but if I could do anything over again, I would hold my infant daughter as she was dying. She was born 8 weeks early via an emergency C-section after they found ascites in her abdominal cavity during a routine ultrasound. The NICU nurses & doctors did everything they could to stabilize her but her tiny body couldn't handle it. She passed away at two days old, on my birthday of all days. If I could change the past, of course I would change it where she didn't have to go through all that suffering & still be with me today, but that's not the topic of this post; I can't relive something that unfortunately never happened in the first place. One of my greatest fears is developing dementia & forgetting her one day. So although losing her was the most difficult & painful thing I've ever experienced, I would do it all again just to hold her closer & love her longer.


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I would love the chance to relive the night I decided to flirt with (my now fiancé) and feel the same rush of emotions and excitement we shared. Never in my life have I felt that way being with an absolute stranger. I knew that night he was the one I’d waited my whole life for.


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Spooning up in bed with the love of my life, John. I sometimes wake up thinking that he is still there. Then it feels like losing him all over again.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I know those dreams all too well, hurts to wake up and feel that loss. At the very least you had those moments, those precious memories of being with the person for whom you could share your love. Poor consolation it feels especially in those painful mornings and I truly wish I could offer more. Try to remember those nice times, that spooning and I hope it makes you smile. So sorry for you loss.


Most of the posts here are about really beautiful experiences. For me just being a kid again. Being able to do pretty much anything and just getting to be a kid.


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Let's put something happy in here since I am currently working on recreating those things.

I LOVED travelling since I was a kid. I would go camping with my parents every summer - I loved exploring the different places and reading in the shadows under a giant tree...well, life hits hard sometimes, my parents are divorced and I'm a full-time working adult now. But im reviving my passion for spending the majority of my free time in nature and started travelling alone about a year ago. I now really enjoy visiting different places in my country, go hiking, sit on a bench in the shadows under a big tree and read a book.


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I was laid off 2 months ago. I wish I had a job.


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Writing to my Grandmother. We've written to each other for over 35 years. My dad has alienated himself from the rest of the family, and taken control of her life. He put her into a care facility and sold her house. Then he moved her to a different facility and I can't find her. I don't know what city she's in or even if she's still alive. Yes, he is the kind of person that would do that because he knows it was important to me.


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I once had a babysitting job were i took care of 3 kids (I ask to be payed per kid per hour, about $7 per kid per hour) This really helped me because I worry about financial health, I put all the money in saving for collage. (I am still 13 so it doesn't impact me like it fed me but I was so greatful)


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I'm still in my high school years and I've wished for certain things to change all the time but I know for a fact that I'm gonna miss all of this. Especially the thrill of high school sneaking around



Some people may not understand this but if I could do anything over again, I would hold my infant daughter as she was dying. She was born 8 weeks early via an emergency C-section after they found ascites in her abdominal cavity during a routine ultrasound. The NICU nurses & doctors did everything they could to stabilize her but her tiny body couldn't handle it. She passed away at two days old, on my birthday of all days. If I could change the past, of course I would change it where she didn't have to go through all that suffering & still be with me today, but that's not the topic of this post; I can't relive something that unfortunately never happened in the first place. One of my greatest fears is developing dementia & forgetting her one day. So although losing her was the most difficult & painful thing I've ever experienced, I would do it all again just to hold her closer & love her longer.


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found a tenner in my wallet



That HIghland Lakes, would once again be a small community of summer log cabins, with the "clubhouse" and jukebox, swimming, seeing the same friends and cousins every summer and of course my grandparents. Now it's yacht club type thing. Most cabins knocked down and replaced but my grandparents cabin was still there in the 1980s. Surprisingly since it was 2 bedroom, 1 bath.
I don't mourn it, I love having that memory


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I had a great uncle who was really funny, loved music, and was generally a kind and caring person. But now he's gone, and I wish I could relive every moment that I probably took for granted.


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I wish I could hold my gecko again.. His name was Leo and he died when I was in the 8th grade. Still miss the little dude to this day.


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After graduating from college one of my highschool friends and I saved up enough money to travel to Thailand for 10 days. It was literally our first time abroad and I was geeking out about almost everything; from having my name and seat number on my plane ticket to mundane airplane food to having my buddy with me on adventures across several cities there. Seems trivial but coming from a 3rd world country such experiences are incredibly uncommon. Now 7 years onward, we both live our own lives however it always gives me childish glee to think back on it.


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Nothing. Wouldn't relive anything that's ever happened in my life. I'm absolutely happy with my life right now, today, and I would hate to go back to any time before now.


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Irish Lassie
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That’s such a sad statement🥺 I’m glad things got better for you as a adult😀

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Such a small thing, but I’d be happy for the rest of my life if I could just take that first breath of clean, crisp morning air upon awakening and then decide what fun things I would do.
I’d bought my own horse when I was 10 by cleaning out stalls, taking people trail riding, etc. because we didn’t have any money. From ages 10-16, (back in the 70’s), I was always outside. It was an adventure every day🌞♥️


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Just to be clear…it was the smell of the morning along with the feeling that I could do anything that day. Once I became an adult, I never got that smell or sense of adventure back and that’s sad.


I wish for the moment my first husband asked me out, This time I would give him a flat out NOPE!!!


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I want to go back to the time before my parents started cheating on each other and before my dad started to control me and my brother and before my mother started to use us as her personal psychiatrist.

Also I miss all my pets who have died. I would like to spend a day with them


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Falling in love...


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My childhood

When i was little i was a happy cheerful girl who have a lot of friends(real friends) and life was great. Now, i'm dealing with fake friends, anxiety, school dramas.

I really wish i could go back to those times where i usually think "i wish i'm a grown up now", because now i'd always think "man i wish i could go back being a kid"

(Sorry if my grammar is wrong)


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Having a relationship with a person that was as deep & good as it was with my ex.


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I wish I could get a chance to say goodbye to my mother. she died of cancer when I was 9, and I never really got to say goodbye.


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To spend time with my dear friend Lisa, who died when she was 39, and was sick quite a bit. Her zest for life was infectious and I miss her! It's been 20 years since she passed and every day I miss her. Be kind, it matters.


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