When you are at home or just do your everyday life routine what is something that just gets in the way and makes you sigh?


The ridiculous lack of pockets in women's clothes.


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gay insomniac assassin panda
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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Depression. Nuff said.


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Colin L
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've had to explain to important people in my life that, no, I can't just "look on the bright side." I will continue to need antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds. I could no more "try harder" to throw off these than a diabetic could try harder to produce insulin. Depression lies.

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Once I set a boundary, stop poking it. I get tired of having to remind the same people over and over what the boundaries are.



Facebook.... I don't have it and I get annoyed at people telling me I am missing out on something. What? Drama? I have a 16 year old daughter. That is enough for me thank you very much.


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Geeki Nikki
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah I ditched the book like 10 years ago. Just toxic, can make you feel awful about yourself, and if I have to see one more motivational quote I might get stabby!

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Actually a better one would be my ichthyosis vulgaris. I'll be able to move one day, but I'll never have normal skin. I'm tired of scrubbing. Bath times are chore. My feet are always cracked and the skin gets so built up I need a blade.
I can't stand most warm fabrics that are common in this cold climate. Fleece, wool, flannel no way. It catches on my skin, it's intolerably itchy. My hands tend to crack. Allergic reactions pop up over random chemicals but I'm okay with some. I can hand acetone but not certain hand sanitizers. I break out in hives. It's been hell since 2020. I used to get painful, blistering heat rashes (but I think it was the latex gloves when I would wash dishes. I can't use latex.)
I got made fun of for having flakey skin and very wrinkled hands ( a common feature of ichthyosis vulgaris and it's known as hyperlinear lines). They used to get super dry and flake all in the lines.
I can't swim in chlorinated pools for too long (but I love the water so I endure it). Sand at the beach does NOT help with exfoliation. In fact, it makes my whole body flake.
When I was younger, up until my adulthood, I couldn't sweat as easily so I would overheat a lot. I thought it was normal for kids not to sweat.
As an adult when I sweat I get super itchy, and then I peel when I scratch.

The sun feels like tiny pins shooting into my skin on hot days.

People think it's gross and don't want to touch me. I'm suspecting this is why it's hard for me to find a job, too.


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Emma Starr
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh wow, that is so much to deal with:( I'm so sorry you have to deal with all of it.

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Although I'm female, I've generally held male dominated jobs like doing security work, warehouse work, building sites etc.

I f*****g HATE that this is such a novelty for so many people - men especially. I've been told I'm considered attractive too, which actually tends to make it worse.

For a while, I was working for a company as a plasterer and the boss decided to take me around to three different sites. Not to get me oriented, meet the team or survey the work I'd be doing - oh no.

He walked me round to see every single one of his boys just to declare that he had (God forbid) a female plasterer working for him and that come next inspection, the equality and diversity people could suck it. He also invited them all to ask me questions about myself and declared that 'such a pretty one' shouldn't be doing such dirty work. Then he bombarded me with questions about my training up until that point. Because I was a self-taught plasterer, he spoke to me as if I'd unlocked the secret to eternal life. I learned on my own volition? A woman? Good God, what is this madness?!

Never been so mortified in my life. Worked for them for four months before the guy started avoiding paying me and I got the Hell outta there. Like dude, I just want to do my job, go home and get paid like everyone else - wtf?


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Why did you feel mortified, you haven't done anything wrong? If anyone disrespects you, the best you can do is distancing yourself from them asap. Hope you found a better work place.

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Anxiety. It gets to the point where I am unable to function and sometimes if it continues complete disassociation from reality, where I dont comprehend what is happening. It feels as if O were floating on the outside of my body barely in control of it


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Geeki Nikki
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have crazy anxiety issues. I can breakout into hives. My arms and hands can go numb. I'll have heart palpitations. I do my best to just get out of my head and breath but it can be hard. Just have to keep trying and not be ashamed of it. We will all be ok!

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The price of things we pay for these days and the 1% keep raking in the money.


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Hope Cows&Chickens
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Remember back in 2016 when Bernie kept saying that the 400 richest Americans have half of the country's wealth? That was 6 years ago and It's only gotten more lopsided. And it will continue to get more and more lopsided because nothing is being accomplished to prevent it.

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Toxic Dysfunctional Family Members.
I can not fix them, it is not my obligation to fix them. So, I put myself into Family Witness Protection Program. I moved where they can not find me.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I left the country for over 11 years, and no one knew where I was. I came back, and I am back in Hell, unable to leave.

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The horrible grammar and spelling on so many posts makes me think many people never went to school.



The way my mind wanders when I have to do chores. I'm a very messy person because of it.


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Donkey boi
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I used to have that problem. For me headphones were the game changer. Bee Gees 'One Night Only' album (I have no idea why!), headphones on/in, Smashed those chores!

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my autism and ADHD... I cant focus in school and I cant survive even 15 minutes in a loud space.


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Wise beauty
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh man, as a person with ADHD, I already know how rough it is to focus, I can’t imagine how hard it is along with autism. The fact that people think that it’s easy to focus is infuriating to me.

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Working towards being content with life after extreme depression and anxiety issues to the point of attempted suicide. I’m getting much better but sometimes it’s just frustrating because it feels like there will always be relapses or really hard weeks/months.



Having a mechanical aortic valve at 34... There will never be peace and quiet in my head and body ever again because of the ticking valve. But it is keeping me alive...



My social anxiety by way of my lack of self-esteem/self-confidence. I've been told on many occasions that I am attractive and that I have "boyfriend qualities" but anytime I see someone I'm interested in I have a complete inability to ask them out. I just freeze and no words come out.


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Bob Stuart
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Instead, just be interesting, and watch for who seems interested. Women pre-select.

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Itching caused by nerve damage from chemo. It is slowly getting better but had me in tears at times at the start. Never would have believed itching could be so intense or come on so fast.



My medical conditions and peoples opinions about them. I have a long list of problems, many of which are chronic - meaning they're never going away or getting better. I already feel bad enough that I can't do the things I want to, telling me if I tried harder to get better then I could do those things - just pisses me off! And just because you can't see my disability, doesn't mean I don't have one! I'd like to see some of them live with the pain I do on a daily basis! Yes, I have medications and pain pills, but they only do so much and I don't want to get addicted. Try learning about my conditions, do some research if you want to understand why I'm like this. But mostly, have compassion and be glad you don't have to go through this


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Agreed. I believe every human on earth has their own burdens, and if you don't understand what another is going through, either try to learn, or try to sympathize, but keep your judgements to yourself.

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People with horrible attitudes. Some can change, but others will not. They think they are so entitled to EVERYTHING! (please understand i said some people do change.)


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Huddo's sister
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You often have to pick your battles. Some people won't listen, or aren't ready to listen, so you just have to let them go for your own wellbeing. If there is someone who is unsure or open to listening then it is fantastic when you can get through to them and change their outlook but it is not your responsibility to constantly battle someone who won't change.

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I don't mind being autistic, what I do mind is it's a disability but no one cares. They still expect you to do everything exactly like anyone else. I'm decent at masking, but that's just hiding who I am. You can't really be my friend if I have to hide from you.

I have lots of ideas that I love to share. Unfortunately, because I can't easily relate to neurotypicals I'm incapable of selling anything. "Selling" in terms of ideas that is. I try. I study every aspect of relating to others but neurotypicals are full of contradictory behaviors that they don't see. Like playing hard to get. I understand the concept. It feels good to be wanted so much that someone is willing to work to get your affection. But you're rejecting the other person and that feels bad to them. There are a million other examples.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Although I am not autistic, my nephew is. His mother worker very hard with him to make eye contact when speaking with people he is comfortable with. One day, we were having a conversation, and I looked away for a minute. He called me on it, and I was proud of him. He is developmentally delayed as well, about age 8, although he is 33, and much smarter than a lot of "normal" people. I am so sorry that you can't find someone who "gets" you. I feel blessed to have my guy in my life. He is not related by blood, but closer than most of my family.

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Eating. If I could get my nutrition out of a pill I pop that sucker and never slow down. It's to much trouble to cook it, eat it, put up the leftovers and then clean the pots and pans that you couldn't wash while you were cooking. I miss the days when I was only responsible for myself. At least then I could fix a sandwich and eat it over the sink.


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Huddo's sister
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I get what you mean about the exhaustion from cooking, cleaning and even the eating itself. I have had days where I was too tired to eat, even though the food was in front of me and my mum didn't understand why. I thankfully do live on my own, so if I don't eat it's not so bad, but I want to have kids soon so I will have to make sure they eat. I have been trying to get into the habit of cooking one-two meals a week and then eating the leftovers/other frozen meals the other days. If you really can't eat but need the nutrition Sustagen drink is pretty good. My sister used to drink it as well as having normal meals once a day because she was underweight and wasn't getting enough nutrients.

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The constant, incessant ringing in my ears.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Tinnatus is a real burden for those who suffer. My sister is just about driven crazy by it. She blames Eric Clapton.

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Controversial. Being gay? It’s not a f**king choice and I’m convinced life would be easier if I was just the same as most folks. But you learn to deal with it. Like it or lump it - if you do the latter, you’ll be miserable for your entire life.


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Joel Hopkins
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think this is probably location dependent. Being gay in Iran or Saudi Arabia, very controversial or possibly even dangerous, in West Hollywood or Wilton Manors, not so much.

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Putin. I sixteen and live in America. I would put a bullet through his head anyday. My grandparents lived in Ukraine. Yesterday my great grandma turned 100. She stepped in front of a bullet to save her dog. They killed the dog anyways. It was a Husky named Moscow. Russia is destroying itself.


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Gabby M
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

{{{Pixel}}} So horrible for you sweetheart I am so sorry for your loss.

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Rosacea and (non alcohol related) Cirrhosis. No cure for either of 'em. Not really life threatening but bloody irritating nonetheless!



Oh, well, I have a list of correlated issues: being constantly misgender; hormones not working properly on my body and not one single doctor making the effort to figure out why; being incapable to work due to autism (I don't speak IRL) and brain damage and therefore not having the means to pay for better doctors ou surgeries. All the crap that comes with the mix of autism and PTSD, the never-ending guilt, the wish to leave this damn prision of a house that is slowly driving me insane but the lack of capability to do so. Brain damage that went undiagnosed for years due to medical prejudice blaming me not being able to walk on my weight meanwhile it's quite the opposite I'm fat cause I can't walk. Being unable to lose weight due to not being able to walk, and my weight not helping with hormones or the misgendering issue. Being constantly treated like I'm mentally r******d or a child just because I don't talk, while I have almost genius IQ (128). Plus to top it all off the whole fear and crap that comes with being LGBT+ in Brazil.



In my 60's, allowing toxic family members back in my life, wrecking my sanity once again, re-living the Hell that was my childhood , and developing new health issues that have confounded my doctors.


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Hope Cows&Chickens
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Toxic fam is the worst! At one point in time I considered faking my own death just so I could live in peace.

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That billionaires exist in the same space as houseless individuals



Ageism. I am still a vibrant and active person but as I grow older, people I know and new people I meet, treat me differently. I have a superior education, agile mind, drive, walk just fine, watch TV/look at computers to know what people are talking about . . . but I am not included in conversations or invitations. Jokes surface about eating early, not staying out late, or needing eye glasses. And a few gray hairs have axed me out of boyfriends and the dating pool. HATE THIS!


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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Relatable. I am childfree, and I have a passion for learning. This means I am frequently in environments with a mix of ages. WOW everyone loves to make some rather insane assumptions about me (older, and younger). All the assumptions seem to be ageist or sexist. Apparently once you are beyond college aged, you are expected to be incapable of social interaction, learning, or fun. Can't play sports, games, read, or learn a new skill. Very weird. Also, I guess if someone isn't exactly my age, I shouldn't talk to them? I don't get it, at all.

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The US government taxes the money you earn. Then the same money when you spend it. Or, if you invest it, and it makes money, you get taxed on that!

How is our government in debt when they take so much?!


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Stealthee 3k
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Because the government doesn't know how to budget. Now the US government doesn't get anything on purchases, that's just state and local levels and even depends on where you live/what you buy sometimes. Anyway the government's problem is spending more than they make.

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Single guy here... one of those things: As soon as you show interest in someone who has showed interest in you, suddenly they lose interest. W T F ?!


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Stealthee 3k
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Or even better, if you show interest they get disinterested, then you "ignore" them and they get interested again, but then you shoot your shot and they have "moved on" because they didn't think you liked them.


My intense (sometimes good?) mood swings


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I can agree with this one as well! I'll be happy, then all of a sudden I'm a furious beast!


When you get something out of the fridge and leave it open expecting it to close by itself like it has always done so, and then shortly afterwards you hear the annoying beep reminding you to go close it.

Or vice versa

When you have tons and tons of shopping you need to put in the fridge and everytime you turn your back it shuts itself on you. 😑🙄


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Your fridge beeps? I am so glad mine doesn't. I can't imagine that.

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My metabolism. Everything that is wrong with me today was caused by doctors screwing up 30 years ago. People always assume that if you're overweight, it must be because you're a lazy slob, even though it's been proved that many overweight people actually eat less than normal weight people. I just read an article that said that ALL mammals seem to be getting heavier, so something is going on besides over eating and sedentary living.(https://www.livescience.com/10277-obesity-rise-animals.html)
I am not sure how it became OK for people to make such assumptions about a person, just because of their looks. BP is filled with people who see a picture of an overweight animal or child and just assume someone is overfeeding (and feel the need to jump in and criticize)...but it might not be the case.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

We're flooding the environment, and especially ourselves, with plastics that can cause hormone responses, straight up growth hormone, and antibiotics that are killing our internal balance. It's no shock that weight gain is an issue.

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My siblings


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't know your age or your circumstances, but I just want to put out there that my sister and I, once mortal enemies, are now best of friends. It took 40+ years, but we made it thru. It's not necessarily a life sentence, unless you wish it to be. Estrangement is always difficult within families.

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I don't know exactly what it is, but it sounds like a fan motor or blades, or ventilation pipes, but there's a constant tremor, vibration emanating all over my apartment. In some places it's intense, such as in the bathroom. It's never quiet in the bathroom to take a peaceful, relaxing bath. I've been sleeping with earphones for years (I just don't want to move). The fixtures rattle at times. Sometimes, on a very windy day, there's a bottle-blowing sound coming from somewhere close outside that echoes all over, even with the windows closed.
I've spoken to management about it several times. They gotten maintenance to inspect the roof and tell me everything is okay.
Sometimes one or both neighbours keep their bathroom fans on all night and day and I can't tell them to shut them off. I can hear them in the bedroom loudly when I'm trying to sleep, over my sleep music in my earphones.
*end rant*


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Is Be
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I can't imagine how you can live like this. Do noise canceling headphones work for you?

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When people comment on my burn scaring I have some rude people say stuff about it. I know it there I just want you to go on about your day like it is not. I know it was horrible I know I almost died so I know. I get real down out about when people comment about it. But I can't control it. I wish I didn't have it but it is part of my life now. But I wish people would not comment on and go about there day.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Burn scarring is so beautiful!!!! Victory scars! To show you kicked life on the nuts! You said “Motherf^cker, i’m still here whether ya like it or not!”

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Raising my kid
Can’t control how they are going to turn out all you can do is try. And hope friends and media won’t win in the end


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Just try your best, push, but don't push to hard. It will work out if you don't loose hope! (Dont have kids but someone once told me this.)

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Can’t change or fix your family. Whether it’s religion, politics, life experiences or choices. There is family that loves you unconditionally and family that will pass judgement and write you off. At 38 I still can’t fix that nagging feeling of being a disappointment or not making my family proud. Even knowing I accomplished great things, it wasn’t their idea of what great is, or where I should be in life. It sucks



Having to pee. When you're finally able to focus on schoolwork - gotto pee and it's gone. When you're having a really good, intense conversation with a friend and they're pooring their heart out - gotto pee. Finally in a warm and cosy bed after a long day - gotto pee. Just left your house for a long trip.. You'll get the picture.



obsessive . compulsive . disorder .


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The fact that I want to cease to exist 80% of the time but I don’t want to be a failure and a disappointment to my parents who consider giving up in general a fail.


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Susan Hammons
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have the desire to simply "not exist" when I am in a depressive episode (I have bipolar disorder, but primarily depression.). Perhaps you could talk to someone you trust about counseling or see a doctor? I'm concerned for you.


My lack of freedom. I'm not allowed to go anywhere or do anything. Sometimes I'm allowed to go somewhere with someone but they need literally everything about the parents and they still say no. I have only ever had one sleepover and I've never been inside any of my friends houses. This is especially bad right now because my friend asked me to see sonic two with him and my mom said yes for once and my dad vetoed because he has never met my friend even tho my mom has.... And I'm gay.. and there's no way to even get pregnant because it's a movie theater and my friend doesn't have a penis



I can't go to clubs, concerts, bars, restaurants or anywhere with fast flashing, blinking or strobe lights. I can't go to a movie theater or watch any type of "fast action" tv shows or movies (in the dark). I can't play 90% of console or pc games I like (so I watch streamers and/or friends play). I have to close and cover my eyes near P.D. blue lights in evening & night time (no I don't drive) plus I have to wait til I'm far away to uncover them. I wanted to join the USAF since I was 10 but at 12 knew I would have failed the physical. Although I've worked since I was 15 (except when recovering from injuries) I still can't work in many places/fields because I'm considered a major Liability. I've had more injuries, TBI's & concussions than entire NFL football teams. I'm not allowed to drive which is a good thing but I'm also not allowed live or go anywhere alone. I'm now 44, still working odd jobs to help support myself. Until 2016 I've never filed for disability but was denied 2xs. I have all the paperwork, records, Drs explain my main condition along with the issues I developed because of it, even my neurologist who specializes (22 years) in my condition testified. The SSDI "judge" said he has trusted a Dr as his consultant for 10 years tell "No one is going to pay her to have seizures" I have NESD (Non-Epileptic Seizure Disorder) & minor conditions that developed through injuries from seizures. It sucks & it's heart-breaking when you have no real life, freedom and privacy.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You should look into VNS. It won't get you driving probably but it could help with some of the other stuff. Sorry about the disability bs, you definitely should qualify.


When browsing Bored Panda and several “load 10 mores into a list” that you’re enjoying. You swipe the page the littlest bit diagonal and bam you onto a new list.

But worse when you swipe back you have to scroll and load the items again to get back to your place. In your frustration you scroll the tiniest bit diagonal…..






People say they want smart leaders but what they really want is someone to make things seem simple so they feel smart.


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Random things always tend to break faster than you can fix ‘em



Panromantic Asexual here. The fact that most people can't separate romantic attraction from sexual attraction and just getting the bi/pan erasure on top of the Ace erasure makes me think my life would be easier if I had just been born Aromantic as well.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

People seem to be woefully bad at relationships, in general. There's only three options for most people: family you put up with, war-bonding(task related relationships), or sexual attraction. It's actually way more complicated, but people like their easy boxes, and get very angry if you won't fit one.


That everything is loud. I’m feeling warm, and i turn on the fan and i can hear it even when i put earmuffs on. those ones at car races. turn on the ac and i can still hear it


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That I am introvert. I hate it how I find human interaction stressful and tiring.


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Bob Stuart
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If you can get along alone, you can focus on discovering new things that can't be seen by distracted people. Pointing them out is another people problem, but at least you have something worth their attention.

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People who hold very strong opinions but don't actually know WHY they hold them..


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People who never stop complaining about how bad the USA is. Just because we have bad healthcare and terrible bosses doesn't mean the whole country sucks.


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Dyslexia. I swear everyone tells me this learning disability will help me one day, but two failed chem tests because I read the entire thing backward doesn't help anything. I sometimes get lost while driving because I can't tell left from right, I can barely read my own handwriting, and learning a new language is nearly impossible! So far, I haven't found anything that can fix it


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Huddo's sister
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have a problem with people saying 'x disability is actually an asset' because they make it sound like you should be grateful for the condition. You can learn a lot because you have a disability, in the way you have to deal with it, but the condition itself is still a b***h. I think it is more important to focus on what you can achieve despite the disability. You may always struggle with school work and not want to go to college, for example, but you might find your place in a particular workforce where it doesn't impede you and you can be really happy. I just hope you are able to get the support you need to achieve what you want. I know this can be hard, especially for things like dyslexia or autism because the system doesn't recognise what support you need. I don't know your situation but one of my friend's sons was dyslexic and has adhd and other things and his mum was able to make sure he had a scribe during tests and stuff.

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My attachment issues. One example is: a few days ago, my favorite teacher left my school, and I was extremely attached to her, to the point that I've been crying on and off since I found out, I cant focus, and my anxiety went through the roof being worried about her. If anyone knows a way to not get attached so easily, let me know please.



When people message me (at work) just part of the message, then hit enter. They type multiple sentences, hit enter, then pause to type the next. So, I stop what I'm doing and wait (and wait) for them to type, which is a waste of time.

Oftentimes, I'm unsure when they are done typing and I can answer, so I have to wait a little longer to be sure they're done. Or alternatively, I start typing a response and we end up "talking over each other".

I've tried just ignoring it until they have not sent a new message in a minute or two, but often I just forget about it and I don't want to leave them hanging.

Please stop. Type the entire thing, then hit enter. You can even do Ctrl-enter or Shift-enter in almost all messaging apps to put a line break in there for readability.



My dad pressuring me to have children, when I know I don’t want them. I really don’t wanna be pregnant, like I don’t want the experience. I would rather adopt if I ever have kids. Anyways, I’m gay, and he doesn’t even know that yet. Anyways, I’m not even 25, and that’s weird.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

There is literally only one good reason to have children. Because you very much want them. And you're old enough to tell him that

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The two toxic a** b****es in my friend group. They won’t stop making plans in front of us and not inviting us at all. Then the rub it in after they go hangout together.


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Danniee Gyrl
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Just a suggestion: When these two people start making plans, walk away from them. These type of people live off of chaos and confusion. If you starve them of their attention seeking ways they will disappear

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i get distracted on my computer at school alot, and i have intense focus issues, which can make long tedious important school assignments really hard to do.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think we are all getting worse at this. Before the computer age, I read, all the time, day and night. Now, I can't read without distraction for more than a half hour, and I try but fail to sit through a two hour movie. I've gotten in the habit of skimming the headlines instead of reading the articles, and on the internet, I can sample 15 topics, instead of reading in depth about one. You've probably heard it before, but I think maybe less computer time = longer attention span.

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The fact that many people do not teach their animals leash manners.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

ofc i saw a person taking his dog on a walk. its leash wasnt even a leash it was a rope. and to get it in the right area to walk he literally beats its butt cheeks with a think stick!!


Random people automatically assuming that i play Netball because I'm female and tall. No offense intended, but I hate Netball. Netball sucks. I don't play it and I never, ever, ever will.


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robin woordes
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Same for me and basketball. I tried it, I sucked and now leave me alone.

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There are some things in my life irritating me without being possible to fix it, but as of lately:

Bored Panda randomly and without notice suspending me temporarely from posting.

Reading and Posting hear is something I thought I can do even when due to depression my energy is on it's lowest. But than being suspended for nothing and without notice Bugs me a lot.

I mean: what did I do? I'm not swearing or posting insppropriate stuff?

I posting the same as ever and it only started recently (about a month ago) with the suspending. It steals the fun out of bored panda. I'd rather leave soon if it keeps Happening cause it's another thing depression me. -.-


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think BP has started doing that a lot lately. I got hit for using the word S-t-r-i-p-p-e-r in reply to a post about them.

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My attachment issues. One example is: a few days ago, my favorite teacher left my school, and I was extremely attached to her, to the point that I've been crying on and off since I found out, I cant focus, and my anxiety went through the roof being worried about her. If anyone knows a way to not get attached so easily, let me know please.



Silly really, compared to many of the posts above but....the flimsy plastic bags rolled up on a hanger that you find in shops,supermarkets etc.to fill with your fruit,vegs and what ever.....they are virtually glued to-gether and to prize them open is a battle not won..Tetra-packs,jars with lids hermetically closed...you´ll need to be a heavy-weight wrestler to open them...I actually had to take a jar of pickles back to the store and ask them to open it...even tea-bags need a pair of scissors now-a-days...





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That I didn't have any input on rather I wanted to be born or not so I'm forced to live here in this existence with a bunch of ppl who suck because they probably hate it here too but we can't bond on that fact alone because they too are miserable existing.



Your mom.
No actually the still ridiculous unacceptance of lesbians like we're dating women deal with it.


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Crappy “friends”


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Forgot to say this, but I know this can be fixed but I never fix it due to validation problems ( for example,I won’t do anything unless somebody else approves) whenever I try to confront the “friend” my other friends get mad at me and blame me for god knows what.


Others opinions


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El Dee
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Other people's opinions aren't your business or even your problem, whatever they're about - even you..

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Being short as a man.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Noo i bet your great. Good people are good because they at least have a conscience. Most who say stuff like “I hate myself” is because they think they do bad stuff but in reality they’re really nice because they are always making sure they are doing the right thing because of an over-bearing conscience.


getting up early


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

yes ofc getting up early affect your mental health! and ofc it will strain your eyes too!

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Misogynistic barriers set by men in their 50’s.


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Misogynistic barriers set by men in their 50’s.


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The Air in Chip Bags!!!!! :(


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

yes they take more money and give the chips which costs like 1% of the price, i pay 10 for chips and get like only a little chips in it


The sexism when making clothes. I mean why are girls flowery, bright and colourful and boys are plain, dark and have pictures. It's a gender stereotype and it needs to go.


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Suicidal thoughts, my parents, my school and church counselors, and self harm urges


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

yes ofc i even tried to do it :( but im too small like im just 11 i and i get suicidal thoughts

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Being alive



The fact that I walk a lot faster than everyone else. So whenever I'm in a crowded hallway I'll be all stop go, stop go until I get to a large open area.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ahahaha, me too as a teen. My MIL still does this but fortunately I can keep up. You will probably be in a place in life where you can walk as fast as you want when you want sooner than it seems.

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body judging!!!


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People always asking why I'm not with a man. I've been single 13 years. I have 2 teenagers one special needs, 2 jobs, an uncle I care for 24/7, animals with health issues, Im always tired due to extreme low iron and I rescue bottle babies when I can. I hate people, I have anxiety, I don't like to talk much, I'm shy. I have depression issues. People don't understand where I'm coming from or what goes on in my life so I don't bother trying to extend that to another person anymore. I'm happy cuddling with my animals every night. If one day someone comes along that can handle everything in my life great if not great as well!


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When your parents call your name, you call back, they don't answer. You then walk to them, and it's something dumb. "oH, yOu'Ve BeEn In ThAt DaRn RoOm So LoNg!"

"iT's BeCaUsE oF tHaT dAnG pHoNe."


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My Husband.


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My skin. I have atopic dermatitis ever since I was born, and somedays it's really wearing me down.
I got a new medication about 1.5 years ago and it's so much better, but I still have days where I just cannot deal with it.


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Not so much in my life specifically but still: The existence of so-called influencers.


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childhood trauma



When I was forced to Move to Germany. A place tbst I only knew from vacations. I never got the chance to move back to the states.


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Huddo's sister
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Although I don't fully understand, I get that it would be hard, feeling like you are cut off from your homeland and culture. My stepdad was born in England and moved to Australia when he was 10. He has been back to England a few times, but not for more than 15 years. He really wanted to take my mum to see where he grew up and thought he would have the time when he retired but is tied to the house they just bought and the numerous animals they have so it's not looking likely which is sad.

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All of the marijuana dispensaries advertising on the radio stations. I hate hearing that crap when I'm in the car with my kids.....and I smoke weed.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't even care about what my kids think of it, it's just annoying. I hate those ads for the same reason I now hate the band Red Hot Chilli Peppers: they aren't objectively bad but they just displace everything else.

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One of my roommates. On ssdi, and there’s a 5+ year waiting list for housing here in Vegas. This guy is an id10t and for instance, thinks it ok to pee outside. I’m afraid he’ll pee in our pool knowing I love to swim in it in the summer.


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Marty Sunderland
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's awful. You should all get together and find new lodgings for your awful roommate.

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Family. You can’t change your family members.


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Father in law


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My husband's racist bigotry father. We don't necessarily have a good relationship. Neither does my husband too him. Makes me want to scream.


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Procrastination. Fibro symptoms. Stupidity. Lack of sympathy. Phony people.


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Bilateral profound deafness due to Meniere’s disease and the belief some have that a cochlear implant provides "normal" hearing.


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Sad truth:
I cannot fix what is so deeply broken inside my boyfriend’s mind, heart and soul. Love can’t fix everything, unfortunately.


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The fact that when someone tries to tell you something that is a common fact, and when you get angry, they say "I was only trying to help."


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Racism and sexism. Like, we’re all people, if you want to pretend you’re better than someone because of the hormones in your body or the melatonin of your skin, then you should keep it to yourself and burn in hell


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tRUMP and his litter, repukes that kiss his fat ass.


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The general public never reading signs in all the places I've ever worked and currently worked. It doesn't matter how many, how big, or placement of said signs...people just choose to not read them then get Karenfied when told "sorry, can't do that" "well why not" *points to sign*


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The cost of heart worm preventatives for dogs. There is no reason for these to be so costly, and the expense just about guarantees that a lot of dogs from low income areas will test heart worm positive. My rescue group took in 42 dogs after Hurricane Katrina. 38 were tested positive. This could have been made much better if the medication was a lot less expensive.


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A coworker. They only do things they like. They ignore legitimate work. They are NEVER on time. EVER. They are not a team player. They slack off every chance they get and only do the bare minimum. They leave things for others to do. After 2 years, they still don't understand their basic job.
My boss used to complain to me about them, and that fed my anger and frustration.
I finally told my boss:
1) YOU created this monster by not correcting them at the outset.
2) I don't want to hear about it anymore
It's not any better, but I just do my job and ignore them


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Having to watch as the increasing divide in political views in the United State slowly but surely erodes the quality of life of those of us living here. Far to much cruelty, senselessness and lack of empathy or understanding is destroying what remained of the elusive American Dream. It just makes me so sad.


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I can take meds to mitigate but it's impact over the years and increasing severity as I get older is very concerning to me. I just hope my son doesn't have it too.


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The disparity between the "haves" and the "have nots". I always thought if there needs to be a minimum wage, it should be enough to cover the cost of living in this county (USA), which I believe was the original intention. Conversely, why is there no "maximum wage", as there nothing that someone like Jeff Bezos could ever do to actually EARN the absurd amount of money he makes. It seems obscene.


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this rat in my house, which people say is my sister. she is so annoying!!!!!. she always makes me cry. she beats me. says bad about me.


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Other. People.


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People having conversations during live performances. If I don't say something, I have to endure it and the performance is ruined for me. If I do say something, I run the risk of just making them speak louder or a confrontation. It is a lose/lose situation.


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I strongly suspect I have autism but my mom downplays it and I probably won't be able to get a diagnosis. I also can't really come out to my friends and family, because they'll just continue to misgender me while insisting they're trying.


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My daughter's terrible boyfriend/fiance. They live with me, and I can hardly stand to be in the same room with him. I'm disabled due to chronic arthritis pain, back pain, and anxiety, and he can't wrap his head around what it's like to be older and have such severe pain that you can't stand up or walk for more than twenty feet at a time. Neither of them can. She used to understand somewhat, but he's turned her against me. He is constantly saying, in response to my pain, 'My gramma (who raised him) has terrible back pain and has a plate in her back, and she works full-time as a custodian.' Well, I'm sure she can obviously stand and walk a lot further than me. He's loud, he and she are constantly calling each other nonsensical little names (the most annoying of which is 'bubbie'), and they do this thing where they both have to say 'Umm' (and it's not "Umm' as in um i dont know, its umm like yum yum), to each other when they have to be apart and one of them is leaving. Every morning at four-thirty am he watches his anime programs with the volume so high that I can't believe the neighbors don't complain, all the while trading the nonsensical nicknames with my daughter and yelling things just to yell because apparently his life is so awesome he just can't contain it. And don't even get me started on the PDA. I can hear their lips smacking when they kiss in their room, which is next to mine. And he knows it is annoying, but does it just to needle me. He knows better, because for a while his gramma forbade him to bring my daughteralong to any of their family gatherings, even on holidays, because they just sat in the corner doing their little routine and not talking to anyone else. I used to think she was too hard on him, but now I know why. He needs clear boundaries stated and, a disciplinary system to keep him in line. I can't wait until they move out, if they ever do.


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the fact that my type of chick always ends up being gay for some reason... or trans, that happened once.



Lots of people apparently cannot lock their car doors without setting off the car horn. This is so annoying. Why they do this is a mystery to me. There isn't a single day that I can walk from the parking lot into the workplace without having to hear half a dozen bleating car horns ruining the early morning still. I'd rather enjoy a moment before the workday begins listening to the breeze and the birds, but instead it's the honk, honk, honk of idiots locking their car doors.



My husband


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Okay, you may not be able to change the person, but you can certainly change your relationship with them.