Life is too short for regrets!


When I was in high school, in English class we had a really, really nice teacher and the boys taught him a popular song in Spanish so he could sing to the Spanish teacher on her birthday. Except they changed the words to it and it quickly became inappropriate. Since I spoke Spanish, the English teacher asked me if they were pulling his leg and making him sing bad words in Spanish. I told him no, they weren't bad words and he trusted us. He went and sang the song to the Spanish teacher and was actually called to the principal's office! He told us all about it and we each offered a sincere apology because he was so serious and said he might get fired, and then he started laughing uncontrollably and said we were the best class EVER!


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Freya the Wanderer
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Glad to know your mischief ended well. It could have been a lot worse all the way around.

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    I the navy, after a night of drinking a few buddies and I decided to prank one of our friends that was passed out. So we woke up early the next day and bought all the girliest and most rediculous temporary tattoos we could find. So we came back he was still sleeping so we put the tatts all over his arms and legs and just waited. That next morining during muster in pt gear in the hot florida sun. He stood there with My little pony, Strawberry Shortcake, Bratz, and other tattoos everywhere and the Chief laughed and gave us the culprits extra watch for a week.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nothing wrong with so called "girly' (no such thing) tattoos.

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    My bestie & I lived next door to each other in elementary school. On the other side of her house lived a family with three boys, all older than us. They were skeevy...they were constantly trying to peek in her bedroom window & called us all kinds of nasty names. Their parents were meh about their sons' behavior & the father was a complete jackass to our parents. So one day, after her parents had rototilled the backyard in preparation for a new lawn, bestie & I grabbed up clods of dirt & chucked them over the fence into the family's swimming pool. Like, a LOT of them. We both got seriously busted & NEITHER of us regrets it. In fact, well over 30yrs later we STILL laugh about it!



    The only april fools joke i ever played, i put green food colouring in cartons of long life milk just thinking my mum would pour it out and laugh but she phoned the supermarket and milk company to complain!!! 😱🤣



    We had an asshole neighbour growing up. He was retired and spent endless hours manicuring his lawn, bushes, flower beds. His yard looked immaculate, but he was such a d**k about it. Always making shitty comments about everyone else’s yards and yelling at the neighbourhood kids, threatening us if we ever set foot in his perfect yard. Anyways, he had a fountain as the center piece, one night me and my friends took a bottle of dish soap and emptied it into that fountain. Oh the bubbles!!! We climbed up onto my friends roof to watch the commotion. He went ballistic, we got into so much trouble .. but it was worth it to watch days and days of bubbles cover that asshole’s perfect yard. He moved away a few months later. No regrets.


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    Freya the Wanderer
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've heard about similar mayhem happening at conventions. If the hotel has a fountain in the lobby, some dingbat puts a bottle of soap in it - you can imagine the results--

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    I kinda blew up my high school chemistry lab

    I graduated in 1980 (before the times of Homeland Security) and was majoring in chemistry. One of my good friends was a year ahead and off to college, and he sent me the "recipe" on how to make pop rocks (for those old enough to remember) thru chemistry

    Most people know that fertilizer explosives are made with fertilizer. This is ammonium nitrate, which is very stable. You can toss a match on it, nothing happens. The version down the periodic scale is ammonium iodide, which is NOT stable

    Long story short, I screwed up the instructions. I was supposed to make the ammonium iodide crystal and store them in a beaker of distilled water, but instead, I rinsed them in distilled water and place the handful of crystals on the back lab bench. Ammonium iodide is so unstable they will spontaneously combust by nothing more than a breeze or nearby vibration. Advanced chemistry was first period, so by third period they had dried out, and all hell broke loose

    They cleared the entire science wing out (10 classrooms) and the teachers and principal came looking for me and dragged me out of concert choir to explain. I'm damn lucky in those days that law enforcement was not involved

    To this day one of my classmates is still pissed at me. Some of the wash solutions was on the floor, and he stepped on it in white Converse and the puffs of smoke (iodine vapor) permanently stained his shoes

    We also had the recipe to make "stink bombs" but while I was never caught, everyone knew who the class mad scientist was



    Back in the day when pet rocks were a thing, our AP English teacher came back from a trip to Tibet, where he plucked a rock (named Herbie) from the highest peak he’d climbed. Roundish, granite, not unlike local rocks. So we three troublemakers stole Herbie, hid him at one of our homes, found a very similar rock and started to send ransom notes (cut out letters from newspapers, the whole hog). Teacher goes ballistic, can barely teach each time he got another note in his box. Eventually he figured out which kids were clever enough to pull it off. After about two weeks, we were all called into the principal’s office, where the principal wearily told us to ‘give your teacher back his rock.’ Mission accomplished. Of course we’d never harmed Herbie, who was guiltily produced from a backpack.



    My older brother told me that I'd never volunteer at a animal shelter or be a vet because I was some little girl who did nothing. About 5 years later I volunteered at a pet shelter. One day while working at the shelter someone tried to give up a snake. Of Corse as the person I was I adopted it as once. As my older brother was afraid of snakes I put my wonderful corn snake in my brothers bed... I got in so much trouble that night. It was worth it.



    I sewed up the bottom of the legs of my dad's pyjamas.


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    Jane Doe
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My one year old niece was crawling. She got feet pjs for Christmas and her moms put them on her. They were pretty big. I tied the legs together at the feet part and she got pretty mad trying to get on her knees to crawl but getting stuck. Ok. It was only for like a minute. And I felt a little bad.

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    When I was little, I would jump across the sofas in the basement while I watched TV. Jumping from the arm of the couch, to the other arm, to the loveseat... then I'd go back around and do it again. It was FUN! My little brother eventually started doing it with me. (Only when our parents weren't downstairs, of course.) One day as I was reaching the end of the "circuit," I heard someone coming down the stairs. I was able to jump off and stop, but didn't have time to warn my brother. So what my parents saw when they came down was my brother misbehaving and me just standing there. He got in trouble. I didn't get in trouble till the second time we got caught doing it. Honestly, my only regret is that we were caught and couldn't keep doing it.



    Once in middle school I went on a roof thingy that we could climb, I climbed it to the top and a teacher caught me and told me to come down, I told him I couldn't and that I was stuck, he groaned and called the principal to get me a ladder, he told me to tell him how and why I got there, I lied and said we were playing hide and seek and that I had the idea to get up here, then I ran and got down when the were halfway up the ladder and scaped thought the school door because it was open, the next day i got called to the principals office and got detention, my mother came to get me and wen we got in the car she told me to tell here everything, after i told the story she burst out laughing, totally worth it 😎



    Oh ya know,put some spiders in the bully’s locker and made him cry wah-wah to his mom.Turns out he had arachnophobia.No regrets.



    In the middle school we got really mean religion teacher (in Poland they teach you about it in schools).
    She was unbearable, demanded some XIX century obedience, strict code on standing, calling her per professor, was screaming at everyone constantly and was bullying kids she didn't like, even punched some kids if needed.

    Me being a little rebelious brat at the time i couldn't just sit and look at her behavior and we got into a lot of fights.
    It ended up that parents sign me off from religion class.
    All good.

    About a month later my friend quit classroom during religion class all crying because she was again called names by teacher and she had enough.
    So i grabbed emergency fire hose that was on the corridor and entered class wanting to scare teacher. Little i knew that it was actually working hose and when i pull the handle, water just went with quite force out of it and i flooded classroom.

    Of course i was detained and got grounded like hell but i don't regret it a bit.

    After such dramatic event they started to listen to kids complains and saw a pattern. Someone apparently even recorded her outbreak and she got fired.



    In fifth grade, I had a panic attack in the middle of class due to the teacher yelling at me. I tried to get water and get out of the classroom. She grabbed me and pulled me back, I slapped that hag in the face.



    Got beat up by some bullies. The leader was real proud of his hot rod with dual exhausts. Went to Kmart & bought a dozen foam balls about the size of softballs. Took a broom handle & stuffed 6 balls up the exhaust pipes of both exhausts. Next time I drove by his house they were all standing around the car scratching their heads with the hood up. Don’t know how it ultimately ended, though. Not as bad as the time I poured a gallon of linseed oil in the gas tank of a new truck that belonged to a guy who ripped me off.


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    Stephanie IV
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow. That’s more than petty revenge. Are you sure you want the law of the jungle?

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    High school, senior year. The student parking lot is supervised and open certain morning and afternoon hours for students, and locked during school hours to prevent tardiness and ditching class, and of course for security purposes. Only one designated student assistant was allowed to borrow the key to let someone through for special circumstances. Well a friend knew that person, and was able to borrow the key, get it duplicated, then return within 30 minutes, so five friends and I now had the privilege! We made use of it a few times to go get fast food during lunch break, leave school early, or some arriving fashionably late.

    The best was when my friend arrived over an hour late, during a phoned-in bomb threat just a few months after 9/11. While the entire student and faculty body was evacuated to the stadium overlooking the parking lot, we watched him pull up, unlock, lock, park and stroll over to join us during this heightened security bomb search phase...somehow not getting caught?!?!

    Same friend was later caught during a routine lunch outing and quickly confessed to all of us having keys. I think only the person who made the copies was punished, the rest of us just got stern lectures. I will never forget the lesson that our friend really did nothing wrong for being ratting us out; he was simply being honest. We all played a game and eventually lost - we all gotta own that! It was absolutely worth it for the lunchtime freedom food!


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lesson? He ratted you for no reason. The lesson to learn here is a lesson about that so-called friend, and only about him!

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    When I was 11 I tried to brew my own root beer. The recipe called for sugar and yeast, and sitting in a dark cool place for a while. So of course when I went to try it I got a little buzzed.
    My mom noticed and made me pour it out. After waiting what seemed like forever to a kid, I was upset about not being able to enjoy the final product, but I now understand her decision. And I've dabbled a little in homebrewing since coming of age.


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    This one's not funny. It still hurts when I think about it. I had just gotten my driver's license and was driving through our neighborhood on my way to school. I accidently hit a squirrel. I stopped and ran back to see what happened, think what to do. It was screeching in pain with half of its intestines falling out. I got back into the car and proceeded to try to run it over again to put it out of its misery - but it took quite a few back-ups and forths to line up everything. By the time I got to school I was sobbing uncontrollably. I got a detention for being late. It was still worth it to put that poor thing out of its misery. To this day, I still don't like driving, and tense up when I hear a sound like that poor hurt squirrel.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I told this story once when a group was sharing new driving stories. They thought it was really funny. Meh... it's funny if it's not you I guess.

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    As a teenager first learning to drive, it was my job to taxi my siblings to and from school. One day a lady's car had gone off into a ditch and I didn't stop and help her. My mom found out (by a sibling I assume) and she was upset I didn't stop to help the person in the ditch. So, she took away all of my heavy metal and rock and roll CDs (this was the 90s). I grabbed my skateboard and a backpack and ran away from home, sleeping under the stars that night. The next day I crashed my skateboard and had wounds on my head and hands and elbow's etc from the concrete. I ended up walking home; and when she saw me, she just gave my CDs back and didn't say anything else. Sometimes I wish I'd never gone back, so I guess I have a regret.



    In high school (13 and new it all) I challenged my Christian science teacher how he could teach evolution when he didn’t believe in it which is very hypocritical. He didn’t take kindly to this as he was unable to answer it so I was sent to the deans office. Never did get an answer.


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    Tiny Dynamine
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    People rarely give an answer to something they can't justify when facts get in the way of their propaganda.

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    I wanted to teach my parents better habits as a child.
    They made their own cigarettes, so I made some with dried fish instead and put randomly amongst the others.
    I took the vodka (and put it in old bottles as I was to nice to throw it away) , washed the bottles and put in water and guppy fish.
    This was the day before my dads 40-th birthday and I wanted the party to stay sober.
    Then I went up the roof, pulled the ladder up and listened to the havoc.
    No regrets,nearly 40 years later.



    Honestly idk why those other submissions were hidden, so I upvoted them no regrets



    ...calling my math teacher Mr. Pistachio?



    Sorta funny sorta pathetic but when I was being discharged from the air force I had to wait on my paperwork. I was still actively drinking and had my security clearance pulled so I wasn't allowed to do my job. I got transferred to base landscaping so I mowed grass for the last 30 days. Virginia beach in the spring is amazing. Last Saturday night got drunk and thought it would be fun to drive the gulf carts. Took the mp's on the slow speed chase around the gulf course until I finished my bottle of jack Daniels. My 1st sergeant decided to leave me in the brig for a few days until my paperwork came through.

    Drunk tales are always bitter sweet. It looks s funny but I was still out of control back then



    I accidentally blew up our kitchen once.

    So we were deep-frying stuff, and I wanted to see if we could deep-fry mango pulp. So I pulled some from the fridge.

    Guess what happens when you mix hot oil and cold mango pulp?

    Yeah, it splattered everywhere. And caused a fire. I put it out quickly with a lid, cleaned up everything, and Mom and Dad still don't know. The result was delicious but very unhealthy. I didn't get caught, probably for the better...


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    Jane Doe
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Mixing oil and water is not about how they separate, it’s about how the oil forcibly rejects the water.

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    When in high school, our class Basketball team qualified for District Final Match, but we couldn't get permission to cheer on them.

    So we sneaked up, wrote the message on the blackboard, and closed the classroom.

    The next day the whole class were sent to the counseling room, but hey, it means another day off, yey

    still couldn't believe how we managed to convince the whole class including top students that normally would stay away from trouble



    Hung out every evening on the bleachers behind the junior high with a group, smoking cigarettes and getting high. Most nights, the cops would show up, driving fast across the field, to try to bust us, so we would run away. One night some of the boys brought shovels. They decided to dig a deep ditch across the pathway the cops drove. After an hour after being done, they got tired of waiting, lit a couple trash cans on fire. When the cops came, they hit that ditch at a good clip and the front end got stuck in there. We ran, laughing hysterically. Best juvenile prank I ever witnessed.



    In primary school (elementary school in America or something?) there was a ‘trend’ where we would get toilet paper in the bathroom, wet it with soap and water and throw it on the roof to see it stick. But basically everyone who did it would only do 2-3 so they wouldn’t draw attention or get in trouble. One day me and my two friend decided it was a good idea to do this.....until we completely overdid it and I kid you not every inch of the roof was soaked with toilet paper and there was soap dripping onto the floor! Some kids thought it was us because the bathroom was literally our hideout but we pretended to be as surprised as they were, furthermore we were so scared we were gonna get caught we went and reported it to the office! We told them we didn’t see who did it. My friends were good kids but I was a troublemaker and didn’t have a good reputation. After lying to 3 different teachers about what happens one of my friends gave in and told them. We got suspended for vandalism and had to write individual letters to all the teachers we lied to. I had fun though!



    i was working at a restaurant located on a military base that served the military as well as their families. fridays were always busy. our uniforms were very modest: 3/4 sleeved white blouse, black skirt to just below the knee, good shoes. we used trays to serve everything w/the largest being carried at shoulder height. in the middle of the friday rush my string bikini elastic broke & started to slip down while i was carrying a tray to a table of sailors.with no place to put the tray down, gave a little wiggle & literally walked on. when i went back to try to nonchalantly get them they were gone. seems the boss had seen the incident & while he thought it was hilarious told me that he didn't want to start demanding granny panties on his servers.


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    In my very first year of school (4 years old) I got in trouble for telling a kid older than me their pants ripped and I could see their thick butt. To make it worse the kid actually pooped their pants and it fell out as they ran to the teacher. Lol pre-K was fun



    So in grade 4 i put water on a bullies seat in class and he was wearing khaki pants so everyone thought he sh*t himself.



    We “Hijacked” our school. Plastered the windows with newspapers and nobody could get in the school building. The principle called the cops but we didn’t snitch on each other (whose idea it was). We had to relent and we all went to our classrooms. The principle was in our classroom balling us out, absolutely furious. His face was all red and he lit up a cigarette. As he was yelling at us he took a drag and BANG. We had snuck a fake ciggy in his pack. He nearly had a heart attack and we tried not to laugh but OMG it was so funny.



    My sister and I are about a year apart, she being the younger one. Back in middle school we would ride the bus to school and there was a girl that would always go out of her way to mess with my sister... kicking the seat, saying mean things, etc. We would mostly try to avoid her by sitting in the back of the bus so she couldn't sit behind her. One day we were unable to do so. The seat kicking began... and then she decided to spit gum in my sister's hair. Angry, I stood up and confronted her. Then she shoved me. Before I knew it, I blacked out and must have reflexively punched her in the face... and that inevitably turned into a bit of a brawl. My sister and I got kicked off the bus and had to walk to school. Long story short, the three of us ended up - parents in tow - in the principal's office. The girl's mother accused me of fracturing her daughter's eye socket and threatened my dad that she would sue 🙄. My sister and I ended up suspended for three days. My dad dropped us off at home and smiled, telling us to enjoy the day off. When the bus drove by at the end of the day,, we were out in the front yard, happily sunning ourselves in lawn chairs. She never messed with my sister again. Totally worth it.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I mean, I don't condone violence but sometimes though! One of my nephews had a similar incident when he was little with some girl who kept harassing him. He, like you and your sister, would always do the right thing and just try to avoid her and he would tell the bus driver, the teacher, and his parents about it. But she wouldn't stop! So one day my sister told my nephew to push her back (gently) only if she started pushing him. Sure enough, that happened and the girl (like your bully and all bullies when confronted) was crying at the top of her lungs and a parents' meeting was called. The girl's parents threatened to sue, to which the principal reminded them that the school buses had cameras and the school would provide the videos as requested. Next thing you know, the little girl was the best behaved student in the school bus!

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    Making my bully pee his pants in 3rd grade (he was in 5th I was in 3rd.) We were both in the library. The rule was no going to the bathroom without checking out your books. Me, being 8 pretended to not know how to work the checkout machine to annoy him. What I didn’t know was he really had to go to the bathroom. He checks out his books, but school is over so he can’t go to the bathroom. We board the bus and 10 minutes later he pees.



    My teacher was taking attendance and didn't see me in the back of the room.
    She kept calling and calling and calling my name. She didn't realize I was asleep.
    Got detention but it was definitely worth it.


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    April Miller
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't understand..? You broke the rule, no sleeping in class, and got in trouble for it.

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    i can whistle with my mouth mostly closed so one time my class had a substitute teacher and i was whistling and she was getting really pissed about the whistling and she made the kid who sat behind me go take a timeout out side of the class room


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    I got in trouble for coming home late at 9pm after spending the afternoon studying at the library. Reason why I had to go the library? I had to type a paper out and do research online. I had no internet / a computer at that time.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm sorry you got in trouble! I'm sure you persevered :)


    In primary school elementary school in America I took advantage of the fact that there was no one else in the housing estate I lived in that went to the same school as me. Where I grew up we always had pretty harsh winters and I for one would have preferred playing out in the snow than being in school. So when my parents went off to work leaving me to get the bus to school I just went back home. When I got home I just climbed through the the living room window I had left partially open just as we left the hose so I could get back in . When my mother came home at lunchtime I told her that the school was closed because of burst pipes and we were off for the rest of the week. To this day I can't believe they believed me. This was 1983 and we didn't have a phone so my mum didn't call to check. I got away with this for 3 days until my dad came home one lunchtime and told me that a he was talking to a work colleague whose daughter was in my school and the school was not closed at all. Busted big time. I was given my lunch and a big talking to and my dad brought me back to school, where
    I had to endure a lecture from Sister Pauline the school Principle. I went to an all girl Catholic school in Donegal Ireland. When I got back to class the girls on my table told me I was a legend and that they wished they'd thought of doing that. Still no regrets.


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    6 years old. Stole the neighbor’s antique car. Mustang convertible. Bright red. Got 3 feet from the driveway when it died and the cops arrested me and the 2 girls I talked into joining me. Also spray painted his truck and “a$$” on his garage door. Only bad word I knew how to spell. He was a jerk who would spray us with a water hose while we drew in chalk on the driveway of our own house and scream at us. He shouldn’t have left the garage door open and the keys in the ignition. I got a talking to and he got tickets. He deserved it. :)



    Sex. Super christian mom freaked out when I started having sex, so I was grounded till I moved out a year and half later. The grounding required an increased church frequency and shaming from the family christian councilor. Things I'd asked for some time to discontinue. The grounding wasn't a very effective though, we were in a rural area so there was nothing to ground me from. She didn't take away prom, though I was the only senior who had a personal chaperone. That was the only night I didn't laid.


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    My little sister was sitting on a yoga ball chugging root beer and for some reason I decided it would be hilarious if I squeezed the end of the bottle. I did and it went all over her and the yoga ball. My mom yelled at me for it, but I was laughing the whole time. I don't regret it at all.


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    There are many cases, but my favorite is that one time i glued my brother's shoes to the ground, because he was pissing me off, and gave my new L'Oreal make up kit to his girlfriend, where hatred was the only thing mutual between us.
    My mum was upset with me, that I ruined my brother's shoes, but I didn't give two fishes.



    Not me but my daughter...when she was a senior in high school she punched a bully in the face. Best suspension ever


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    Does anybody remember the Chatty Cathy dolls? If you do this will tickle you...

    My younger sister had gotten a Chatty Cathy doll for her birthday. I was ENTHRALLED by this thing! I mean obsessed with finding out how it worked. I couldn't get my mind away from it. Now these dolls had not been put together with screws and nuts and bolts which I knew how to deal with even at age 9 but a sealed unit like the body of a Chatty Cathy? I got a hammer from my grandfathers work shop, took the doll out behind his shop and proceeded to smash it open.... What lay inside was pure heaven in my eyes, get this, it was a miniature record player with a tiny little record on it that had a ratcheting device on it so every time you pulled the string it would go to the next blurb of Chatty Cathy speaking. Like I said, I will never forget seeing that and I got my butt blistered thoroughly for breaking it open, but I didn't care at all about the butt part.....No regrets, at all!


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's awesome that you had the courage to go through with it, and just as awesome what you found inside! Now I'm going to have to look up those dolls!

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    Just out of school.I got a job at a high end ladies store. The owner decided my name would be Anna.( nothing wrong with that name but my name is Eithne, pronounced Ethnee. I didn't "fit with the store's reputation"??? Anyway we were to make a sale Whatever it was as long as it was expensive.One day a large lady came in and wanted to try on this (I thought) horrible creation,it was a shiny pink material with wispy floaty panels.We did not have her size.The owner said we do and took me into the back,gave me a size smaller and told me to "sell it". The lady came out of the dressing room, the owner gushed and I just stood there, I didn't know what to say.The owner gave me a nudge ,I just blurted out,you look like a pink jello (jelly). I was fired on the spot.



    in high school, in the 70s, we took MD80's that were a 1/4 stick of dynamite and blew up 2 loo


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    I am nonbinary, black, and gay. My best friend is trans FTM. We had a group chat with a super toxic friend. I texted them when Derek Chauvin got his sentence. The toxic friend replies: "I don't agree. George Floyd was on drugs." I reply, which starts an argument. She (white person), calls me (black person), the n-word, and says white privilege doesn't exist. Sometime later, says she is super straight. I and my friend both being trans say that's transphobic. She gets her white boyfriend in on it who (boyfriend is white), calls me the n-word again, and then makes this about race. Says white privilege doesn't exist. I get contacted by the school and they tell me I was CYBERBULLYING? But both i and my friend know that what we did was right and I don't regret it. Glad to report that the toxic friend is now ex friend.


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    J. Normal
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Respectful question (boomer just trying to understand) If you are non binary (not gender centered?) how can you be gay? I know it is all word play... but just wondering about the terminology.

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    My sister and I slid down a little half wall that was slanted not to big.we got caught no one was harmed.we stopped. I miss our old house


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    Got caught by the police while filling the trunk of my car with pumpkins. An old Cadillac, lots of room. Was going to a friends house to cover his driveway with them. Police had my car towed and they drove me home. My dad just laughed.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Since when is there a law that says you can't fill the trunk of your car with pumpkins?! There should be a law though against cops with no sense of humor hahaha

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    Mom always used the talk-to-speak function for texting.
    One day I finally built up the courage to shove my face between her and her phone and loudly go,
    It wasn't an important text, and she never even sent it, but the look of pure outrage on her face was amazing.
    I've ALWAYS been the good, perfect child, yet here I was at 30, screaming blargy blargy in her face, she was soo salty, I'm almost crying with loling even thinking about it.


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    Smacking my dad for looking through my phone without my permission

    He yelled at me like I gave two f**ks

    I give none >:D



    grew up on farm. At a home football game took ten rotten duck eggs and smashed them inside away


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    teams bus, took days to get the stink out of the bus



    tatling on MS princess in 4th grade. She stood in the corner, I was well pleased and ostracized


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    In social studies in seventh grade, i was talking to my friend and i guess i was being too loud because my teacher stopped the lesson and looked to me and said "I can hear you."
    and i whisper-yelled back "Sorry!"
    and he sighed and shook his head and said "I can even hear you when you whisper. this is gonna be a long class okay-" and continued the lesson
    afterwards he TALKED to me and i got in trouble for disrupting class but i made everybody laugh so it was worth it


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    Blowing up a pizza.

    It was Easter Sunday. We told the owner of the Pizza place that it would be really slow, and he should just close. Nope, so the manager, cook and me as a delivery driver get a little bored. No orders coming in. Somehow, we decided to see what happens if you put a large firecracker (I can't remember exactly what it was) under a pizza. First we tired an uncooked one out back. It spread out a bit. Then we tried a cooked one in the parking lot in front of the store. For some reason, the cooked on made a much bigger mess. And set off a couple of car alarms.

    We didn't even get in that much trouble. Even though the police showed up.


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    when i was swimming i had to use the bathroom so i peed in the pool no regrets at all


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    Happi doggi
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’m sorry, but you cannot EVER pee in the pool. When I was 3 I got really sick because somebody peed in the pool. You should have regrets.

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    I put a seggs book in my friends desk everyone thought he was wierd but he requested for CCTV


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