What is a talent you have but the talent maybe be a nuisance or a hindrance or just bad for you or other people?


Falling UP the stairs, I’m a ballet dancer, but outside of dance I’m a total klutz


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Grudge-holding Treefrog
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Same, fellow ballet dancers are some of the clumsiest people out there. (Myself included if you couldn’t already tell)

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    So I'm autistic and I have the taking things literally trait but it presents as every time someone says something with a double meaning I have to point it out or make a pun/reference or I can't think about anything else. It's hilarious sometimes and I can mask in some settings but when I can't it annoys the heck out of people. Like my therapist will be trying to talk about something serious and I'm like HEY DID YOU KNOW SI is also the system of scientific measurement??? Or if there's a misunderstanding and someone's upset and someone trying to clarify says that was a joke, I'll say ha ha, fat chance almost without fail. It annoys me too but if I do it on purpose I can be a good entertainment.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Honestly, that doesn’t seem too bad to me. I mean, I’m always open to learning interesting stuff. Then again though, I think I do sometimes similar to what you do sometimes.

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    Lying. I was a compulsive liar growing up. A past therapist said it was due to my troubles at home. My wild stories at 10 turned into lies at 16+ that allowed me to get away with anything. I’d look you right in the eye and you’d want to trust me.

    I’m 35 now and am, some would say, too honest. I get embarrassed about my past lying when I think about it.



    Lock picking. My mom collected padlocks and combination locks when I was growing up. Among other weird things druggies collect. I learned how to pick locks at 8 years old and I didn’t stop until I was 14 years old and got caught picking the lock to the library door when I wanted to read and couldn’t get in. I never picked anyones home lock or into private diaries, boxes, etc.



    Talking endlessly about dinosaurs 😅 if only i could volunteer at a dinosaur museum where it wouldn’t annoy everyone 😩



    Screwing up my life, apparently.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a talent for that as well. I hope you're able to work things out.


    Manipulating people. I’m an empathetic person so depending on what it is I’ll feel bad, but I’m really good at getting what I want and playing people. This is probably part of the reason I have serious trust issues


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    I'm quite good at making people uncomfortable. I speak in a cold, collected tone of voice, say a few unsettling facts, and *poof* they go away.



    I can make a 3lb bag of Haribo gummy bears disappear in about 6 hours.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can make 800 tictacs disappear in two hours. (I got four of those big 200 mint tic-tic-tac containers once for Christmas and they were gone pretty soon)

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    Instantly diffusing a vibe.
    I can make anyone question what they are doing and why they are doing it. I end a lot of conversations like this, for better or worse.
    I think it's probably because I lack a lot of social experience, and I'm very inarticulate at times.


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    I have a lot of creativity and imagination concerning insults, and sometimes punchlines.


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    Lying! I know how to make a lie believable and unquestioned. I don’t like to do it often but I have learned the tricks to make it sound nonchalant and believable. As a straight shooter, goody-goody I am able to deliver a lie with minimal issues, but I try to use my evil powers only when I really need to get out of major conflict or trouble.


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    Ancalagon The Black
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Maybe this post is a lie.. but if this post was a LIE wouldnt that make you good at lying? BUT IF YOU WERE GOOD AT LYING WOULD THE POST BE TRUTH. BUT IF----

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    I know this has already been said and I dont do this with any bad intentions but I am really good at lying and manipulation. Sometimes if i obviously haven’t done something I lie and say I have have, I have around a 96% success rate oop-


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    I'm very good at insulting people.
    Some people consider me mean but I try not to use it often.
    It's nice sometimes.


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    Populus tremuloides(they/them)
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    2 years ago

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    If the cops are called to a party, I'm the one talking to them (and usually getting us off). This actually led to a lot of drunk driving in my youth (something I've since corrected) because I got so used to being the defacto driver.


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    Being abrasive. Usually when someone annoys me, I just pretend to listen. (That’s another thing, knowing how to look like I’m listening) But if I really don’t want to talk to someone, I’m very good at making the conversation short and letting them know I don’t want to talk without actually having to say it out loud.


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    I’m good at a mixture of things that aren’t good for me, lol. I’m good at faking emotions and empathy, so if I get cornered or people start yelling at me, I can make myself cry and it usually gets them to stop. I also really good at flattering people in a way to get what I want. Usually I just use that for books or drawing supplies.

    But probably the worst thing that I’m good at it is getting into things I shouldn’t while being under heavy observation. My parents took my phone awhile back, and my door because I lost all their trust and got a phone behind their backs. While being under those guidelines, I got two more phones and managed to hide them for several days+.

    I didn’t say I was proud of all of this either. I promise, I’m a really nice person irl. I just have really bad habits that I can’t control. I’m working on it though!


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Another thing I'm good at but probably shouldn't be, is A) My poker face. I can build a dead mask of stone, and it has yet to be penetrated. And B) I'm really good at lying. Like really good. Too the point that sometimes I don't even remember what's a lie and what's truth.


    If someone hit me, like my brothers I will hit them back without hesitation


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same. Doesn’t matter who it is, my arm swings out before I realize it. It can be tricky if I’m taking care of children, but I am able to control it most of the time.


    Lying. About small stuff. To my friends. Or making stuff up. I’m pretty much convincing, but it also handy when they ask questions I don’t like about me, or say something incredibly wrong and then ASK me if I’m angry seconds later.
    Basically I just lie when I HAVE to, or when they’re getting infuriating about something they keep bugging me about. The weird thing is that it’s impossible for people who really know me to be convinced, my family would just be like ‘yeah RIGHT!’
    And I smooth lies too, because I remember lies and stuff I make up to keep it going to my friends. But only when I absolutely have to.
    And I can pretty much debate my way out of anything, but I KNOW for a fact that it’s infuriating because my ex BFF sees this one flaw she doesn’t like in stuff you tell her, and she never lets go. She just start using ways and technique to MAKE you say you’re wrong. Like she want to know exactly EVERYTHING about you and I can’t just leave something out.
    You probably noticed she’s my EX bff.
    So I try not to be infuriating, but with all the MORONS walking around in school saying the most INCONSIDERATE and just TOTALLY insane things, well, if I can’t say anything nice I’d say NOTHING at all.
    That’s why people say I have autism. No offense to the people with autism].


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    accidentally setting things on fire



    I’m good at cheating at card games.
    I’ve never cheated to take money or be malicious.
    I just have fun with friends by pushing a loss or win on different players.


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    Sounds weird but I don't get addicted of anything. I am so good in getting rid of things I don't like. :)



    Manipulation, lying, and winning fights.
    I don't use these skills very often, but when I do...


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    Having zero self-control with food and being 5’2” and 11st as a result.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is a good answer. I feel ya, a lot of my deal is emotional eating.


    I am great at tripping over absolutely nothing and it can cause issues for me, obviously, but it can also cause issues for others because when I start falling I try to grab onto whatever's closest to me. This includes human beings, so sometimes I drag others down with me.


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    I am a decent thief. I learned for “fun” in the 4th grade to mess with my friends. I can just reach into their desk and take a pencil or something. Than I would just hand it to them. It was hilarious. Anyways doing it got me pretty good at the slight of hand. I’ve never had to use it tho


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    breaking into houses and cars. i have a knack for it. and no, i don't break into places unless asked.


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    Well, let’s see…. I’m really good at predicting what happens in movies and shows. I love to try and discuss theories and curiosities about the movie I’m watching, especially if it’s the first time I’m seeing it. My siblings find it so annoying even though I’m not loud and I technically don’t know that I’m right when I make predictions. Some people might consider bad though so I’m gonna post it.



    I am agoraphobic so I am extremely good at never leaving my flat. I have gone a full year without ever stepping foot outside. I try really hard to conquer it but it's so hard when the outside world is loud and scary. There are times when I really have to leave to get to an important medical appointment, I have to take diazepam in order to get there.


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    I am an excellent spy. I am overly quiet so I can catch snippets of conversations very easily. The weird part is I'm a big guy I weigh like 230lbs, but somehow no one notices I'm there.


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    I have quite a few slightly unnerving talents that I have developed through reading lots of mystery novels and psychology books.
    I’m an expert at unlocking things, from doors to cellphones, and can guess passwords easily.
    I can pretty easily predict tv shows or books, and usually tell when someone’s lying.
    I am an excellent spy, and can figure out everything about someone, such as their family life, special interests and skills, and general upbringing after just spending a day with them. I can also obtain information very easily. It’s all about wording. I’ve gotten teachers to willingly help me cheat on tests before, and debunked rumors multiple times, piecing things together.
    Some of my talents I’m not so proud of is lying and manipulating.
    I can convincingly weave a story that is believable and relevant in every situation. In a quick thinker, so if isn’t too hard to cOme up with something on the spot. I know just the thing to say to get someone to believe me, or to feel a certain emotion when I want.
    I don’t really use these skills much unless it’s to cover something small up or back up a friend, and I’ve unlocked friends phones before just to prove I can, and once broke into the school library to return a book I lost, but nothing terrible.


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    I am really good at shoplifting. My mom taught me when I was 3 and even let me try lol. I stopped when I was 11 or so.


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    Catapulting things with plastic spoons. I never miss.


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    Shoplifting. I quit years ago, but it was soooooo easy and I never got caught.


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    Rolling cigarettes. Smoked for ages and got really handy at rolling cigs to save money. So basically a skillful way to lose your health


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    Shocking people, i have a very dark sence of humor, and 0 social filters, so a lot of Times people get really shocked with how brutally honest i am, and don't even realize i'm jocking. Its a talento that landed me in hot water a few Times allready


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