Things like fashion, food, etc.
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Raising money for Ukraine
I have been contributing to as many charities supporting Ukraine as I can, but I really wish I could do more.
Using a banana to visualise size comparisons
Yes, I have noticed this and it makes me smile the more standard it becomes
Normalizing speaking out about abuse. Domestic abuse, sexual abuse, narcissistic abuse... Not so long ago anyone who dared to speak out was cancelled, silenced, not believed or taken seriously. It’s still not perfect and we are not entirely there, but we are on good track.
I love that work from home has become a widespread thing. It used to be that only a very lucky few had the luxury, and now about 70% of my friends work from home at least some of the time. It's better for us, better for the planet, and better for employers.
Changing beauty standards. From ,,if you want to be beautiful look like them" to ,,if you want to be beautiful just be"
And yet these same companies still shilling those "beauty" products that the consumer "needs" to have for that certain look/style. If I was to ever have a make-up line, it's slogan would be, "Enhancing the beauty you already have, not covering it up"
Love that 90s and early 2000s clothing has come back in style
I probably still have some of that in my closet. Everything old is new again, but for those of a certain age, it still stings a little to hear our stuff referred to as "vintage" 👴🧓👵👩🦳👨🦳
Old songs from the 2000s and 2010 are becoming popular again.
I don't think I could name a single tune from that time period, but music recycles constantly... I am still hearing music I loved from the 60s and 70s. All it takes is one commercial or popular TV show to play something great from long ago, and that song has a new life.
The "she can stem" movement, for kids. I was lucky to grow up in a situation where women in stem (science, technology, engineering, math) was not weird, but a lot of my female classmates were unfamiliar with the idea and hadn't considered a future or even a possible intrest in stem. I'm really glad that elementary girls are now being encouraged to explore new subjects no matter what anyone else says!
Roller skating
Is this a trend? I know people who have been gaming since Pong, so it seems to have been going on too long to be considered a trend, hasn't it?
I personally like that the 80’s theme in music is coming back. I love 80’s music even though I didn’t live in that era.
I don't know that it would be a trend as such, but I love the fact that men's psychological problems are being talked about more and that male domestic abuse is being shown that it as prevalent as female domestic abuse. It's not fair that men are told to "suck it up" and the old favourite "big boys don't cry" is so wrong. They have as much a right to cry and show their emotions as we women do and have a right to be heard and cared for. They are humans just as much as we are and deserve to be treated as such. And as for domestic abuse, it's just as wrong for a woman to abuse a man as it is for a man to abuse a woman and I'm glad that men are being taken more seriously now. It happens, unfortunately, and should be taken as seriously as all types of abuse, physical, mental, and psychological. I am also grateful that sexual harassment, women against men, is being taken more seriously too. If a man as much as looks at a woman funny he's up on a sexual harassment charge, but a woman can do almost anything, cat call, touch him inappropriately and it's funny, especially if he gets upset by it. It's wrong and I'm so glad that everyone else sees that it's so wrong too.
"Grandma" and "Grandpa" names coming back into style. As a Betty, I'm becoming much more relevant! And I love it!
Believe it or not, I love slang words.
I am still young so I understand most of them and where they came from, so I tend to use them a lot.
Bonus fun fact: The word slang is a slang word.
People posting video about anything on Tiktok, Youtube, Short etc, from make up instruction, cooking, eating, dancing, daily life and so on
idk maybe this is an old trend but its beeb popping up on my fyp a lot: the material girl trend. idk if yall know what im talking abt, but when there’s older people (makeup) reminiscing and then they become this super cute young version of themselves. idk i found it adorable and im in love
Spreading kindness around the world seen throu insta via jimmydarts or akramadinas. It is just wonderfull, how many ppl got inspired and try that too in the way possible for them. Some do in the name of jesus, other do just bc of humanity. Tips for being a human. Money for deliverypeople. Or sending homeless their wishes, above their needs. Mdmotivator, Zach, is also a favorite for me. Kindness as a Trend! I am all in.
Kculture. Things like kpop, kdramas etc. I am kpop obsessed and I love that it is becoming more and more popular.