It can be anything recent (2 weeks or so) like the Super Bowl, or maybe a post of yours blew up in tik tok or any other social media site. No post is too mundane. Enjoy it!
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I just found out that like 70 people are following me on here (BP) and I feel so happy that others are enjoying my comments/content! Love you all
I tweeted that I wished there was an app to sound like angrily hanging up a landline phone complete with dial tone before ending a mobile phone call. Hundreds of people liked my tweet. I wish I could create that app!
trump as president. completely mental... i'm dutch and always liked america but this was a big no-no
That Nebula in Avengers is the same girl from Jumanji. Still flabbergasted by it!
Just came back from a weekend overnight camp, the same place I went for summer camp last year. And just walking back to my cabin with the group and looking around I realized: I had only been here for a WEEK before, and yet everywhere was laced with memories
Camp is life-changing