Hey Pandas, What Is One Important Decision In Your Life That You Have Never Regretted?
We all have to make decisions in life. And then we live with the consequences of those decisions. If they could, some people would go back in time so they could change a certain decision. Please tell us about one decision in your life that you would never change, even if you had the opportunity.
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I have two big ones, I guess. I don't regret getting divorced and I also don't regret staying alive so I could save my brother from my abuser.
In a life otherwise filled to the brim with bad choices and missed opportunities, I’ve never regretted marrying my wife for even the barest second. I don’t know what I did to deserve her. I must have rescued a refugee boat full of babies and puppies and kittens in a past life.
The day I finally found the courage to stop doing fake smile in front of my friends when I'm broken inside. I cried for hours, and they gave me a lot of hugs, and listened to me. I get hugs everytime I meet them, and they are here for me when I'm hurt. I love them a lot.
Changed majors in college from what I thought was best that I should be (career/studies) to what I felt in my heart and which I wanted to do. Maybe not making as much $ but never happier because Im doing what I enjoy every day!
thats awesome! what are you doing now if you don't mind me asking?
Save money and pay my apartment's mortgage, instead of going on cool vacations and spending at will like all my friends did. Made the final payment last year on 25 October. Looking at the inflation rate now, it was the best decision ever.
The time I went with my gut and decided to marry a man I hardly knew. I was visiting an older couple, friends of the family, who lived out of state. I went to church with them on Sunday morning and we sat with their best friends - another older couple. I sat down next to their son. I knew immediately that I had met the man I would marry. 4 months later, after weeks of driving back and forth to see each other on the weekends, and having to listen to all the “friends” who told me I was making a huge mistake, we tied the knot. 38 years later I still believe it was the best decision I have ever made.
I left a very toxic friendship of 10years. I would have done anything for them, I had loved them all through highschool and defended their bad behaviour generally. They never cared about me romantically unless they were between relationships but they would often tease me about being in love with them... because, high school drama lol.
We were very close in university, and most of the time I would have considered them my closest friend.
... cut to them kissing and grabbing at me without my consent, stone cold sober, while they were waiting for their gf's class to end (we were both in long term relationships). Despite pushing them and telling them to stop, they didn't and it crossed a massive line. I finally put my foot down and turned my back on them-- they didn't like that I was happy and in a good relationship they wanted me to always be an option for them. They had never done anything like that with me and while it broke my heart cutting them out of my life after so much time and history-- I couldn't have someone with so little respect or regard for me and women in general in my friends group.
I never regretted coming out to my friends. They are all so supportive and awesome people. I have so much love and respect for them.
Going back to college for my Applied Science in Dental Hygiene and becoming a registered dental hygienist. I had other passions and talents that people pushed me to follow as a career (like writing), but I wanted financial stability and to take advantage of the job market. Instead, helping people and taking care of them has become a passion, and I make enough money that I only need to work part time. I also have plenty of free time and the financial ability to try just about anything that attracts my interest. I was ridiculed by a lot of people in my friend circle when I began (about 20 years ago)because I wasn't pursuing a degree in something creative like art history or graphic design (very popular fields), but I'm practically the only person I know who still works in the field I went to school for. It has turned out to be one of the smartest choices I've ever made.
Choosing to spend more time with my then boyfriend versus getting wasted with my former roommate. The boyfriend became my husband of almost 14 years now and the roommate overdosed at 35.
The first time I heard Black Sabbath. I'd been hearing music 14 years at that point. My whole life. I liked what I liked but for the first time I was hearing something real. Original. Im still stoked!
Quit smoking….
I have smoked for over 15 years and quit about 10 years ago. I used to be an international truck driver, Luxemburg daily, where the sigarettes and tobacco are cheap. I had some arterial issues at the time ( I have Raynaud ‘s disease ) and my doctor advised me to quit…. Otherwise I would run the risk of having an attack at the wheel and when you’re about 7,5 tons heavy you can do some real damage. I didn’t want to have the death of innocent people on my conscience so I quit immediately. Haven’t regretted it, ever.
Trusting Jesus. The best decision of my life.
This was bittersweet for obvious reasons but divorcing my exwife. I knew the relationship was over for years, despite going to marriage counseling and individual counseling for years. I couldn't ever do anything right. She would never let anything go, even to this day and we've been divorced for almost 6 years now. I know it was the best decision to make, to get out of that toxic situation and not make our children live in that constant state of fighting and negativity. On top of that, I've also cut other toxic people out of my life as well. My mental health is so much better for it. Life certainly isn't all sunshine and roses, but it certainly isn't doesn't feel like a there is an anchor around my neck anymore either. So absolutely, ZERO regret!!!
That next to last sentence should read "Life certainly isn't all sunshine and roses, but it certainly doesn't feel like there is an anchor around my neck anymore either." I guess I was a little too excited to post. 🤷🤪
When I accidentally ghosted my ex-best friend after she moved. A while ago I would have undone that without hesitation, but now I realize it was the best choice. We had never had that great of a friendship. We couldn't connect over anything since we didn't have anything in common. She was my first real school friend so I'll always be thankful for her friendship, but it's better for both of us if we find people more like ourselves.
I have a lot but one is when I took my friend who’s a girl to the movies. Bought a big pizza cuz I was hungry. And didn’t offer her any of it. Feel free to tear me up with comments..
Leaving the husband who had been gaslighting me for 12 years. Discovered I wasn't the despicable piece of whale dung he had convinced me I was.
Leaving the husband who had been gaslighting me for 12 years. Discovered I wasn't the despicable piece of whale dung he had convinced me I was.