Hey Pandas, What Is One Food That You Would Be Perfectly Happy To Eradicate? (Closed)
Which food, in your opinion, should not exist?
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Fois gras (poor geese)
Indeed, real foiegrass should be illegal (not the fake one made out of normal liver). I must confess that i find it delicious, I wont lie. But I do not eat it. I am not vegetarian but I try to eat meat only half of the days and try to buy it bio. But foiegrass is the only meat that I refuse to eat because there is no humane way of making it.
Brussel Sprouts
I love brussel sprouts. When I eat them I like to pretend they're cabbages and I'm a giant. (I'm an adult.)
pineapple pizza (fight me i dare you)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
I say 1,000 Year Eggs.
I've smelled them before and vomited.
Its like an egg thats been preserved for a LOOOOONG time.
Onions. I *HATE* onions. And they're insidious! People add them to EVERYTHING. And then folks are all like "you can't taste them, they just add flavour"... FLAVOUR *IS* TASTE, SHARON!
When you buy something, like soup - and it says "Pea and Ham Soup" but the ingredients are, "Peas 7%, Onions 5%, Ham 4%"
When I'm Lord Emporer of the World, there will be an onion law. If Onion is a higher percentage than a named flavour ingredient, then onion must be a named flavour ingredient. "Chicken and mushroom pie" where there's more onion than mushroom? GUESS WHAT, SHARON? THAT'S A CHICKEN, ONION AND MUSHROOM PIE THEN!
This is my life-long rant.
“French onion, brown onion, white onion, red onion, spring onion, shallots, leeks, chives…” Hate them all. They all taste different, and they all taste awful. There are foods that I just don’t like, like lima beans, but will eat if nothing else is around. Then there are onions, which obviously most people like, but it’s incomprehensible to me why. They just overpower every dish they’re in, and I don’t care how hungry I am—not gonna eat them.
So I am a vegan but I don't really care too much, as it is just your choice. But I have a wacky fear of Yogurt, and I wish it didn't exist. its texture and everything...
Love pineapple, but on pizza it's just plain wrong. The warm mushy texture just don't cut it.
Veal. What those poor calves go through is nothing short of sickening. Also, they're shot up with all kinds of antibiotics, which is helping create resistant super-germs.
Celery. The smell makes me so sick. I can walk into my MIL’s house and know immediately if she’s bought some. Even if it’s in the fridge and she bought it a week ago. If I touch it and get that smell on my hands I absolutely lose it. No clue why.
There is an expensive brand of cologne that smells like Celery and cucumber. Bloke I work with wears it and I hate it!
Soup, I have never liked it. As a kid I refused to eat it and as a adult I tried to eat it for years but I just don't like it.
Sweet potatoes. I used to eat them as a child, but now I cannot stand them. I feel there has to be a sweet potato incident that my subconscious won't allow me to remember.
Hotdogs. I'm allergic/intolerant to them, and I hate the flavor anyway, so I could do without them.
Cottage Cheese. Can't see it, smell it, or think about it without getting a CPTSD flashback.