Hey Pandas, What Is A “Useful” Survival Tip That Will Wind Up Useless In The Long Run? (Closed)
Survival tips are everywhere. Ranging from taking your clothes off in the Arctic to avoid a mad polar bear to checking if your water smells like cinnamon, some are useful, others not so much. Give forth your own seemingly reasonable one that actually makes no sense and we'll see who is truly the queen or king of useless tips that will never actually be used.
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If you get lost, you can just follow the North Star. If you get lost during the daytime, you may have to wait: First for nighttime to come, and secondly for all of humanity to die out so the light pollution will be gone and you can find the North Star.
You can get a simple bearing during the daytime with a stick. Put stick in ground. Mark where the sun is. Wait. Mark again. You now know approximate east and west.
My father insisted I take Judo-classes when I was 17 in order to defend my-self should I be attacked in the street....so far so good..you walk more confidently down a dark street....when it did happen,it was my shoe with the stiletto heel that did the trick...
The instructions that flight attendants give regarding water landings really aren't relevant if you're going to crash from altitude into the open ocean. The plane is gonna break apart when it hits the water. Thank goodness it's rare!
I was a flight attendant for a legacy airline. There have been cases where a plane made an emergency landing after takeoff or on approach, and in those cases, the emergency instructions are very important, as is obeying the flight attendants' instructions.
A lot of jokes are made about the safety instructions that the flight attendants give before takeoff, but they're really important. Even if you fly every week, it's a good idea to pay attention to them before every flight. The passengers on Tully's flight (he landed it on the Hudson River, and everyone survived) will surely attest to that! If you know something really well, that kicks in instead of panic in crises.
always know where your towel is.
It's seldom the fall that kills you, it's the ground!
aim for you attackers eyes. they cant stab you if their blind. and it hurts-a lot.
It is impossible to drown if you are breathing.
My father taught me how to fish, build a temporary shelter and forage so if I ever got lost in the woods, I could survive until rescued. He also taught me the most important things to put in your backpack including matches in a waterproof container and a set of fresh undergarments in a plastic bag in case I got wet.
He also taught me that when waiting to be rescued, build a small fire and periodically put wet leaves on it...the smoke will make it easier for helicopters to pinpoint your location.
The reason for building a small fire is to have more control over it. You just need enough to keep you warm, keep the big critters at bay and alert people looking for you where you are.
Drinking alcohol because you're cold. F*ck it, I'm drunk now. What do I know. Oh, that and eating stuff. Actually, that's important.
Remember, drinking alcohol won't solve your problems but neither will drinking milk.
A wolf pack won't eat you if they arent hungry enough
Wolves will only attack you if they are threatened, rabid, hurt, if you get to close to them or their pups, or if they are starving to death. To survive an encounter, make yourself defensive and NEVER EVER run or turn away from them. Despite many people’s beliefs, they rarely ever harm humans, in fact a dog has a greater chance and is more likely to kill a person than a wolf is. Also, bonus fact, they make a positive, huge impact on the forest and we need to save them
Pull your school desk out in the hall and crouch under it if atomic bombs start to fall. That is what they told us in the 50's and 60's.We were fortunate that we did not have to test its effectiveness but it was pretty clear that it was sort of futile. Especially if you lived in the DC area.
You can't really die from hypothermia if outside temperature is over 86°F (30°C)
The million-item "go bags"/ "bug-out bags". KISS, folks. KISS. Please.
Packing certain items for outdoor trips. I've learned that there's no set amount of things that one needs to take all the time, it always greatly depends on the trip you're planning. Learning about necessary kits is very useful at the beginning (and most of the time), but once you learn it, you don't follow it to the letter. Just don't forget the socks.
Licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets.
Don't steal food from animals.
Most of the survival things I know are useful.
But, if you are attacked by a bear hold a lit cigarette to those to distract them. If you can do it without getting your arm ripped off that is.
When drowning, Fill your lungs with air. It will help you float.
If you are ever being chased by a polar bear, take off all your clothes. They are very curious animals, and will stop to sniff them. IDK if this will help anyone, but useless(?) life tip.
If you think you’re being followed, make random turns a to verify they’re actually following you. If so, pull into the nearest police station. Of course, that doesn’t help you if it’s the police chasing you.
If you see a bear, don't move. Depends on which bear and a bunch of other factors.
Also, to start a fire, rub 2 rocks together. Doesn't work with any 2 rocks and you could be wasting valuable time
Eat till you're sleepy, sleep till you're hungry. Repeat.
If you are attacked by an animal go for its throat! Choke it to death! IT BIT MY HANDS OFF!
If u are in India don’t visit any popular temple… it’s full of scam and fake priest… rather then visit places and explore cities in daytime