What is a story you have that you meant to tell someone but then didn't and it's too late to tell that person now because it was so long ago but you still want to share it?


One year for Mother's Day, my daughter gave me a pot of blooming lilies. The tag said the bulbs could be planted. I planted them and eagerly awaited for the next year to see them to bloom again. In the meantime, my daughter got pregnant. Come Mother's Day the next year, no blooms just green leaves and barely developed buds. The very day my granddaughter was born in July of that year, I went home to find the bulbs had bloomed beautifully! Now, every year, they bloom almost exactly on her July birthday (and her mothers "Mother's Day"). This is the fourteenth year so far!


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You should take pic of the 3 of you every year it happens! Good time capsule...

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    I suppose it would be how my life turned out. My father always told me -or at least implied- that I would never amount to anything. To be fair, I was a hell-raising teen, life of the party, class clown, etc. Having a great time took precedence over 'adulting' and probably still does to some degree. He died the same day I started my career (as opposed to 'just' having a job). Fast forward to now (20 years later) and I have a very-well paid career, own several dozen rental properties, not many bills to speak of, and still have a crazy smile on my face. I wouldn't 'rub his face' in my success, but more of a "See? Everything turned out just fine..." kind of thing.


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    Samantha PandaNotBored
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well done you ! Sometimes parents say things out of exasperation, but regret it later … I know I have with my daughter . You’re dad would be thankful that you are okay and can look after yourself rather than keep a finger on the self disrupt button.

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    in 2nd grade i used to sit next to my bully : and he'd always call me a stick and I was annoying and such
    well one day he's going on so I lose it and call him a walrus.
    he rages so hard that I end up with one of my (baby) teeth knocked out, a pencil poke in my eye, and a broken finger. needless to say, the kid was expelled.

    he found me on insta and didn't recognize me, told me I was hot :\
    before blocking him, I send him a picture of my eye mark (from the pencil) with caption, remember this?
    he shortly deleted his acct after :)



    Sixth grade. Group of us were throwing rocks into a puddle on the school ground, all trying to make the biggest splash. My best friend lobbed a high one that came down on the back of another kid’s head. Not a bad injury, fortunately, but it sure could have been. I got the blame. I kept quiet, ‘cause my best friend did it, and I was not going to rat on him. Besides, I knew he would confess to protect me. He never did, and prior to this posting I have never told anyone the true story. This happened nearly sixty years ago.



    If I already told this one, sorry, I can't remember if I did or not but I don't think I did.
    So once in science in 7th grade my friend Brodie sat at the back of the class, and someone was pretending to choke him to show someone else how to properly choke someone or something like that, he wasn't touching Brodie at all, just pretending. Well then all of a sudden Brodie passed out, fell backwards, hit his head on the counter, fell onto the floor, woke up, jumped up, the teacher was freaking out yelling at him to go to the nurse while he was like "NO IM FINE IM FINE ITS ALL FINE" while his face was covered in blood from his bloody nose.
    It was crazy, he ended up going home early that day.



    As a child, I used to hang out in the woods across the street from my house. This forest was immense and went on for miles and I would just wander around for hours because that was country child rearing in the 80's.
    One day when I was 10, I went further than I had before and I found this little shack. I peaked inside and there were 40ish bushy plants growing under purple-y lights. Neat!
    Then I heard a gunshot and something scrapped my thigh. I panicked and ran away. When I finally stopped, my jeans were soaked from a three inch long gash in my thigh that was dripping blood.
    I told my parents that I cut it on a branch, and maybe I did, but I really think that "warning shot" grazed me.
    I did not stay out of the woods, but stuck to the parts I was familiar with.


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    Basil Ignatov
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    80s, purple lights.... Would have been stupidly expensive to have LED in the 80s.

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    I was on a hike with my friend (We were about 7 or 8.) And we went into a this little cave that had an open roof. it was all rock and then, out of nowhere, a stick hit me from behind, it wasn't like from above, it was like someone threw it at me. My friend was nowhere near me and once he caught up (5 mins later) he said that someone had threw a stick at him... it was weird. oh yeah, at the end of the trail we found a penny from 1880.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    All I could think of was Ted's caving page... http://www.gigdig.com/~ted/

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    I was cycling home one night when I heard a shout. I stopped and saw a man chasing a woman. Before I could do anything, she pointed out that I was there, and he ran away.



    When I was very young, maybe about 5 or 6 I had a very vivid dream, it wasn't about anything and nothing really happened but in the dream I was an adult, I was in my house and it was morning and I was getting ready for work, I was married and had kids, I didn't see the wife and kids they were just about in the house somewhere. As I was walking down the hallway to the front door to leave for work the phone rang so I picked it up but it carried on ringing (it was my alarm clock irl) which woke me up. I am now in my 40's and have never been married do not have any kids and live in a crap apartment not a house BUT I STILL HAVE THE MEMORYS OF BEING AN ADULT WITH A WIFE AND KIDS AND A HOUSE from the dream. I often think that if my alarm had not woken me up I could of happily lived out a full dream life and died in my sleep without ever knowing I was dreaming.



    The story of how I met my ex...
    Way back in the early 2000s (AIM/messenger days) while in high school, I met someone online from a hobby website and we started talking. We only talked for a few weeks, and with days in between - it was just friendly and nothing too deep, but I just got a good vibe from her; insightful, interesting. Had no idea what she looked like, only that she lived overseas in a country I knew nothing about, and she made for good conversation. I didn't see her online after that, but I saved her name on my list just in case...

    ~5 years later, I suddenly see her online again, and all I could remember is that she was interesting and we got along well at the time. I say hi, we get to chatting again, and once again click. This time we talked for several weeks, then months, and more often, and sometimes Skyping now. We couldn't remember what website we met on, who messaged whom first, or why we originally started talking all those years back, but talking again surprised both of us, and reassured me that I really did detect something special way back then.

    We never sought or intended to become close friends and certainly nothing romantic, but a bond emerged so naturally which neither of us could stop nurturing. To the point that we wanted to be a couple despite living nations apart, and despite still not having seen even a photo of each other. It was as organic as a relationship could possibly develop, and the fact that it was done with nothing more than pure conversation made it feel very genuine to me. We ended up staying together for about 5 years. Although it eventually ended disastrously and with an unforgivable betrayal, I will always believe that it was a fantastic beginning to two people with an uncanny affinity for one another.



    My step-grandmother died of a heart attack shortly before we told her we were moving to be near her.
    It still hurts.



    Well, I don't talk about this much these days, but I was a very horsey girl at one time in my life. I had a beautiful and talented New Zealand Throughbred named Rockabilly. Early one morning we were out riding and we were having a nice canter when all of a sudden he slipped and fell with me. I hit the ground so hard a blade of grass embedded in my boot. I could not get up, but he got up, shook himself and started walking. He walked all the way to my house. He walked right by the barn. He never stopped to eat grass. He stood in the driveway until someone came out and saw him standing there. They went looking for me and turns out I broke my left leg. My favorite horse, Billy Boo Boo passed away in 2013 and life has never been the same without him. This is my favorite story and one I think of often to myself.



    i never told my crush i liked him



    I was biking with my dad down the beach and I sped ahead a bit because we were almost at the destination and it was a pretty quiet area so I knew my dad could see me until I rounded the corner. When I got there, I turned without looking and a car was pulling out and it came within an inch of me. I was way too scared to do anything so I just gathered my courage and sped off and the car owner tried to yell after me but I just biked faster. My dad asked me why I was so pale and I just shrugged then he took me home and got me ice cream and made me lie down. I just wish I had the courage to actually tell him what happened.


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    Vanta Black
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Shock and fear would have been the reasons you didn't say anything at the time. And I doubt he'd be mad at you if you told him now. He'd probably just remind you to be more careful.


    Many years ago I used to manage a small supermarket in a rough bit of town and had lots of trouble with kids stealing stuff. When we caught them we kicked their backsides and flung them out as the police weren't interested.

    One must have gone home and complained to his parents so this bear of a bloke turned up and said "...you the f"£$%^& manager?". To my eternal delight my response was " sorry pal, think you only get them in brothels....".

    He looked at me for a few seconds then burst out laughing and told me he'd come to give me a beating for hitting his son. We had a chat and agreed that his son was a bit of a chancer and that he'd keep him away from my store after that.


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    When i was about 20 i went backpacking around the middle east on my own. I stayed in a half completed hostel on Ben Yahuda street in Tel Aviv. On a whim i headed down through Sinai and then back up via Aquaba toward Israel hoping to see Syria.
    When i got back to Tel Aviv the hostel was in bits. A bomb had gone off just outside a couple of days after i moved on. I tried to get in to Syria but got knocked back. Shame



    I got to ride in an WW2 jeep in a parade at a WW2 weekend event. it was very cool



    I never got to tell the scary story i made based on a dream

    Kindly silence all mouths
    For the story
    The slit mouth

    10 little girls were playing truth or dare one rainy day
    One little girl named Pheobe had been dared by a little girl named kassandra to "eat" a chainsaw for a picture to show her friends. Kassandra had been laughing, laughing so hard she accidentaly bumped into pheobe and revved up the saw.
    The screams, those death defying screams.
    Poor pheobe had slit her mouth wide open.
    Her funeral was that late afternoon.
    For months, kassandra was tortured with the death defying screams of Pheobe whenever someone talked about her.
    This went on for almost a year until poor kassandra couldnt take it. She really couldnt.
    One night she was watching the news when she saw half of her friends had gone missing.
    She got scared, and couldnt go to sleep in peace. The next morning, the news was talking about how another one of her friends had gone missing.
    The next morning, and the next, and the next, one had gone missing until it was just Kassandra.
    One night kassandra heard those same screams... Only louder. And closer. And closer. Until BAM!!
    Kassandras door flung wide open and there stood Pheobe..
    The same slit mouth
    The same nightmare fueling eyes
    Just, grinning. All poor Kassandra could do was sit there in a pool of her own tears as she watched Pheobe rev up the chainsaw.

    I hope you enjoyed!


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    Once I was splitting a house rental with a couple other guys. It was my turn to pick a movie rental one night, and one of may roommates kept complaining the whole time about how boring the movie was and how I shouldn't get to pick movies anymore. Anyways, next morning I wake up and go out to the living room. He's watching golf on TV. Yeah.



    I adopted a street cat when I was 8. I let it into the garage at night or cracked a window to get into the basement and fed it deli meats (it also ate birds). My dad was very allergic, kept sneezing when he would go into the garage. They never caught on. I named him/her Motor because the purr was so loud. Three months later with an Iowa winter coming in, I convinced my best friend and next-door neighbor to make her mom adopt the cat, acting like it was a random stray that just showed up one day. I heard the cat lived a long happy life.


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    I saw a tiktok where a man was teaching his grandmother to do a tiktok dance, and then, he did this one move where his sticks his butt out, then his grandma did it, and she farted and hit him.


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    My dad calls my sister Hot It cuz shes always hot. (like in weather). my dad calls me cold it, cuz im normally cold.



    Told my parents in 1972 I hit a deer on a backroad MS highway - totaled their car in a ditch - actually I fell asleep.


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Whole story if anyone wants to read: Seeing HS girlfriend 55 miles from home. Coming home 'bout 1 or 2 am. Fell asleep - couldn't recover on sloped road bank - last thing I saw was a giant tree in front of me - was going fast - figgured this was it - lotta' thoughts go through my head in a flash - did not see ditch in front of tree just as wide as the car - into ditch, couldn't open doors - dug dirt into the car to make an exit for myself - cold water and big 'ole stickers/thorns on road bank - hard to get up to road - in my socks 'cause i was trying to try to stay awake - Flagged a car about half hour later and did not stop - next one 45 min. later kept going but hit brake lights 1/2 mile away - backed up to pick me up. Drunk sheriff with his wife driving returning from a party. Actually told parents I *swerved* to avoid a deer - but don't know how to edit original post. I think i was 17.

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    I guess it’s not as good as the other submissions here or interesting as them, but it’s still kind of nice.
    So basically a while ago, I had a crush on a guy. (I’m also a guy. I’m bi, they’re pan. Also, the talking and actions happen across discord, we didn’t talk in real life during this happening. Mainly an online friend group.) Basically, crushed on him for a few months but never wanted to do something about it. Anyways, at the time everyone wanted me to get with this other guy’s sister, let’s call the guy the spoiler spider as he goes by arachnid on discord and spoiled a lot for me.
    So, one day my crush is making fun of me and basically this whole time has assumed my crush was the sister. I didn’t know the sister. I didn’t really like her. (Now I do, she’s pretty cool, but at the time we’d never even talked.) I told the guy to have him stop teasing me because I disliked it. I said I liked someone else, he asked who, I said I didn’t want to say it, and he basically started spamming me asking who. Finally I snapped and said that if he swore not to tell, I’d tell him. He swore. I told him and went to eat. I came back an hour later to my crush saying ze spoiler spider had done something cruel. Cue the panic attack. This wasn’t like most crushes where it’s based on only looks and stuff. I was pretty good friends with him because we both loved to write, and I really didn’t want to lose the friendship.
    Despite it being a little awkward, we kept being friends and we both made jokes at my expense. I guess it wasn’t horrible though. Same feeling as when someone teases you with your crush’s name. One day though, we’re playing video games and he just randomly says, “So I kind of have feelings for you too.”
    almost a month later, we started dating.
    Guess who never supported us?
    Spoiler spider. The guy who caused it all.
    We’re still going great :)


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    It's more of a thing that I forgot to tell rather than a story. I forgot to tell my childhood friend that I needed some CDs back. He moved to a different town unexpectedly.



    Well, I decided to tell my creepy story that I made to my sister many months ago, but I didn't get to tell her because forgot to. Now I finally remembered it after I passed by this article. Anyways, here's my story.

    Classroom A-1

    Class starts at Juokori Highschool. After Makuri set up her locker, she took a tour around the highschool. She found the first classroom, A-1. The classroom she was assigned. Behind the gap of the door was an eerie strange darkness. Makuri felt her blood run cold, as she continued on exploring.

    Soon, the bell rang. She went to her classroom, it was completely normal. No eerie darkness was behind those doors, normal students sitting on their seats. Huh, strange. Makuri sat on her seat, as the day went on normally.

    Few days passed. One student from Classroom A-1 went missing. Makuri felt a weird feeling of someone watching her. She made a friend named Zeniru, Zeniru would always stare at her with a creepy grin, although that didn't bother Makuri.

    Many days passed, 5 students from A-1 were slaughtered to death. 1 student each day becomes missing or dead. Dead bodies would appear anywhere in the highschool. A student's head on a desk, blood splattered on the blackboard. Makuri felt scared.

    This went on for a week, until Zeniru and Makuri were the only ones left. Zeniru pulled out a pocket knife, she stabbed against Mayuri's skin. Slitting her neck open, splattering blood on Zenuri, screams of a poor girl screaming for help.

    Zeniru was arrested for gruesome murder, and never returned to Juokori Highschool.

    I hoped you enjoyed! Hope you all don't end up like Makuri! *wink wink*


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    3 years ago

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    Context: I was in one of my elementary schools, about to leave for another.

    As I walked out the gate, my crush was standing right next to me. We were friends, and always hung out before getting picked up.
    Anyways, I casually told him I had a crush on him all three years we had been friends. I left after that, not expecting to talk to him ever again.
    Two years later, he gets my email address from a mutual friend. We chat for about a month and now we don’t talk at all.
    The moral of the story? Boys are sh!t.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I forgot I put this post in and I was like “Why does this sound so familiar?” Dang what’s wrong with me?

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    I Forgot To Tell You That I Got A Library Book, Never Gave It Back. It's Probably Either Lost, Stolen, Or Destroyed.


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    S P A C E S A R E C O O L
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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    My personal life. That is a story I never tell. Most people assume I just draw, and read, but ACTUALLY I draw pictures of the people I hate and throw darts at them. My enemies faces all have holes in them now. I can't wait for their actual faces. Revenge is sweet.



    once upon a time there was a man with a really bad memory... and I can't remember the rest . :)
