Tell me a fact you have learned that scares you. It can be a fact about the awfulness of humanity, about climate change and wildlife destruction, or just a scary fact about you or someone you know. Any 100% true fact that scares you.It can also be a fact that you have pieced together over time. Something that you have realized is probably true based on what you already know.


Before I give you my fact, here are a ton of facts that I am using to prove it.

I'm assuming most, if not all, of you have heard something about the Hurricane down in Florida. It is a Category 5 Hurricane, making it even worse than Katrina. I am currently learning about natural disasters in my science class, and, after hearing something said in a video, I decided to google if the number of Hurricanes was increasing. This is the AI overview that popped up:

"While the overall number of hurricanes isn't significantly increasing, the number of major hurricanes (Category 3 or higher) is trending upwards, indicating that while there might not be more storms, the intensity of hurricanes is increasing, likely due to warmer ocean temperatures associated with climate change; this means that even if the number of storms stays the same, the potential for severe damage is growing."

Basically, the number of strong, deadly Hurricanes, like the one in Florida, is going up due to Climate Change causing the oceans to warm. If you don't know this, warm water is pretty much the source of all hurricanes. Warm water is like food to a hurricane. The longer it stays over water, the larger and more dangerous it will become.

Again, after learning about Tornadoes in my science class and hearing the Tornado Alley is growing larger, I decided to google if the number of Tornadoes is increasing. Here is the AI Overview that popped up:

"According to current research, the overall number of tornadoes in the United States is not significantly increasing, but the frequency of tornado outbreaks, where multiple tornadoes occur in a short period, is on the rise, meaning that while there may be fewer days with tornadoes, when they do occur, they often happen in larger clusters; additionally, the geographic distribution of tornadoes seems to be shifting eastward, with the Southeast experiencing more tornadoes than the traditional "Tornado Alley" region."

Basically what the text is saying is that the number of large outbreaks of Tornadoes is increasing as well. This is actually the fault of Hurricanes, as a hurricane is only a hurricane when it is over water. As soon as a hurricane makes landfall, it breaks up into smaller, but equally dangerous, individual storms. Technically, these are Tornadoes.

Aside from natural disasters, I have heard that the Number 1 reason for fatality in children these days is due to school shootings, and the Number 2 reason is because of suicide due to bullying. I won't go much into these subjects because I know some people are sensitive about them.

Anyway, my point is this: The next mass extinction is going to be our own, and it is coming within the next 500+ years. I am not sure of this, but I assume it is true. We will all eventually be wiped out, either by nature, or ourselves, most likely a combination of the two, because of the fact that we are responsible for Climate Change.

Sorry for that wall of text. I felt the need to provide a load of information that you won't need for generations to come, but here it is anyway.


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Danish Susanne
Community Member
6 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That is the scary fact that I had meant to put up myself. You have to wear a certain red cap to find fault with your reasoning. Sadly there have been a large number of those sold. Probably less than Donald Dumb claims, but still the number may well be in the millions. My only doubt is, if we will last for as long as you think.

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If someone pregnant dies, there enough gas in the body to dispel the baby
If an object is left in you for more than 17 minutes, your body will begin to dispel it
During cremation, muscles contract and can make the body move, sometimes sit upright

Yeah. I wish I didn't know this either ._.


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Morven Thomson
Community Member
4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My friend lived in high flats, she got in a lift one night and the undertakers were in with a coffin which was at an angle due to the size of the lift. Two floors down there was the unmistakable sound of a fart coming from the coffin. She walked the rest of the way


There are over 12,000 active nuclear warhead in the world, and over half of them are in countries under authoritarian, hostile, volatile regimes with little oversight. United States alone has over 3,000 nuclear weapons, some kept in aging -often neglected- facilities, with obsolete software and undertrained personnel.

Furthermore, only in the United States there have been over 32 "broken arrow" incidents, with nuclear weapons being lost, misplaced, stolen or almost accidentally fired or detonated, and six of them have never been recovered. Also, there are an alarming number of cases of near deliberate launches because of glitches, malfunctions or false alarms.

In short, To this day, the likelihood of the world being destroyed by a nuclear war because one weapon going off by accident is not zero. Even a detonation in another part of the planet can have devastating consequences. And there isn't a single thing in the world ordinary people can do about it.


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Community Member
6 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

There is a region in southern Spain that got radiated because a B-52 lost 4 bombs and 2 of them got damaged - no explosion, just leakage


We can die out of the blue at any moment - Be it a natural cause like an aneurysm, artery blockage or a heart attack/stroke, and accident with lightning or traffic or outright murder from somebody close or randomly on the street.

Well, even a gamma ray from space could wipe the planet clean of any life if we happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time



I just learnt that the USA has had only 17 years of peace out of the 248 years of their existence.


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Autoimmune diseases. Happens when your immune system starts attacking healthy cells by mistake. Anyone can develop one without warning at any age, either by being genetically predisposed to them without even knowing or triggered by a virus or chemical.

Basically, your own body will try to kill you.


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6 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Mine is a bit oversensitive and keeps causing inflamations - not a fun experience

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That no matter how long you have been friends with someone that you consider a lifelong friend you may find out that they have been your worst enemy and turn on you on a dime. Out of envy or perceived rumors you find out they have been keeping a detailed list they have memorized of every misstep or mistake you have made while trusting them completely. The betrayal of trust is a very hard pill to gag on.



Many imbeciles have the right to vote under the pretext that they are of legal age... but not the mental capacities or the social conscience!


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Community Member
6 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Our government here in Germany planned to lower the voting age to 16 because so many young people seemed to support Friday for Future and such groups (Pretty much the target audience of 2 parties involved)... since statistics show that quite a big amount would rather vote conservative/right they mysteriously got silent about the idea though

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It is possible for spiders to be found in bananas. Yeah, I'm never touching a banana again.


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When you're comatose somethings from the real world get through. Known from personal experience.


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Community Member
4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Fox News saved my life - I was in a coma when someone changed the channel to Fox and I had to get to change it back


Some theories suggest that fungi, particularly psilocybin-containing mushrooms, might be part of a broader intelligence system. Fungi play a critical role in ecosystems, often as Some theories suggest that fungi, particularly psilocybin-containing mushrooms, might be part of a broader intelligence system. Fungi play a critical role in ecosystems, often as vast underground networks (mycelium) that help plants exchange nutrients and information. If psilocybin were not a coincidence, it could imply that these fungi evolved to influence higher-order thinking, perhaps to guide human behavior in ways that benefit ecosystems as a whole or to spread fungi to new environments. This is akin to how some plants evolved to attract specific animals to spread their seeds.vast underground networks (mycelium) that help plants exchange nutrients and information. If psilocybin were not a coincidence, it could imply that these fungi evolved to influence higher-order thinking, perhaps to guide human behavior in ways that benefit ecosystems as a whole or to spread fungi to new environments. This is akin to how some plants evolved to attract specific animals to spread their seeds.


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Community Member
4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The underground connections connections (mycelium) when viewed in 3-d look amazingly like brain connectivity

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Some theories suggest that fungi, particularly psilocybin-containing mushrooms, might be part of a broader intelligence system. Fungi play a critical role in ecosystems, often as Some theories suggest that fungi, particularly psilocybin-containing mushrooms, might be part of a broader intelligence system. Fungi play a critical role in ecosystems, often as vast underground networks (mycelium) that help plants exchange nutrients and information. If psilocybin were not a coincidence, it could imply that these fungi evolved to influence higher-order thinking, perhaps to guide human behavior in ways that benefit ecosystems as a whole or to spread fungi to new environments. This is akin to how some plants evolved to attract specific animals to spread their seeds.vast underground networks (mycelium) that help plants exchange nutrients and information. If psilocybin were not a coincidence, it could imply that these fungi evolved to influence higher-order thinking, perhaps to guide human behavior in ways that benefit ecosystems as a whole or to spread fungi to new environments. This is akin to how some plants evolved to attract specific animals to spread their seeds.


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Chainsaws were originally invented for childbirth....

You're welcome



Some theories suggest that fungi, particularly psilocybin-containing mushrooms, might be part of a broader intelligence system. Fungi play a critical role in ecosystems, often as vast underground networks (mycelium) that help plants exchange nutrients and information. If psilocybin were not a coincidence, it could imply that these fungi evolved to influence higher-order thinking, perhaps to guide human behavior in ways that benefit ecosystems as a whole or to spread fungi to new environments. This is akin to how some plants evolved to attract specific animals to spread their seeds.


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if you ban a depressed teen from something they love eg the only show that brings them peace and comfort, of music with swears in , or texting their friends, or going on yt, on tha grounds that they ar fourteen , which is too young, they will becomr depressed and may consider suic!de. they also ma attempt. also screaming at your kid, or taking away their electronics for no reason makes them doubt themself. alsoconstantly monitoring your kid makes them paranoid, gives them anxiety, and makes tham feel like they have no privacy.,shocker. also, sheltering your kid sets them up for abusive relationships.


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Tangee Wilson
Community Member
4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The first part sounds like something a kid would say. Unfortunately the only things kids learn from these days is taking away their electronics and screen time.

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