Tell me a fact you have learned that scares you. It can be a fact about the awfulness of humanity, about climate change and wildlife destruction, or just a scary fact about you or someone you know. Any 100% true fact that scares you.It can also be a fact that you have pieced together over time. Something that you have realized is probably true based on what you already know.


Before I give you my fact, here are a ton of facts that I am using to prove it.

I'm assuming most, if not all, of you have heard something about the Hurricane down in Florida. It is a Category 5 Hurricane, making it even worse than Katrina. I am currently learning about natural disasters in my science class, and, after hearing something said in a video, I decided to google if the number of Hurricanes was increasing. This is the AI overview that popped up:

"While the overall number of hurricanes isn't significantly increasing, the number of major hurricanes (Category 3 or higher) is trending upwards, indicating that while there might not be more storms, the intensity of hurricanes is increasing, likely due to warmer ocean temperatures associated with climate change; this means that even if the number of storms stays the same, the potential for severe damage is growing."

Basically, the number of strong, deadly Hurricanes, like the one in Florida, is going up due to Climate Change causing the oceans to warm. If you don't know this, warm water is pretty much the source of all hurricanes. Warm water is like food to a hurricane. The longer it stays over water, the larger and more dangerous it will become.

Again, after learning about Tornadoes in my science class and hearing the Tornado Alley is growing larger, I decided to google if the number of Tornadoes is increasing. Here is the AI Overview that popped up:

"According to current research, the overall number of tornadoes in the United States is not significantly increasing, but the frequency of tornado outbreaks, where multiple tornadoes occur in a short period, is on the rise, meaning that while there may be fewer days with tornadoes, when they do occur, they often happen in larger clusters; additionally, the geographic distribution of tornadoes seems to be shifting eastward, with the Southeast experiencing more tornadoes than the traditional "Tornado Alley" region."

Basically what the text is saying is that the number of large outbreaks of Tornadoes is increasing as well. This is actually the fault of Hurricanes, as a hurricane is only a hurricane when it is over water. As soon as a hurricane makes landfall, it breaks up into smaller, but equally dangerous, individual storms. Technically, these are Tornadoes.

Aside from natural disasters, I have heard that the Number 1 reason for fatality in children these days is due to school shootings, and the Number 2 reason is because of suicide due to bullying. I won't go much into these subjects because I know some people are sensitive about them.

Anyway, my point is this: The next mass extinction is going to be our own, and it is coming within the next 500+ years. I am not sure of this, but I assume it is true. We will all eventually be wiped out, either by nature, or ourselves, most likely a combination of the two, because of the fact that we are responsible for Climate Change.

Sorry for that wall of text. I felt the need to provide a load of information that you won't need for generations to come, but here it is anyway.


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If someone pregnant dies, there enough gas in the body to dispel the baby
If an object is left in you for more than 17 minutes, your body will begin to dispel it
During cremation, muscles contract and can make the body move, sometimes sit upright

Yeah. I wish I didn't know this either ._.


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