We have a dog named George and one of his coming nicknames is Georgie Porgie and I've called him Porgie Porgie which I think is funny so I'm curious to know what nicknames y'all have for your animals.


We have a dog named George and one of his coming nicknames is Georgie Porgie and I've called him Porgie Porgie which I think is funny so I'm curious to know what nicknames y'all have for your animals.


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    For some reason I started calling my dog buojee. Idk why but he responds to it… lol


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    I started calling Brutus Augustus "Smiles Davis King" after jazz musician, Miles Davis. Husband thinks that would have been the perfect name for our little boy because of Bru's cheesy grin but personally, I wish I hadn't even said it one time.


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    I had a half Black Lab / half German Shepherd named Camille. Naturally, that became Camille-a-deal-a-dinkle-dunkle-dorkle-doo.



    My stepdad began calling his cat 'moppity, floppity' because of the sound he made when he scratched at the door. My brother expanded on that and called him Mopsie Doosie, which has stuck.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    My cat was being a cat(being a lovable jerk) and I asked him why is he such a fuzzy butt. He stopped and sat on my lap. So when he acts up I call him fuzzy butt and he usually calms down. Still don't know why.


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