Some random ideas for movies you have. One that I have is a scripted movie entirely about someone’s daily life, no action at all, just waking up and living life. Another key part of this movie is that ALL of the parts are played by celebrities; minor parts, lead roles. Just so they know what it’s like to rehearse every single day and put a ton of effort into the show (especially backstage) for a ten minute role.


I’ve seen this on another post. put a movie in the apocalypse.a guy has braces and he’s trying to find someone to remove his braces and kind of accidentally saves the world Along the way



I'd like a film where there is a mixed race couple and they face NO ISSUES regarding their ethnicities, a gay couple and they face NO ISSUES regarding their homosexuality, and a couple where one of the partners is transgender and they face NO ISSUES regarding the transgender nature of the relationship.

A film that treats such relationships as NORMAL. Any drama in the film can revolve around anything else, a crime caper, a murder mystery, a space journey, whatever!


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

But not perfect, of course. Normal relationships have some problems. But I understand the need and want for less uhh... Whatever the word is.

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One based on my story, a sort of political thriller mashed up with some sci-fi, told from the perspective of a teenager


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Lina Touba
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

'Political thriller ans sci fi' bro/sis what happened to you ?


This post reminded me of an idea that I hadn't thought of in a while- a pirate takes a soldier captive, but they end up falling for each other (and they both happen to be women, but like Nathaniel said in his post, that's not the focus of the movie) I came up with this idea a while ago after rewatching Descendants (not voluntarily lol) and POTC, so the pirate's personality is somewhere between Jack Sparrow and Ursula's daughter (forgot her name) but at first she shuts everyone out and doesn't want to show emotion, and the soldier is initially really defiant when she's captured but she just follows her orders and doesn't really think for herself, and over the course of the movie that all changes



A crossover between a heist film and a horror film: the robbers steal an item that is cursed or haunted



This might already exist, iand f it does I had no idea, but a movie/series where something kinda cliche is going on plot wise, but a side character is slowly going insane and realizes that this world is a movie/series. Everyone else is concerned, and trying to deal with the main plot at hand, but that one side character kinda breaks free at the end. (I think this would work better in a series rather than a movie)


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Lina Touba
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nice one ! Could be called 'Side character'. Sort of the same the same idea than this move with Ryan Reynolds (NPC) or the Truman Show, but with a different take

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I've thought of this in a musical format, but i think there are a few already that are similar.-. so, my idea is a show or movie that makes no sense. There's a plot, yes, but cheesy and unexpected things happen throughout that make ZERO sense. Kind of a reflection of the weird side of my brain. Like, one second, two guys are talking about statistics at work, and then this awesome work out song comes on and one of the guys jumps into the other’s arms and they do that flying swan thing lol. I've always wanted to see something like that


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I have an idea for a film that is so disgusting, so disturbing, so awful that it makes "that one scene" in A Serbian Film seem like an episode of Sesame Street by comparison.


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Sooploosh MacSchnibble
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Good luck topping actual snuff films though. Those are always so much worse (for me, at least) because its real. I am rarely scared by horror movies because I was told it was all fake when I was very young (I got scared watching the 1954 original Godzilla movie, so my dad comforted me with that) so it never bothered me, and then one day, when I was playing some flash game, and asked for help in the comments, someone replied with a link to a walkthrough which turned out to be that video of Luka Magnotta suffocating the kittens and I was never the same.


Tons upon tons, but here are my two favorites

1- You've probably seen my Criatura Extraña guy floating around on this site (his working name is Lorenzo until I find a better one, but feel free to suggest them), anyways, he lives on an uncharted Island full of strange creatures with unique adaptations. He himself (I say he, but really he is a hermaphrodite) is very unique amongst his species, as he has brighter colors, a more powerful sting, and spends much more time in the water (he can shoot water out of his gills, which none of his peers can). Anyways, after extremely powerful aliens lose their special space rock, and it hurtles to Earth, it crash lands right into a large predator about to eat Lorenzo. He picks it up and uses it to; travel to alternate universes, Teleport, fly, and (if swallowed) turn into a giant to fight giant adversaries (Like a Kyodai Hero). Basically, he goes on a bunch of goofy adventures.

The second one is better for a TV show or movie series but basically, in a world where humanity has co-existed (more or less) with monsters since forever, In a futuristic civilization, facing another world war, Exceptionally large monsters rise up, each one able to use their own unique form of "Kaiju Energy" , some can form shields and weapons out of it, others can spit it out like a beam, some can use it to run super duper fast, and one (who cannot leave the ocean and must fight its on land rivals from the sea) can even fire them from really far distances like long-range missiles, and another can propel itself like a jet! After one particularly irritable (and extremely powerful) giant is accidentally hit with an airplane, he declares war on humanity, and in doing so, destroys other Giants' enviornments, causing a chain reaction of Giant monster destruction. Humanity joins together to fight off the "Giants" (and fail miserably) and things seem peaceful for a while, but then more political issues arise (some even dealing with the kaiju) and the war escalates again, and now there's a huge world war being fought during the midst of a Kaiju attack! Ideally, this would only be one story (Like maybe the first season of the first show) in one large franchise, like Godzilla. Unlike Godzilla, however, this Franchise would share one continuity, instead of many reboots and alternate universes.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have another that is also pretty likely to succeed, but I stole it from a meme, and part of the plot was made up by Quora users who were commenting on the meme, but basically, an 80s high-school bully is somehow transported to the modern day and goes to the same school, but with diversity and inclusion, and his typical mean behaviors aren't funny anymore, and he tries to bypass this but is thwarted by the principal, and at one point he dresses as a woman and says he transitioned to get into the girls' changing room, only to find out that (unfortunately) Trans girls still have to change in the boys' changing room. It's revealed that the current principal was one of his victims from his day. He also ends up befriending a trans girl, and when he returns to his time, he's a bit of a nicer and more accepting person. The movie would be filmed in the style of an 80s family movie, with similar music and jokes and stuff.


I would kill to see a Dishonored movie.

Oh wait, this is about our OWN ideas not what we WANT to be a movie?

Set in the 50s. You got this girl and her “family”. They’ve moved to this private island with a tall manor on top. The girl is blind so she is taken care of by her “family”.

One day she wakes up and is suddenly not blind anymore (idea is that family gave her this weird sorta poison that made her blind but they forgot to give it to her the day prior and they have to give it to her every few days).

She goes downstairs, and realizes that the people she’s with are not her real family as they don’t look anything like her memories.

She now has to pretend to still be blind while trying to find what happened to her real family and escape the manor.

This idea I had was actually inspired by a 2 sentence horror story I read :)



I wrote a murder mystery with a a spurned lesbian romance, a seven year man hunt, generational trauma, and a drug dealer getting kicked in the groin by the Mafia once. Also a surprise cameo by Jack Sparrow.


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A girl has lived on a small spacecraft orbiting earth with her parents for her whole life. She had only met other people a few times, when they came to the spacecraft to deliver supplies. One day her parents die while doing repairs on the outside of the spacecraft. She takes the escape vessel out of the spacecraft to earth. She lands in a small town in Alaska and finds, to her surprise, that her parents had already enrolled her in the local middle school. She decides to try to pretend to be a normal kid and attends class for several months. She befriends another girl in her class, who invites her home to spend the afternoon and have dinner. She discovers that the girls parents both have jobs studying a potentially devastating volcano currently hidden just below the surface beneath the small town. As she looks at the maps and plans, she discovers that her parents were studying this as well, and to stop the eruption from wiping Alaska and everything near it off the face of the earth, they must find the notes and diagrams that her parents finished and stowed away in the spacecraft the day before they died. As tremors begin to shake the town and the volcano grows closer to eruption, she must take a rocket up to her parent’s spacecraft and find the solution to save the world.


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Piece of advice. If you are serious about your idea, don’t post it on something like this, someone could take this idea and do something with it before you can. Just be aware of that.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

To be honest this was probably a stupid thread to start for that exact reason, but I’ve already put it out there so not really going to go back now.

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Two desperate girls take petty guy-drama too far and get into trouble with their college. As punishment, they have to spend the next semester playing Cupid and matchmaking 100 other couples.
The catch? If either of them falls in love, they both lose their scholarships.
Hilarious chaos ensues.


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Lina Touba
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You can honestly pitch that to Netflix, they like stupid teenage rom coms


Some random people get a ton of money, making them to millionares. They can do whatever they want with the money. But what they dont know is, they HAVE to spend the money within a year. Based on what they spend the money, they will get a special treatment.
If you keep/hording the money, then you will end up as a bum.
Invest the money to make more money. Have fun seeing how everything you built up so far crumbles to dust.
Spent it for good stuff. Well every good deed will come back to you. Whenever youre in a pinch, someone will help you out.


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Have a dude with a cat. Cat dies. Dude reincarnates it. Makes apocalypse. Sees cats teeth don’t exist. Long journey to get said teeth. Cat with teeth transforms and saves the world. Still can transform back. Dude and cat live together, vibing. Last scene, dude and cat just dancin. Doesn’t have to be a dude.


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I would love to make a movie based on the song, "All About That Bass." An Italian photographer spends his days snapping pics of temperamental models with equally temperamental agents. Some are practically expressionless, almost all of them are uncooperative. One model is so skinny, when she turns sideways, you can't see her on camera.
Having had enough, the photographer decides to go to the streets of San Francisco, in hopes of finding inspiration. There, he is surveying passers-by, unaware that one of the cables raising an ironwork statue has snapped. A waitress, played by Queen Latifah, sees this, and yells at the photographer. In a desperate move, she literally bum rushes him out of the way, escaping death by mere inches. Once he gets over the shock of nearly dying, the photographer gets a terrific idea: only snap full-figure women. Where do I sign up?


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