Bonus points if you include why you chose that instrument, some advice/stories, or just some funny stereotypes about your instrument.
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I did classical violin for many years (4-13). I pseudo-taught myself alto sax (13-present) -- i took music in highschool but they expected a baseline understanding of the instrument which I didn't know so I would practice 4hrs a day to get up to where everytime else was until I because first alto. I taught myself piano but I am garbage at it.
I used to compete and be part of band-- but, my secret... I can't read music. Still. I'm in my twenties lol. I have to translate the music into letters on the page or play by ear, I know how to read music but my brain just doesn't know how to interpret the notes on the fly so i just use them for timing and rely on playing by ear, written letters or muscle memory to play sheet music.
That's really cool that you can play w/o being able to read the music! Especially when you're teaching yourself instruments.
I can play the trumpet fairly well! This is my third year, so I had to start virtually, (side note: microphones and trumpets do not agree) but I think that I've turned out fairly well, since I'm in the Advanced Band at my school! We're going to MPAs (a mock one sadly, since we're on break during the real competition) in March, and this is the first competition-style thing I've been in, so I'm excited!
My other musical talent consists of learning to play Country Roads on a guitar four years ago and not playing since, kazoo noises from a mouthpiece, Hot Cross Buns on a recorder, and knowing all the lyrics to We Didn't Start The Fire.