I've really been having a hard time going to sleep lately, so I thought I'd look to my pandas for advice!
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I have trouble sleeping a lot too! Here are a few tips I found help:
- A warm cup of chamomile tea before bed
- White noise (my favorite is soft rain, but I also love waves)
- A comfort blanket
- Sleeping with a blanket under me instead of just the sheet...it feels more like a hug.
- Positive thoughts or reading something comfortable so that you don't sleep on an anxious thought topic. Stargazing also helps with this.
- Flipping my mattress over every few weeks. For some reason my body will get tired of how it feels and will stay awake. And then when I flip it over, I can sleep again.
- Having a plan for if I wake up in the middle of the night. Instead of lying there counting the minutes until my alarm goes off, I try to enjoy the silence and read or make up little fairy stories or something.
- There are also natural sleep pills you can take. My mom gets them at the local health-food store and they help a lot without actually being a "drug." They also usually wear off in a few hours, so it doesn't affect getting up.
Hope some/one of these helps!
Camomile tea (sometimes), reading, getting off devices/tv at least 30 mins before (I wish I could do that more often), making up scenarios in my head.
Petting my dog
Reading specific parts of books over and over, just scenes that make me happy
If all else fails, I put my pillow at the foot of my bed and sleep backwards.