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Well, I'd say you love everything about them. Even the little things, like the sound of their laugh, their voice, their quirks and all. The five minutes you wait after they ask to call you is the longest and most nerve-wracking five minutes of your life. You notice their presence so much more. You feel attuned to them. It feels strangely empty when they're not there, but perfect when they are. Sometimes you can't sleep because you're too busy thinking about them and wondering if they're thinking of you too. Your heart rate skyrockets when you get a text from them. And the best thing is knowing they feel the same. Knowing there's someone who's smart, sweet and amazing who likes you just as much. It's incredible. I hope everyone gets to experience the same. There really is nothing like it.


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    You notice all the little things about them, and they notice it about you in return. For example, my boyfriend has a thousand different smiles, and they're all different depending on what the smile is for. And like Aud said before me, you fall in love with each and every one of them. At first you feel all fluttery and nervous around them, but with time your heart rate slows and recognizes them as someone who makes you feel safe and at home (this, contrary to some beliefs, isn't because you're falling out of love with them, it's because your brain releases extra dopamine and serotonin on a regular basis and it makes you more sleepy/comfortable around them). but at the end of the day, everyone feels love differently! hope i could answer the question, have a lovely day!


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