Whether it's from mythology, a movie, a book, a video game, or some other form of fiction, we've all seen a monster we really want to be friends with. Admit it. Which one do you want as a pet?


While my favorite monster is Godzilla, he would make a terrible pet. Personally, I'd go for something from the Monster Hunter series! While I love Zinogre, their aggression and power would make them very a difficult pet. I think I'd have an Espinas! Espinas are very docile, and usually won't even bother getting out of bed when a hunter is attacking them. Even when they do wake up, they still ignore them until they are actually hurt. Also, the Hunters in monster hunter are superhumans, and Espinas's durable hide is far stronger than metal. If placed in the real world, Espinas would be much stronger than a tank, and armed with paralytic fireballs, they would make an excellent guard animal (although it would take a lot of convincing to make him think a regular burglar is a threat enough to attack). I'd name him Spike (on account of his enormous toxic spikes) and he could fly me to school each day (although he probably won't want to wake up). The only issue is he might eat people, but then again, it's not like the police could kill him!


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    A werewolf. I don't know why I am so obsessed with werewolves. Maybe because I grew up with dogs.
    Also I would like to be friends with Hanuman, the monkey god from Hindu mythology.



    I'm gonna go with the panda from monster Legends. does that count?


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