Hey Pandas, What Fantasy World Would You Most Or/And Least Like To Live In. And Why? (Closed)
Maybe the world of Harry Potter, Scooby-Doo, Pocahontas or some other.
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I wanna live in Harry Potter universe but maybe not, because I would probably last less than a minute in there because of my horrible luck would put me straight down at the Battle of Hogwarts. So real life is bad but not as bad as suffering from a painful imaginary death, I guess
I would love to live in the world of Percy Jackson. I love all of Rick Riordan’s books and I love mythology. I might die due to monsters but it works be worth it.
Yes, that is exactly what I want too.
Are we doing strictly fantastical worlds, or are fictional settings in general allowed?
I'd like to live on Coruscant (the upper levels of course). The time period doesn't matter too much, it was mostly peaceful throughout the timeline. But the days of the Galactic Republic would be nice, maybe the New Republic as well. Empire would be interesting, though.
The Percy Jackson/ Magnus Chase/ Kane Chronicles world. I’d probably be a Norse demigod with dumb enough luck to die right away though. Hopefully I’d die in a ridiculously heroic way though… I’d like to be able to hang out with Alex and Mallory.
The Harry Potter world definitely.
With HelluvaHegehogAlien and Cho Yua by the looks of things.
I'm definitely done living this fantasy of an achievable American dream. I'm just focused on surviving and providing for my wife and kids. I daydream of my hobbies rather than pursue them now bcuz, what's the point? I can only enjoy what's in front of me and I hold that dear. But to think that EVERYONE can make it in today's economy is not only a fantasy, but more like a you can hardly remember. Stay safe pandas
Minecraft in peaceful mode. With friends! Ik it’s not a book or movie but that would be awesome :)
for the one i want to live in has to be the world of Tamriel from the Elder Scrolls series, and for the least like to live in probably the same
I’d love to live in the world where the Aurora cycle is set. Otherwise Harry Potter or a world from a book by Rick Riordan, or good omens by Neil Gaiman en Terry Pratchett, or the 2015 of Back To The Future
2 places I wouldn’t want are Panem, or where the maze runner is set.
For least: Divergent series world. Because it’s so dangerous and I’d be in abnegation, lol. Basically nearly everyone dies, and it only really focuses on what the Dauntless people do, so I don’t know how much safer I’d be anywhere else. My second most likely faction would be Erudite. So, either way, dead 😅
Most: Wizarding World. I want to be there, when they’re planning how to deal with Voldemort, when Hermione, Harry, and Ron are walking through the halls as their adorable 11 year old selves lol. I want to be friends with Luna Lovegood, and Neville, and I want to have a definitive patronus (every test I take gives me something different. I’m so hesitant about answers and wishy washy that even the same test gives me different things). I might die at the battle of Hogwarts, but that’s okay if it means I can watch the story in person and interact with the characters
Most: Demon Slayer, since it's my all-time favorite. Maybe I'd even see the Hashira.
Least: The world One-Piece is set in. Too many f***ing pirates.
There's a podcast called Hello From The Hallowoods that I think would be interesting to live in. It's very much a horror podcast, and I'd like to turn into a being that is no longer human.
I would least like to live in Panem.
Despite my raging love of The Hunger Games, Panem just seems like one of the worst options, with constant poverty and the danger of being reaped.