What's something that's perfectly normal and yet it feels like it works by magic? Like you can't explain how it works any other way?
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For me it's glasses. It blows my mind that putting two special pieces of glass in front of my eyes makes my vision clear. Especially considering that everyone needs slightly different special pieces of glass.
Cooking. It's magic how you put ingredients together in a certain way, and they turn into something else.
Or how the same handful of ingredients put together in a different order or cooked differently comes out differently (I'm looking at you Mex-American food 😋. Tortilla, cheese, meat, veggies make burritos, tacos, chimichangas....the list goes on)
How can something so powerful and vital also be so beautiful? It's different every day.
Music. Sound waves themselves are pretty cool, but music can get us to feel a whole range of emotions through vibrations that travel through the air and into our ears. That is just so amazing when you think about it.
Rather obviously; The Internet.
I grew up in the days when you'd watch a film and wonder what the actor playing the Police Chief was from and never ever know. Now you're a five second search away. Similarly "what is that awesome song on the advert", or many many other questions. The whole wealth of the world's knowledge in one place and accessible in moments.
my kids who can barely talk saying 'i love you, bye daddy' in their own way.
Afternoon cloudsun
Heavy blossoms, early Spring
Cascades of birdsong
For me it's just the world in general. Take humans for example: we are made entirely of atoms, and somehow a very specific set of them linked together and BOOM! We have consciences. We are 99% nothing and yet function as if we were 100% stuff. Also, on top of the atoms part, we are made of several also Alive beings called cells who teamed up to make humans. Just incredible. I could go on but I'm tired so lol.
Diffusers. I don’t really know why, but they’re just so cool and they are great for making a small space like a dorm look pretty and smell nice.
For me, it used to be when I would start my old truck. It was so on-point that Im pretty sure the engine was running before I'd fully turned the key.
How my dog Sonjaqq's fur goes all soft and fluffy when I hold her in my arms. She's 14 and blind. When I carry her around or have her next to me while I work, (I guess) she feels safe and happy and "poofs" up like a cloud.
Dreams. The fact that our mind is basically creating movies while we sleep, and that they can feel so real but make no sense when we wake up, is fascinating to me.