I know, I know, this might make people mad and is probably very controversial, but I've been wondering what other people think because I have some that bother me, have a great day!


Just one? ... Double standards towards women. If a guy sleeps around he's a cool dude. If a women sleeps around she's a s**t. If a male has short shorts then it's just a hot day. If a women wears short shorts she's inappropriately dressed. I could go on and on but you know what I mean.
Then there's the hypocrisy in religion. The "love your neighbour" but not caring if someone needs help and support and they look the other way.
How about the polluted world we live in .... people buying useless stuff and complaining about climate change (IF they even bother to think about it at all).


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

wholeheartedly agree! "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." - James 1:27

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    Religion. Pretty much everything about is hypocritical but one of the things that pisses me off the most about it is people demanding the freedom to practice their religion, while at the same time trying to force the rest of society to also follow that religion and suppressing their right to follow their own religious beliefs or lack thereof. You follow your beliefs and let me follow mine. If you don't support abortion, don't have one but don't stop others from having that choice. If you don't support the LGBTQ community, that is your choice but never try to restrict the rights of anyone in that community.


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    Hagen Radcliffe
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This should be MUCH higher! It’s not just a saying that the majority of suffering in all of history was started, advanced or caused by a religion. Humans use the excuse of THEIR god to oppress anyone to doesn’t get in line. I won’t ever understand the need to worship something, usually as a way to harm others & advance themselves. SMH

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    It’s a silly one, but as a comic book fan the double standards of the costumes gets me mad. Female superhero’s get glorified unitards, bikinis and sometimes just two ribbons covering their boobs. Whereas guys always get to be a hero first and model second

    (If anyone wants to complain in the comments I’m more then happy to explain the differences of sexual and power fantasies to them :) )


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    Caro Caro
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not silly. I agree. The females (nearly) always wear sexy revealing clothes.

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    How little help and compassion there is for male victims of domestic and/or sexual abuse.


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    Misty-Dawn Amayi
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's happening a *lot* more than people realize, and it's no less devastating in consequences, but there are far few resources for men than there are for women in the domestic abuse advocacy sector. This really needs to change. *All* human beings deserve the right to be safe and to be respected.

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    When someone doesn't speak your native language in the USA. If you don't know Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Cantonese, etc. that's normal. If they don't speak English, they are ignorant foreigners.


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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    not just in the USA , its in every western country unfortunately

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    Almost everything about the UK seems to hinge on double standards. Poor? Fiddling your benefits? You're going to see serious jail time. Rich? Fiddling your taxes? Slap on the back of the hand and a paltry fine. Virtually every aspect of life and law seems to hinge on how much money you've got, the more bread you got, the less you-know-what you eat!


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    Ian Conelley
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    US is the same, but even worse. They're not even trying to hide it anymore, it's galling.

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    In the UK you can only buy a child ticket for the train or bus if you are 15 or under. yet if you are under 18 the national minimum wage is less than if you were 25+. if you want under 18s to pay the same as "adults" then pay them the same!


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    Capitalism for the working class, socialism for the elite.


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    Earl Grey
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Socialism for and on behalf of corporations has been the norm for half a century. Your Too-Big-to-Fail corporate entity just went belly up? Here’s a government bailout for you, there there now, don’t cry. Individual citizens? Nope. Eat 💩 and ⚰️ loser.

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    Walmart that pays their employees c**p, and then provide assistance to their employees on how to apply for EBT and welfare. That's corporate socialism. It maddens me that they don't pay fair wages, then push it off on us taxpayers.


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    Hagen Radcliffe
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Walmart = family business = “Christian values” = WE make the rules , WE keep the money

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    get someone cremated and your a good friend but do it in your yard and its burning the evidence


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So unfair. The neighbors called the police on me last time for "burning the evidence". Same thing for burying too.

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    The whole "You're a dad who is alone with your little kids? Awww, how's the babysitting going?" thing, to which the following response should be given: "I wouldn't know; I'm too busy parenting right now."

    And, while I know the numbers are disproportionate based on gender, if a man were to attempt to help out a child in need who is not his own, even in a public space, many will assume he has the worst intentions.


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    Donkey boi
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Too true. I saved a child's life once (It ran out in front of a tram), and I got shouted at for "attempting to abduct a child". Spent the rest of the day in police custody (it was my wife's birthday), I actually found myself wishing I'd let the kid die. Now if I see a lost child or a child in danger, I'm gonna find a woman to deal with it.

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    I went to a camp this summer and there was a dress code for the girls and the boys. Well the boys just had to wear t shirts no tank tops but could go topless in the pool and could wear any length of shorts. The girls on the other hand had to wear knee length shorts (I’m 6ft so that was hard) and no leggings it was too hot to wear jeans. Also our swimsuits had to be a one piece with knee length shorts! On the last day they pulled ALL the girls aside and told us to change our shorts if they weren’t long enough and if we didn’t have any that we would have to borrow some from our friends!


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    Veronica Rabbit
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is so messed up. I don't even own any knee-length shorts (I'm a girl).

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    As an autistic person I was (and still am) sound sensitive. During high school I'd pop in earbuds if the classroom got to loud so I wouldn't melt down... teacher didn't like that and would rip my ear buds out of my ears. But it was OK for everyone else to put their ear buds in... they're the ones screaming at each other, they don't need to muffle the sound.



    Double standards for fat people.
    When you're fat, you have to put extra effort in anything you do so people will actually bother to view you as a person. A lot of doctors use "lose weight" as an universal cure for all ailments of their fat patients, without bothering to investigate the problem deeper. Another nightmare is buying clothes (even when something is labeled "plus size", it usually means "for slightly larger thin people"). All while people tell us it's our fault / our choice, even though it's been proven that weight and body shape are just as genetic as height or hair color.


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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "even though it's been proven that weight and body shape are just as genetic as height or hair color." Yeah, that's not true. I'm with you on everything else but it's a simple fact of life that your weight comes down to the ratio of food you eat vs energy you burn off. Some people need to exercise more than other people but there have never been a case of a famine victim that remained plus size due to their genetics.

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    The massive amount of relatively safe male impotence drugs (Viagra etc.) vs small number of drugs that minimally help with menopause and are nowhere near as safe. Lack of a boner = multi-billion $ industry. Serious medical issues for women when they are losing their estrogen = possible cancer-causing industry with less than stellar results.


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    Misty-Dawn Amayi
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This has been an alarmingly prevalent problem for a long time, and current events with Paternalist Authoritarians is just making it worse.

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    If a man argues about something, then he's passionate. If a woman argues about something she's a b***h or hormonal or emotional. Like how is that fair?!


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also, even if a woman is on her period, and she does get angry, it doesn't mean she doesn't have a genuine damn good reason!

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    That when I was 44 I was told I couldn't have a hysterectomy to put right a very painful condition because I was still of child-bearing age, but if I had fallen pregnant with my first child at that age the doctors would have advised me to abort because of the dangers.



    Bored Panda responses to things that happen in the US that are damned but happen in other countries get a "pass."


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    Nikki Sevven
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, I mean, we Americans are all just morbidly obese, undereducated, willfully stupid, greedy, uncultured, selfish assholes...all 330 million of us...exactly the same. Didn't you know that? BP loves to paint the US with a broad, broad brush while simultaneously excoriating discrimination and bigotry in literally every other arena.

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    People automatically demanding your respect while saying "my respect has to be earned".
    I don't get that! What's wrong with having a basic amount of respect for each other and giving a little before you take?



    The way society deals with mental illness versus physical illness. Like with physical problems millions, if not, billions of people struggle with mental health issues daily. Yet, there is still a huge taboo on it and most available (professional) information seems very clinical. I think it's wonderful that more and more people are opening up about their struggles and what it's really like, I love that! However, there seems to be so much more acceptance for psycical problems and that struggle. Mental problems should be equally accepted by society. All those people deserve to get rid of the taboo surrounding it. From experience I can say that getting rid of the shame makes a huge difference! Hugs to everybody struggling, either physically or mentally!


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    Richard Smith
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Agree. I think the difference is what can be seen, and what others can empathize with. We interact with others based on our own experience, and if we haven't had their experiences, then we can't empathize. Once we have some relatable experience, then we're all over it. I think that, with love, we can get beyond that.

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    Smokers get smoke breaks non-smokers get fewer breaks. If a smoker gets upset it's a nic-fit and acceptable by coworkers, if a non- smoker gets upset then they are thoroughly out of line. Why does actively not harming yourself mean that you get fewer benefits and less of a pass?



    I'm sure there are, or will be at least a few posts of double standards between men and women, which goes both ways. Women are expected to be the “care givers” to their children and men are “applauded” for raising their children. Women painting nails and/or makeup is okay but not when men do it. Women are expected to cover up, while men without a shirt is acceptable. It’s natural for men to get angry and answer back on being insulted. But for women, it’s “over reaction”.
    There's a prevailing attitude that it is comical when a woman commits violence against a man, but it's abuse if a man hits a woman, (even in self defense). Women are expected to be the “care givers” to their children and men are “applauded” for raising their children. Women can express their feelings, and cry but men aren't considered 'men' if they do the same. There are so many, too many examples. This post would have chapters if I kept going. Of course there are differences between the sexes, but we're all still human and deserve to be treated equally.


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    2 years ago

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    How I can’t have a bad day but everyone around me can act like an a*****e just because their life is *slightly* worse than mine
    (b***h you can’t scale your experience as a human being to one another)


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I get this. I have tried too many times to explain to my husband. He gets stressed or has a bad day and can be very crabby and snappy, but if I do same (and I honestly try not to because I think it is an unfair way to be) he gets mad and takes it personally.

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    The political right fighting and funding anti-abortion, but then refusing to support mother and child after the unwanted child is born. Also those protesters saying that the unborn babies can be adopted, whilst refusing to acknowledge the already ever growing population of children in the adoption system!


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    Tree P
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This!!! Pisses me off so much! They want that baby born, but, oh, its up to you to provide even if you cannot. Oh, and God forbid, you ask for help, or a handout, as Republicans put it!

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    If someone slaves their life away working at a computer, they're a good member of society, but if you spend two hours on the computer playing games, you're lazy..


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    Pieter LeGrande
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Tell them you are going be a games developer, and you are just doing basic research.

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    Politicians that refuse to give Americans Free Healthcare or tax free wages while they get free healthcare and don't have to pay taxes for the rest of their lives......


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    Elizabeth VanDyke
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not too long ago, a congressperson was whining about needing a raise because he just could not live on $174,000 a year!

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    How people consider it disrespectful to not give a two weeks notice, but employers can fire you on the spot for doing so and nobody screams at them about respect.


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    Pizzagirl 91
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's why a great many countries have labour laws: here in Germany, both parties have to give a certain amount of notice (depending on the time the employee has been working there) and you can sue if the other party breaks those rules. I really don't understand how that's not the way in every "civilised" country!

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    High intelligence/gifted physical skills/multiple areas of competence/ sound leadership and wisdom development. If you have these and you're a man, then mainstream men and women admire you. If you have these and you're a woman, the nastiness from mainstream men and women never ends.


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    If a woman wears clothing covering only the bare minimum it's ✨female empowerment✨ if a woman CHOOSES to wear the Hijab, she's ✨oppressed✨. Like oh, oh no! Men really hate seeing our boobs and a*s so they told us to cover it all up🤡.
    CONSPIRACY THEORY: Men came up with the saying "I can wear whatever I want" to force girls to wear clothes as such (even if they're uncomfortable) because they wanted to see their bodies.
    Muslim women, hijabis and non-hijabis, we are all empowered just as much as any of you. Our men (Muslim men) think of us as the gem of the family. I mean, if I came into your house and asked you where your money was, would you tell me? I doubt it. The same applies here. Muslim women shouldn't have to constantly fear having our Hijab thrown off in public. That shouldn't be a thing. There are so many other cultures that enourage women to cover their hair and yet, the only people harrassed for doing so, are Muslims. The double standards here enrage me as a Muslim hijabi woman myself.
    Sorry if I came on too strong hahah I just feel really strongly about this topic and I think it needs more awareness.😊❤️


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A woman by the name of Mahsa Amini was killed in Iran recently for not wanting to wearing a hijab. Wearing or not wearing a Hijab should be the individual choice of the woman in question and I don't say that because I want to see someone boobs but because it's morally right.

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    Men cannot be victims of sexual abuse. That one enrages me. Imagine being traumatized from an incident that happened to you when you were a kid, and someone says "well, actually, men cannot be victims of sexual assault, and women can't be assailants".



    If the government finds Oil, Gold or Diamonds on your property, its theirs. But if they find drugs on your property its yours.


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    Debby Keir
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Depends on the country and whatever is on the deeds. My dad conveyanced my first property (UK) in a mining area, and ensured I had the mining rights thereafter. However, unless there's a cocaine or cannabis mine, the second is all up to you...

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    Double standards towards people who are poor and those who are not. I just read that in Britain since 2013 only seven businesses have been convicted of corporate fraud whilst 5000 times that many people have been charged over benefits fraud.


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    A retail worker at grocery stores or drugstores being considered essential during a pandemic, they not able to work from home like most but still never got any of the benefits of "essential workers" (ie. Temp pay increases, first round of vaccine releases, benefits at other locations like an opportunity to shop earlier or a discount for being essential. )


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    Elizabeth VanDyke
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Spot on!! My daughter worked at a hospital during the pandemic in the housekeeping dept. That dept. was not essential. Neither was janitorial or maintenance

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    Why is ok to display a man's hairy nipples in public but not a woman's?
    I mean, at least hers are functional, mine do nothing and serve no purpose other than telling me when a cold wind blows.



    Social, political, economic and religious disadvantages disempowering and disrespecting women as opposed to men. For instance, women get called all kinds of nasty names and can be punished by the law for sexual behaviours. Women are called whores, sluts, bitches and so on - where is the same blame game for men? Women are not "prey animals" either nor should they have blame shifted onto them for the decisions and actions of men. For another - where is the economic (eg equality of pay) and fair political representation that we all deserve? The responsibilities of creating a decent and humane society rest with ALL genders.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If a woman is sexually assaulted the first thing she is asked is "what were you wearing and were you drunk?,

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    People with kids can leave early, not work overtime or miss days of work because of their kids but people without kids are expected to give more for work because they supposedly have more time and less responsibilities.


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    Tree P
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Had this happen to me all the time. It's not my fault so and so had kids, but I'm supposed to pick up the slack for them. This stopped once I had seniority.

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    Being a woman without a kid I constantly get compared to women with kids by employers. "Well so in so didn't never asked for a raise and they have 2 kids, etc." My husband is a man without kids, he never gets compared to men with kids by his bosses. His conduct or choices are rightly compared to his alone past work.


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    Sports. Men's uniforms are "normal." Women's uniforms are as skimpy as they can make'em. Men, in the same sport, soccer for instance, and basketball, get paid more than women.


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    Pieter LeGrande
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So pay the women the same as men, and all concerned will be keen to improve their marketability.

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    If a lower tier coworkers has a good idea for how to improve the work environment they get told to just do their jobs. If a manager(not even terribly high tier) has the exact same idea (or better yet snipes and pitches that co-worker's idea to literallythe same person)... genius deserving of a mention in the newsletter, a raise and a promotion.


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    In the UK, (and I may be unpopular here) the BBC and most Media groups are English Biased, my country Scotland is treated like a region of England and gets its own little offshoot programme after the main news, same as Yorkshire, Midlands, south England do. I'm not Anti English, I'm aware that the whole news is also London centric too as if no other Cities in England matter as much as the Capital. and as for sports coverage, Don't get me started. If you don't like Cricket, then tough...it frequently is the lead story on the news, because England play it. Mass shooting in a school? Unemployment at an all time high? details right after the England V Australia match report
    English 4th division cup games between the likes of Barnsley and Seaweed united get shown live on BBC1 while up in Scotland, we get no live games at all but have to wait until the wee small hours on a Sunday night to see highlights of the top games. (The latter point is probably out with the BBCs control since the Scottish football associations unholy greed made them bid to the satellite channels for live coverage but i needed a rant...sorry). :)


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    Donkey boi
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm an Irishman who lives in the south of England and I can honestly say I agree with you on this one. Scotland get very little representation on UK TV. It's like the English forget that it was James VI of Scotland (James I to the English) that actually started to process of joining the 2 countries! Or that without You guys there would be no car tyres. Or that the best vets in Europe are educated and trained in your country

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    When parents ask for help it's your responsibility to help it if the goodness of your heart. When you ask for help (and it is legally their responsibility to help you), it is a favor and you are lucky they did.



    When a woman becomes accidentally pregnant and seeks an abortion, society never blames the father, it's always the woman's fault. But birth control for women take a long time to be effective, when men can so easily get condoms from pretty much any store. If a woman decides to go on the pill, or use a contraceptive patch, or a shot, she must make the appointment with a gynecologist, which costs money and can be taboo, then it often takes more than 2 months for the method to be effective. And if it's an IUD, the wait is even longer, the procedure more painful and expensive, etc. Not to mention all the side effects. So if a woman wants to have sex, she has to plan it at least two months in advance to be sure there won't be a baby. The man just needs to stop by Walmart or the nearest grocery store and grab a box of condoms, which works immediately (though not 100%, of course): cheap, no invasive procedure or intimate questions from a doctor, easy, etc. So why do we blame women? Especially knowing that some men just refuse to wear a condom because it decreases their pleasure boohoo cry me a river! And that the sex that resulted in an embryo wasn't necessarily consensual!


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    Debby Keir
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Women can buy condoms too - there's no sexism in picking them up with the weekly shop.

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    People getting mad/annoyed at you for struggling mentally.

    I have panic/anxiety attacks almost three times a week. I don’t SH anymore but have friends that are trying to come clean, I’ve made it clear that SH is triggering to me and will throw me into a spiral.
    I used to have a friend who threw everything about me away, I’d have panic attacks they’d roll their eyes and ignore me. But when they did and I comforted and helped them I was a b**** somehow.

    Now those people rub me wrong (and I think they should).



    Fundamental problems with Christianity

    1. An all-powerful, all-loving god should not demand to be worshiped.
    2. The very concept of heaven and hell makes a mockery of the idea of free will.
    3. The Old Testament God is the last thing to represent perfect love and justice.
    4. There is a hierarchy in their institution for levels of belief, with those who are more advanced to be highly reguarded
    5. God has failed to spread his word to everyone.
    6. Jesus, a white boy from jerusalem, wants to save you from a god that will send you to hell if you don't accept him into your heart.
    7. The Kangaroos swam across the Atlantic so they could avoid Noah's flood. But that's OK, 2 of them actually made it!
    8. Humans, by default, are supposedly in bondage to sin from birth. They are powerless to do anything except sin.
    9. Why should choosing against God result in eternal torture?
    10. Why did God create Satan if He knew that Satan would be in opposition to all His ways?
    11. Why pray at all? God already has a perfect plan, which he’s carrying out regardless of our input. Shouldn’t we just have faith?
    12. Should a common person enter into the Ark of the Covenant, why will he be consumed?


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    Elizabeth VanDyke
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't understand how people became so brain-washed over the concept of GOD! A little common sense will tell a logical person that god is an imaginary idol made up by someone (who knows who?) to instill fear of the unknown into people, hoping that the result would be acceptable behavior toward one another. I do believe that Jesus was a man of Middle Eastern descent who cared about people, no matter their station in life, but did he have the ability to perform miracles? I highly doubt it. Stories passed down over hundreds of years, I'm sure, get changed in the telling. The Bible is just a collection of stories and the fact that many changes were made over the years tells me that those stories are far from true. And parts of the original Bible were tossed out because the powers-that-be of the day, disagreed with what was written. Furthermore, so-called Christians have managed to alter Jesus from a dark-skinned man to a white, blue-eyed man with blondish brown hair.

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    The double standards surrounding teenagers. They get treated like children but are expected to act like adults all the time. They have to have their entire life planned out by junior year. And if they mess up it can't possibly be an accident.



    If the government finds Oil, Gold or Diamonds on your land, but if they find drugs its yours.


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    Heres an example from school: Teachers can take/technically steal your phone and withhold it from you if they see you on it but of you saw a teacher on their phone and told them 'No, no, I'll just take this.' they'd get pissed off and give you an office referral.


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    Vix Spiderthrust
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Taking something is not stealing it. To be theft, there must be no intention of returning it.

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    Make chests are ok naked.
    Female chests must be covered.



    First of all I am a woman, but I see this at work one minute the women want to be treated just like everyone else. Then when the company has food all women go first just because they are women. I say first come first serve. Man or woman.



    Pretty much everything what the media does. If anyone else would do what moder "journalists" do, theyd been recognised the self-absorbed a**holes as they are or would bevthrown to the jail but when the media does the same it's under the protection of freedom of press.


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    Jennifer Checki
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No, that’s not true. First Amendment protections extend to everyone. (The exact protections do vary by role, but the media doesn’t get away with saying things that would get others jailed.)

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    Ukraine -- Palestine (both are terrible things)
    Black/brown/Asian/basically anyone non-white -- white
    Hijab-wearing -- non hijab-wearing



    The 'subconscious' double-standard. This is the one people will INSIST and double-down that they don't do despite having outright demonstrated it merely seconds previous. Example is when someone responds to the 'ugly girl's" question with aggression, lecturing and correction... but then the pretty girl waltzes into the room 5 minutes later, asks the same question and the response she gets are smiles, nods, agreement ... sometimes even a compliment for being so smart. Yet... when this is brought up.... amazingly... NO ONE in the room seems to have noticed the 'ugly girl' getting mistreated.


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    Panda watcher
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is somewhat due to our nature as human animals. You are right, many don’t even realize they are doing it. We are naturally attracted to visually pleasing things and people. There have been numerous studies on this human behavior. Children prefer the pretty teacher, you are more likely to make a purchase from a handsome guy. This is our first reaction though…most people will give others time and attention once the situation is more than first impressions. Once they both start talking, a different desire to converse is made based on other attributes.

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    I'm going to get killed for this but the question was asked so I'm responding. I don't like double standards when women want all-women establishments and scream sexism when men want them too. A good example of this is that taverns were men-only, then the women protested and they are now both sexes. The whole atmosphere in these places changed completely. Gyms are another issue. Women want their own but men cannot have men-only gyms because it's sexism of them to want those. How is that fair? I'm a female.


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    Panda watcher
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There are so many protected classes of people now…. Due to lawyers mucking up laws instead of strengthening them… finding someone to accuse of being racist or predudice, sue them for excluding me. But the same can be said for just about any quality. Race, age, ethnicity, religion, all have their separate clubs, groups…. Boy Scouts now admits girls… Hooters has to hire men too, on and on. It seems like we all naturally gather with others we share a commonality, this seems completely reasonable…but then we start to get defensive or protective if varying peeps want to join…we feel the camaraderie has somehow been lessened. But other shoe…you are interested in a group for one reason and denied or excluded for a completely and seemingly irrelevant reason. I agree with you…guys want to work out at gym without losing their concentration looking at boobies seems completely reasonable to me. Men only clubs unite


    When Women carry unborn children inside of them, it's wonderful, and they're congratulated. When men do it, they're facing life sentences.
