Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Will Be The First Thing You Will See If You Get Dammed To Hell? (Closed)
Get creative what do you think you will see and hear?
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A karen demanding to speak to hell's manager.
All the satanic hard rock bands that ever existed. Hopefully.
Someone yelling at me about being a disappointment. That is pretty much the thing that terrifies me most and therefore the thing that would probably be chosen to torture me for the rest of eternity.
A stopped up river.
This is a joke about the incorrect spelling of damned in the title.
I think hell is just not being able to have an afterlife at all. Like you just cease to exist.
I think ill see all the religious people who have ever existed and would wonder what the HeII I'm doing there with them!
Everyone who is sacrificing animals for Gods is clearly meant to be in hell. Directly to the boiler room. No question.
my math teacher, ELA teacher, karens, every rich person, the leaders of russia, (it doesn’t deserve to be capitalized) america, etc. and i would hear animals being tourtured and people saying anything about the bible and that i’m normalnothing cuz i don’t beleive in that stuff
I'll probably see some Karens' trying to talk their way out of Hell. Making sure everyone around knows that she isn't supposed to be there and demanding to speak with the person in charge. 👹
My bestie trying (and failing because we're all dead) to murder Oscar Wilde. She HATED reading his works in high school and has said several times she'd fight him if he were still alive.
a broken la-z-boy in front of a TV that only had hallmark and fox news forever and ever amen
Ghost rider, Hellboy, Scorpion, and Spawn 😂(to be fair tho I have no idea so I just wrote this)