Hey Pandas! What Do You Think About Abortion And If You Want Too, Why?
For a school project
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Abortion is a choice that some women, girls, have to make. I’m telling you that it’s not a easy thing and they are all fine with the whole thing. I personally have never been in that situation so I just can’t imagine what that anguish is. This is something that belongs between a woman and her doctor. PERIOD! There is a little more to it than calling it a baby in the beginning stages. It’s not a conscious living thing. Calling it ’killing’ is a shame tactic for the ones who think they belong in the situation at all. It’s not a public matter but there’s the ones who insert themselves right on in there, like they are the voice for everyone. People are so arrogant that they have to throw their religion on to others. What if they are not Christian’s, or don’t believe anything about God/Jesus. That’s their freedom to believe that. It’s not ok to just make everyone Christian because you are. Narcissistic really!! Just stay in your lane, don’t have an abortion and you can be ’holy’. It’s not your business!! It’s not! Go away from the things that you are not helping with. You make it 10000X worse for an already suffering girl! I don’t get it! It’s a medical procedure that you can get out of!
Abortion is the murder of a baby. When a woman finds out she is pregnant, she doesn’t say, “I’m pregnant with a blob of cells.” She knows she is pregnant with a baby. To say it is not a baby is a way to ease a woman’s conscience and lie to herself so when she kills her baby by way of abortion she doesn’t feel guilty about it. The sad part is that many women feel guilty, hurt, a sense of loss and regret their decision years after the abortion.
Very well said and so true. Thanks for your comment . It is very helpful in my assignment for school.