I was just curious!
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I sit on my beanbag wrapped in a blanket and read. My room is in the attic, so you can hear the rain, and it’s really cool.
Open the windows and wrap up in a blanket
Is that what you are doing now? I am doing g that but without the blanket because my mom doesn't want me to cause I'm in at-home-school.
Go outside and walk around- I love it when it rains! I'm also enjoy nature photography, so I do some of that too.
I do exactly what I normally do (read, game, etc) but occasionally stare out the window for a few seconds and then return to what I was previously doing. Sometimes I just burrito myself up and stare outside or play in the rain.
I like to play songs from musicals and sing as loudly as I can and practice for when I inevitably feature in a musical someday, because the rain makes a sick beat on the roof and it's great
I go outside with an umbrella and collect drowning worms on the drain dip on the side of the road and put them in my compost bin until I know it will be safe for awhile :)