As usual, the trolls will show up here, so let's be ready.

Aro/ace people are part of the community.


Trans female and glad. Being forced to present male was torture, it didn't match anything about me.


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9 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

No one should have to hide what gender they truly belong to, to please other’s ridiculous standards. I hope you’re doing much better in life rn, and if not, I wish you all the best my trans friend. ( XD don’t pay any attention to JasonM, he’s one big misconceptor. )

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I am a she/her Cisgender bisexual autistic girl and I support everyone (apart from trolls)



As Nico Di Angelo and Piper McLean would say, I am a BIG OL QUEER MESS



I believe I am pangender, meaning I’m fine with any gender, they/he/she. Oh boy, the trolls are going to absolutely downvote this submission into the abyss, ay? Well, doesn’t matter to me, because I find it to be comedic that other’s are so blinded by fury and misconceptions, that they speak in such an ill-mannered way. Hehe



Pan-Ace Cisgender dude and I'm engaged to lovely Bisexual non-Binary perso



I'm gender fluid and idk what sexuality, its not that important to me rn :)



aroace baby

let people live how they wanna live



This was originally on the description but Bp removed it: add #fuckthetrolls to your bio if you’re against the idiot trolls!


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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Man, I’m saddened to see that this troll cesspool of chaos hasn’t died down ever since the summer. But #fuckthetrolls, I will never condone the sentiments of prejudice trolls. 🙌

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Tired Old Truck Driver.

Don't care what you identify as, don't care. Sign here, where do you want your freight?



I'm an AFAB genderfluid person, pronouns currently they/him. I'm aromantic and exclusively attracted to women. If you have a problem with any of that, then please go locate the back button because this thread isn't about you.



Bisexual menace
Bigender transmasc he/she/they
Triple A battery: Aromantic, Asexual, ADHD
5’8 (us feet)
If “Twogenders” or “mooslimterrorist (wow racist and transphobic)” want to comment on this, please don’t.


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9 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm not sure if this is meant to be genuine, funny or offensive. Are they joking about how many ways there are to identify? Because that's not funny. Do they mean a "mooslimterrorisist" would be racist and transphobic, or that OP doesn't want to be called those things? Also, WTF is a "mooslimterrorist"? This post is confusing as h**l. Edit: Have just realised that the post refers to users called "Twogenders" and "Mooslimterrorist" who have made some ignorant and hateful comments in this article. Confusion gone and to be clear, hate and ignorance have no place here IMO.

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I'm cis gender and either Bi or pan, I can't figure which (I've had crushes on NB people before), so I prefer the label "queer".



Gender non conforming and queer. Does this count? Idk how to exactly describe my identity, I identify as partially female and mainly agender/genderless


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Mia Seth
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Do you go by any specific set of pronouns or any? (saw profile said she/he/they)

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I identify as a male, but I don't really know who I am attracted to. I haven't been attracted to anyone yet, so I guess we'll see. Also, "Twogenders" has put many incredibly hateful and hurtful comments on almost every addition here, so just downvote if you can to stop the trolls. Bye!!!!!



I'm a happily married wife and mother who identifies as pansexual. Before someone
thinks it's OK to say pansexuality doesn't exist, it's MY identity and no one has the right to argue with me about it.

And please, those of you who are educated and accepting of others, please downvote the trolls and report their comments as harassment or hate speech as appropriate. Neither is ok.


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Boootifull Unicorn
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

idk why but its just so nice to see adults who are lgbtq+ and not closeted and like, have family's and stuff.

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I am a female tomboyish. Bisexual leaning pretty heavily to women. Call me whatever you want for pronouns I'll answer to nearly anything directed at me.


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See Also on Bored Panda

I need a list to figure these out. Sexuality has become very specific


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Charlotte Richards
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's okay if you don't figure out the specifics right now! I think there's a wiki for it if you want a list, LGTBQ+ wiki. I wish you well on your journey!

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Haha I’m a MESS
I know for sure right now I’m asexual but that’s still subject to change cause I’m young
I thought for a while I was biromantic but now I’ve got a crush on a guy and it feels really different from the crushes I’ve had on girls so maybe those crushes were just squishes or aesthetic attraction and I’m actually heteromantic? It also took me a LOT longer than everyone else in my grade to even be a little interested in romance so I might be somewhere on the Aro spectrum (grayromantic????) I thought I was just demiromantic but previously mentioned guy crush has proved otherwise so jfhfdjehsskc.

Idek about my gender it’s like I’m a girl (I’m afab) but also sometimes I’m more something else. I can’t find anything that really fits and I haven’t had time to look into it/think about it since school started again. She/They works for now


See Also on Bored Panda

Bigender! :)
I’m also either pan or bi.



I'm bigender and transmasc

Pansexual (don't fuc​king say it)


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Boootifull Unicorn
Community Member
9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sooo... does that mean that you're like, attracted to- *metallic clang* *small scream* all genders? I was going to say all genders, that's so cool, I wish you well! *laughs nervously*

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I identify as a problem. (cis girl but also a problem)



Im Non-binary (and I've been questioning if I demi-fluid.) I'm neptunic and ace too! (And demiromantic) #reportallthetrolls



Cis Straight girl :)
Ppl looking at me tend to assume I’m lesbian but I’m not- sorry to disappoint :/


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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Don’t be sorry, It’s not disappointing! It’s awesome that you’re a cis straight girl, even if that is more common, it doesn’t make your identity any less. 👍✨

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I’m a trans person (ftm) who’s genderflux, but leaning towards the masc side more (he/they). I’m also (probably) aroace


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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Bro I originally put “AND DAMMIT, AROACE PEOPLE ARE PART OF THE COMMUNITY” on the desc but Bp changed it

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See Also on Bored Panda

i am non binary (afab) or agender. idk heh. my preferred pronouns are they/them but if there’s someone who refuses to use they/them pronouns they could use she/her. i don’t really LIKE she/her but it’s better than he/him.
idk what my sexuality is but until now i’ve only gotten crushes on boys. once i got a crush on a fictional character who was an adult and he was gay 💀 (if you’re wondering who that was he’s from Adventures On Trains and he’s called Nathaniel lol)
