Hey Pandas, What Do You Consider Diverse And Unique About Your Country Or State? (Closed)
Every place has its own unique differences! Maybe you live somewhere with unpredictable weather, or maybe you live somewhere with strange traditions or standards. We'd love to hear about them!
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Here in germany we have over 300 kinds of bread and on around 70% of all highways there's no speed limit, which means you can go as fast as you want.
Oh and the germans invented the newspaper
I am from India. My country is the birth place of 4 religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism. There are 28 states in my country and each state has its own culture, festivals, traditions, cuisines, customs, art and many times, its own language. Officially, there are about 22 languages, even though, there are about 120+ major languages. Actually, the language count goes up to 540+, but we're only at 4th place when it comes to language diversity :-)
Nebraska is the only state to contain a roller skating museum *shrug*
Here in America we had a cheeto (with uncooked noodle hair) as our president for 4 years! How unique is that?
In Lithuania, women share an equal part in the workforce, and more women get to universities and colleges than men (about 60-40 ratio)
Universally, women do better in education than men. Even in countries like Saudi Arabia, where women face a lot of restrictions, more women complete PhDs compared to men.
Scotland has become the first country, in the world, to provide free and universal access to period products. Period poverty is a worldwide problem causing thousand of hours of lost schooling/work. Scotland unanimously voted for this act to help combat it.
Many people strangely think of Texas as the old west and everyone owns horses. In reality, in the largest major city, Houston, over 145 different languages are spoken.
In california we have the lowest point in North America just a couple hours drive away from the tallest mountain in the lower 48 states.
my state has the largest population of Native Americans out of all the states in the USA. also, the parking meter was invented here as well.
In my state we have alot of Mormons
Michigan is home to 5 lakes--Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior--which I think is pretty cool. It affects the weather around here, too, so we don't have the most accurate weather for the time of year.
Nice. I’ve always wanted to go to Michigan. It just fascinates me how there’s two big parts of it’s land that are separated by water and not connected by land.
We produce 90% of the US's toothpick supply.
New York, When it comes to politics we have families supporting all different teams idk what its called republicans and democrats. And its so diverse up here. AND for some reason right now I live up in the north country idk like 30 minutes from Canada. And we usually get snow in early november and its almost 2021 and theres no snow outside right now and in NYC its a blizzard
A lot of people in my state speak German including me. It’s the third most spoken language here, probably because we have one of the biggest Amish settlements. There are lots of immigrants here, not just from Latino countries but from places like the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Germany, and Polynesian countries and it’s super interesting to talk to them and learn about their culture. We also have supreme barbecue and Walt disney grew up here. Mickey Mouse was created here. I feel like there should be more Disney museums in my state, because HELLOOOOO, but unfortunately California takes all the credit.
We don't have sales tax, can't pump our own gas. We have a 121 ft river (about 37 metres), and a 72 ft (about 22 metres) tall barber pole. Oregon!
Te ao Māori. Māori are the indigenous people of Aotearoa, and their culture, language, and amazingly generous approach to others are incredible.
My state- its got all the weathers in one :)
Maryland is the weirdest shaped state -- the top borders are ruler-straight, with 90-degree angles, while the lower borders are all squiggly, defined by the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay. Founded by Catholics, it was the first colony to guarantee religious freedom (until the English Civil War of 1642–1651).
I'm just so happy that one of the best features of the United States is how each state is so unique and different from all the others, as is they're separate countries themselves. And how everyone is so proud of the state that they come from, it's a huge part of everyone's identity. I'm a DIE HARD Ohioan and I get the creeps thinking about if I existed in an alternate universe and I was from any other state, I just can't picture myself calling anywhere else my home. Even if your family isn't from your state, it's still your lil nest. I'm a "second generation" Ohioan, all of my other family was born in/still lives in West Virginia and Kentucky, but idgaf. Buckeye til I die!!!
All the wildlife that can potentially wipe your a$$ out here in Australia :D
SF Bay Area/California. 4 hours to the snow, 1 hour to the ocean and 1 hour to the Mountains. We don't get all four season but we can play in all four seasons.
My state is N.C; at first everything was fine, perfect weather, not too crowded, but then when a lot of people moved here because of the amazing weather, BOOM, the weather is horrid and stupid and now we get hurricanes, tornado warnings and watches, plenty of thunderstorms, and all that crap, so yeah not very fun.