Hey Pandas, What Did Your Parents Tell You That You Will Always Remember?
As we grow, our parents are there to guide us along the way. And as we learn the ins and outs of life, they offer us advice on what the important things really are. They give us knowledge for us to pass onto our own children, and for those children to continue passing on. So, what was the advice you were given that you'll never forget?
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if you get in a fight don't kick them while they're down but aim for the throat so they go out faster and fall down for extra damage! ~ my dad
"Once you pass college, get the hell out of the house"
~My mom, always
'Focus on your happiness first. Don't let life get in the way of living.'
~ My mam
My mom used to say a whole bunch of cute idioms, and I didn't realize that I had started to say them to my kids as they are growing up. They just make too much sense! lol
"Z wygupiania jest bieda" ---- when you engage in horseplay, someone will get hurt
"Kto nie ma w glowie, ma w nogach" ---- if you don't use your head, you end up using your legs (meaning, if you forgot to bring something with you, you end up walking all the way back to get it).
"kiedy sie spieszy, diabel sie cieszy" ---- when in a hurry, the devil is happy (meaning if you're rushing, late or in a hurry, you are more prone to make bad mistakes)
"jaki poniedzialek, taki caly tydzien" ---- what your monday is like, is what the rest of your week will be like
She passed away 15 years ago, but I feel like I am passing on a little bit of her whenever I say them to my kids.
We have a saying in Greece that is a lot like your #2. "Whoever doesn't have a brain, has legs". Hehe! It means, basically, that if you don't use your brain, you're gonna have to do extra effort to do whatever you're trying to do (totally includes your meaning about having to go back to get something one forgot too!)
My brothers and I are close in age and they would terrorize me when we were little. One day my mom was fed up with the running and screaming so she told me "Don't get mad get even." So I turned around and tried to tickle them instead and we took off giggling. Never realized until I was an adult that she might have picked it up from Animal House.
"you are too ugly to be loved"
Don't start a fight but if you're in one you better finish it.
If you're going to drink alcohol do it at home.
"If you kiss at fifteen, what, will you end up pregnant at 16?!"
(Note that I'm an AFAB trans guy and I'm dating a cis girl. If I ended up pregnant in our relationship, I'm either a medical miracle or the next Virgin Mary.)
Dad: "You're worthless!"
Mom: "You'll do great, I trust you."
And that's the basic dichotomy in my thinking to this day.
"Distilled water will kill you."
I checked this one when I grew up. It's not wrong. Water toxicity is a thing, and it occurs much more quickly with distilled water than regular water.
I was 10 years old. I was on a plane with my dad that was leaving Vegas going to Connecticut. My ears were killing me and I asked my dad why. When my dad didn't know something he would just make something up. So he told me " it's because we're going forward in time and it makes your ears confused ". I, who believed everything my dad said because he was my hero said "oh, that makes sense". I will never forget that.☺😂
A is for average, you are a failure
(genuinely though I love my parents and like I'm really used to high standards)
"Don't be an a*****e, darling. No one loves an a*****e, and you're doing a fantastic job of being one."
- Mum, when me or my brothers said something awful about each other.
My grandmother once cheerfully informed me that: "the best thing about being old is that no one cares if you wear underwear."
i wear mismatched socks. My dad said to me, "Meghan? What happens if a guy dumps you because you wear mis-matched socks?
I siad," i guess i'll take em off
My Pop after I was caught lying to him gave me this classy advice: "You NEVER lie to me son! You lie to girls!"
Why are people downvoting this? The dad was the one to say it...