Share your most memorable days for better or for worse.


When I was ahout 6 years old I told myself, you will remember for as long as you can that on this Thursday you had a sandwich with chocolate sprinkles for breakfast.
I’m 35 years old now and that memory still pops into my mind first. It is super random.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I did the same thing. I was standing in my neighbors garage and decided to remember the moment. So I took it all in and still to this day I can even remember the smell of creosote and the floating dust bunnies. Totally random but I've remembered it for over 50 years. There was nothing special about it I was just curious about memory. What does that say about us?

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    I was infected with the tomato virus and got my first period within the span of 3 hours. I also saw my current school for the first time at an open house.



    9/11 for Obvious reasons…



    The day I watched my best friend die after his five year battle with cancer. 5 1/2 years later I can still see the entire hospital room and where everyone was standing. I can see his mom holding his head, telling him it's okay to let go and go home. My mom holding his hand next to his mom. His dad and older brother on his right. Me at his feet and where everyone else was. I remember making the first phone call to our friend who was on vacation and not being able to get the words out, while he screamed and cried on the other end, asking what happened...In four days I pop the question and I really pray it, and everything after, becomes the new day I'll always remember... F**k cancer.



    It's mostly days when loved ones died. But the day my first Bulldog died will always be with me:
    I got up as usual, we went for a walk. All was normal. She started to get sick during the day (my wife kept me up-to-date, I had to work), but didn't look especially serious.
    It was when I came home we realised something was really off. It seemed like she was going blind. She did. And couldn't control her legs and bowels anymore. Went to the emergency animal hospital. She died in the night a few hours later. The doctors fought for her life, without knowing what excactly was wrong.
    An autopsy showed that she had a brain tumor. Probably for a while. But that day it started to press on her brain. Made her blind and losing control over her body. All withing a few hours. There was now way to save her, even if we would have known earlier.

    From a regular, happy day to one of the hardest days in my life in the matter of a few hours.

    To end on a happy note: I'll always remember the day I met my wife. Still happy together. We met in summer 2000. Married in 2004.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’m so sorry for your loss, if you need anything find me anywhere!


    The day I saw this BEAUTIFUL woman standing outside the apartment where we were scheduled to pick up a patient to transport to his appt. (I was an EMT) She was his caretaker. Being the first time I had that call, I introduced myself. She smiled and told me her name. We celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary next month. She's even more beautiful today and will be more so tomorrow, ad infinitum...



    Getting my chihuahua!!!!! Like seriously, i have dedicated so much for her (Lola, btw) I loved her and she loved me, she was my favourite doggo and I still remember that day, it was pure bliss. In my family I am the only one who has remembered her b-day and I just wanted to share me and my chihuahuas joy with y’all.
    Good luck- a certain chihuahua



    I went out for a drink with my ex boyfriend in a bar in the centre of London. We'd split up about 6 months before, not because he was a bad person, I just felt the relationship was going nowhere and we were only together out of habit. He still wanted me back and, as we sat in the bar he was trying to persuade me to get back together "We can get married, I just want you to be happy." I was wavering, he was a good guy and single life hadn't been so great.
    It was a busy bar and there was a big crowd of people standing next to our table. Suddenly a guy leaned over and said to my ex "Excuse me, you make a great couple, I think you should marry her." My ex replied "Thanks very much, that's just what I've been saying!" The guy then turned to me and said "I don't think you should marry him though, I think you should go out with me instead." The guy waited till my ex went to the toilet and started chatting to me and got my phone number.
    He called me a few days later. That was 27 years ago and we're still together. A day I'll never forget.


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    The Friday mornings a few years apart that my Grandpa and Uncle passed away. Both calls came before 6am. Worst phone calls of my life. I hated that corded phone. After the 2nd one I threw it away and bought a new one because I hated looking at it or hearing it ring. Also 9/11, then boyfriend and I were on our way to University of Akron when we heard, turned around and watched it all with his parents. We still keep in touch and call or text every 9/11.


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    Christmas Eve marks the day my life changed: for the good and for the worst. In 2019, I received my dog, a sleepy Labradoodle named Milo. At the time, I was in a really bad mental state, considering physical harm and I just had an overall depressed feeling. Little Milo brings me so much joy. However, a year later, in 2020 my grandpa passed away on Christmas Eve, and it's always stuck with me, because he really loved Christmas. On Christmas Eve, I never know if I want to cry or smile. But please always remember to appreciate the time you spend with your loved ones ❤️


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Christmas Eve is tough for me too. It was the last time I saw my dad as a kid. We had a such a lovely time and then ghosted.


    Easter parents got seperated that day and Easter will never be the same for me


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My parents got separated very recently too, i can understand u 💔


    It was my first day in the honors after school class. So I was very excited and happy. I got picked up from school (5th) by a family friend. This had never happened before and it was terrifying because they had the family code word. Then she told me my brother was in the hospital and my mom was with him. He had been beaten over the head with a tubular ice pack (for water bottles). He was in second grade. He had suffered a major concussion and an entire side of his face was swollen. It was bruised and blue/green. He did nothing wrong. I still remember when I saw his face, I wanted to go to the boy and work some older sister magic. He ended up with anxiety and ptsd. Took him years to become himself again. That was the day my family changed.


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    Christmas Eve 7y.o., last time my Dad came for a visit after the divorce. And November 9, 1991 mom married a sociopath who abused all of us. The holidays are rough, traumaversary. CPTSD sucks.


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    Saturdays. Why? Well, I told a customer to enjoy after giving him his food and he said thanks, you too!


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    I remember basically nothing from middle school and early high school except for this one day. On the last day of 9th grade finals, we finished our exams and were out by 10:00am, but it was absolutely pouring outside.

    One of my closest friends was moving to Miami the next day so we all ran in the pouring rain to the closest chick-fil-a, gave her gifts, swapped addresses, cried a lot, and then she pulled me to the side and told me what her final wish was.

    At our school, there’s this small area where a lot of kids hang out and on it people have taken post-it’s and chalk to write the name of their crush. her last wish was for me to put my crushes name up there, and see what happens. naturally, I obliged. So when we walked past our school on the way home from chick-fil-a I stuck a post-it on the wall and wrote their name. They saw it, screamed, then gave me a huge hug and didn’t let go for a good minute. once they let go I asked if they would let me be their girlfriend and we’ve been together since then. Our friend still keeps in touch and sends us letters constantly.


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    the day I got the message that my apprenticship is over and I passed the exam. These were the worst three years of my life. My boss hated me and the colleagues didn't like me either and no one tried to hide it. Three years of work anxiety, throwing up before going into the office and hate for everyone around me.
    The email was supposed to arrive at around noon so I refreshed my email site every 10 minutes. The moment I saw the mail from the examination committee my heart dropped. I never shaked that much in my life while opening an attachment. I just read "passed the exam" and the stress and fear of the last three years has vanished. I knew I never had to go back to this s**t company and never see my bosses face again. I cleaned out my desk, packed my stuff, said good bye to everyone and just left... best feeling I ever had


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    So im trans and pan but when this happened I thought I was biromantic, non binary and asexual. So in June, I was at a church thing called fsy and there was a dance and no one wanted to dance with me (I got a short masc haircut) and then this guy I semi-knew asked me to dance cause I looked sad (I was crying cause during the first slow dance no one asked and avoided me so I was a sad boi) and he was talking to me while we were dancing and he was on the verge of crying and at the end he let me hug him and I still remember the way he looked at me. He was really cute tbh but it was really sweet what he did.


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    14/3/2022 (the day i proposed "her")


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    My identical twin sister passing away in my arms from cancer. We were the only ones left from a family of six. It's just me now. I miss her with all my heart and soul. I don't know if there's an afterlife, but if there is - she'd BETTER be waiting for me!


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    I don't know why I remember this but here goes.
    My husband came home from work about 11pm. I was already asleep. He wakes me up from a deep sleep and says that Princess Diana died. He didn't say how. Half asleep, I said "Damn, they finally killed her", speaking about the Royal Family. I had never really thought this before and quite frankly, have no idea where that thought came from. I have no idea if it is true or not but in the fog of sleep, that was my first thought.



    A nightmare I had when I was 6 years old. I was best friend with the Grim Reaper and he killed my family right in front of me and I wasn't upset about it. We both just went on our day


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    Day hubby got his cancer diagnosis. I was so relieved it wasn't a *worse* cancer that I hugged the oncologist. That oncologist's expression was, "Wait, what? But it's a bad thing!" and I kept yammering, "But it's not worse!" Every time I see the oncologist with my hubby, the onco asks for a hug. I won't be allowed to forget!


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    The day my sister and her step mom (my mom) got in an argument over a fish bowl. The family gold fish died and my sister wanted to keep the fish bowl and my mom wanted to throw it out. When my parents divorced the next year, four year old me made a mental note to remember as many memories from when the family was together as I could, the good and the bad and I guess it worked 🤣


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    The day my cat (orba) had a paralysis tick stuck in her neck and she spent 3 nights at the vets, she is 17 this year and truly has 9 lives


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    I participated in a charity event in London for the 7/7 bombing. I was a police officer from New Orleans and the event was to complete all the tube stops with about 50 people who were in teams. It took over 18 hours I believe. We completed successfully and had made a good bit of money for the families of the victims. Little did I know a Hurricane was coming to New Orleans around the same time and I didn’t know till I received an email from my niece ,who was 9 month
    pregnant , and told me to hurry home. This was 2005 and the hurricane was Katrina.

    I managed to get a flight from London with the help of UK friends and the BBC who interviewed me since one of the underground participants worked at the BBC. Once arriving in the states I managed to get a ride from Florida to Mississippi and then have my Sergeant pick me up to get me back home. Upon my return the levees had broke with 80% of the city under water and many deaths with massive destruction.pNew Orleans was changed forever. I’ll never forget that date and how our lives had changed. Officers were without homes and we lived on a Carnival Cruise ship for 6 months. The police department lost everything and we started all over from scratch. August 29, 2005.


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    The day robbers shot my cousin and I had to phone his mother (I was there when he was shot) and tell her that her son has died. I couldn't. (I phoned my mom - her sister, and asked her to make the call.) Our whole family changed that day.



    *this happened on the day of my ninth birthday, btw*
    (the party was for something else, not my actual birthday. Just happened to be on the same day. different event)

    My 9th birthday. I was going to have a party before school with my friends in an extra curricular group.
    Then my 1 1/2 y/o cat died of a heart attack. He had heart problems. My mom was on the phone with the emergency vet saying "I just got out of the shower and I think my cat just died."
    I went to school in tears. Asked to be picked up early.
    But we got Hitch (cat) off the streets at 8 weeks so we gave him a longer life than he would've had.
    Forever will be known as the worst (birth)day of my life.


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    [TW: Sensitive stuff]

    November 16 of last year. The day I accidentally let something slip about my home life and found out it wasn’t normal. And my mental state has gone down ever since.

    I can still see the look on my poor friend’s face, how he stared at me for a few seconds and said “You do know that’s abuse, right?” And I said “No it isn’t. No-one’s hitting me or anything like that.” I learned a lot of stuff that day.

    I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. Part of me wishes I could tell myself from a year ago not to let that slip, but another part remembers how little I knew, what I thought was normal that really wasn’t. I want the happier me back, but with the same knowledge I have now.

    (Sorry it’s long and sorry for the ramble. Don’t want to go into more detail because it’s still hard to think about and I still have a few years before I can leave)


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    The day I hugged a dinosaur, it’s one thing on my bucket list that I thought I would never accomplish, but I was in a great mood the rest of the day after I hugged that dinosaur.



    The day my daugther was born. I was all alone, they didnt let my husband go inside because of covid and he didnt wanted to wait outside of the hospital in the car.. I was all alone in a different city going thru the most stressful and beautiful day of my live! Traumatic really...



    My birthday, technically I don't remember it buuuuuuuuuuuuuut the pictures are proof that I was the cutest baby(i was angel and my siblings were the shriveled up potatoes you always expect). Also you know, it's my birthday!


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    The one day I got into trouble with my principal


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    The day I got my dog and partner in crime. My mom had started seeing this little Chihuahua with my dad at the rescue shelter for a few weeks and bringing him old blankets, things to remind him of us. Anyway, they didnt tell me or my brother because they didn't want to get our hopes up if he passed away during the surgery to neuter him. He survived, and one day after school my mom was driving us home and said she had a suprise for us. I (being 7) was super excited and immedietly started guessing (new pool, toys, clothes, at one point I brought up puppy, but Mom laughed it off and said no) what it was. We get in the door, Mom tells us to sit down, and she presses record on a laptop on the table. My brother and I are suspicious but still excited and we hear this "tickity-tick-tick" sound of claws and this skinny, scrawny adorable chihuahua cautiously steps out. My mom explains we don't know his age and that he was found in a burnt down house in Detroit. Seven years later and this little old man is my whole world. He's my best friend and I'd do anything for him. 💕



    The first time I talked to my now husband on the phone. I heard him tell his friends to hush he was trying to impress me. I'll never forget that. That's why I love him still and it's been 26 years now.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ? I honestly don’t really get this one cause i’am not married yet


    The days I got made fun of on T_T


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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’am just not gonna say the why part cause the people who made fun of me recently are on bored panda but one of them is below me though that’s all i’am saying I hope you guys don’t get bullied or made fun of cause it’s the way you spell or talk or even if you don’t know how to put in punctuations or periods just love them as if your family




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