Crazy things that happened at you school.


A bit of backstory, I was the kid who faked being sick so I could go home, don't judge I was also the kid who was bullied. So any way one night I woke up at 5 am feeling like c**p when my mom told me to wake up and get ready I told her I didn't feel good, so she felt my forehead and said I was fine. I was felling like c**p all day so the third class I told the teacher I wasn't feeling good so she felt me forehead she said I was fine and that I wouldn't be allowed to go to the nurse anyway. Next class I told the teacher and she felt my forehead and she said I was fine. This repeated until I was going home luckily my grandma picked me up so I asked her to take me to the er when we got there I had a 102 fever when my mom got here I said I'm fine huh. I had a strand of Covid I couldn't go to school for a week. So F YOU SCHOOL


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I've told this story before, but I'll tell it again.

It was the night of the school dance, and everything was going great. The food was good (as good as chips and soda could be) and everyone was dancing and goofing off.

I didn't actually see this part, but my sister did. Apparently, she saw a group of kids standing at the table, talking to the Principal. They seemed to be having a very serious conversation. My sister didn't think much of it, of course.

Until the lights came on a few minutes later. The Principal told us all that the dance had been called off, and we all needed to find a way home. Of course, everyone freaked out, and immediately, crazy rumors began flying around, because that's just how middle school works. Anyway, me and my sister got home safely, but we went to bed with no idea what had happened.

The next day, we had an assembly in the gym, and the Principal told us that a group of students had found a bullet on the floor of the cafeteria (where the dance was being held). We don't know if it was a prank, or if a school shooting was about to occur, and now, almost a year later, we still don't know. And I don't think we ever will.



This happened many years ago in an English class of high school in year 3 or 4 I think; the teacher was hooking up with one of the students. It was well-known to the students and of course, they were eventually outed. When the teacher was removed it became clear to the admins that none of the coursework had been adequately completed so they told us to just bring a book or CD player to class for the rest of the semester to be quiet and peaceful basically, and they would just pass us on the class, and they did. I have another school story I've shared on here before but it's kinda dark and I don't feel like typing that out again.


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