Is there any conspiracy theory you actually believe? Which one? Why?


That in 2016, the weasel that got into CERN's large hadron collider and messed it up actually shifted us from our timeline into this stupid one and that's why.. well.. *gestures broadly at everything*


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That Trump voters know he is lying but they don't care because he tells them lies they want to hear.



Not saying I am "for sure" about it, no, not really but....if Hollywood was to create an anti Christ that closely followed all the awful traits an anti christ should have from exerpts of the bible, it would look and just like the Orange Cheeto. The only problem being nobody would find the character believable, it would be 2 dimensional and just way too obvious right.?. Anyhoo


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I think Trump's ear shot was a set-up to win over the public, playing the ‘martyr’. Even the people who died and the guy who was arrested... it could all be a set-up organised by Trump and his collaborators.


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Katy McMouse
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1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've had the same thought, especially the second attempt. ABSOLUTELY nothing would surprise me, at this point.

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The reason that Donald Trump complains so much about the 2020 election being stolen is to distract people from the fact that he stole the 2016 election. Do you remember how Howard Dean was deemed “unpresidential” because he made some sort of noise after the Iowa caucus? Donald Trump does two or three things less presidential than that before breakfast every day, and yet he won the REPUBLICAN nomination? Republicans are more uptight about decorum than any other political party, but they nominate a raving nut? It makes no sense.



The oil companies knew about the greenhouse effect and spread disinformation to keep on doing business. This disinformation included the '100 mpg carburetor ' myth.



I believe that we have already met aliens, but they’ve decided that we are too primitive to attempt further contact and cooperation.



That those "climate activists" who, for example, throw soup at precious artworks or glue themselves to the road are actually paid by those who profit from fossil fuels. It makes the legit climate activists look unhinged by association and thus, it's easier to shut down any constructive discussion about green energy, sustainability and climate change.



That there's a cabal of billionaires and corporations that actually does pretty much control the US gov't. And most other gov'ts around the world.

It's a conspiracy, but not much of a secret. It's not like they're really trying to hide it anymore.


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4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

thets called a tnc, or trans-national corporation.they use fdi,or foreign drect investment to invest in poorer countries .the issue is; look at nigeria, for example. shell oil gets a large amount of its oil from nigeria. it then sells the oil to other countries, keeping most of the profits, barely paying the nigerian gov't anything. in spite of this, many nigerians see shell corp. as an alt. gov't as it employs many people, and does bring some benefits to the people, such as scholarships and food packages.however, they are also harming the people. look at the ogoni 9, 9 men who were executed by the nigerian gov't on shell's orders. its actually really interesting, look it up (tw for violence, political /corporate violence, ect). the govt cant do anything as shell is its main source of income. look at franks dependancy theory.


Food companies and pharmaceutical companies - which often are owned by the same conglomerate - conspire to make us eat unhealthful foods so we need drügs to treat our ills.


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Do-nut touch da donut
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5 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

There's actually something similar that did happen... the guy who sold some pharmacutical medicinne (either alergy or heart) is the same guy who sells weed killer, because aparently dandeliond (the prime yellows not the older whites) help with your health if u eat them, so he sell weed killer to kill rhem and sells meds to help our health

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The Wuhan SARS's just too much coincidence.



I'm sure Oswald acted alone and killed Kennedy. There was no conspiracy. But I think it's possible that after the assassination, Hoover had evidence destroyed because he realized the FBI had failed to put the pieces together and spot that Oswald was a threat.


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Penguin Panda Pop
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1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My theory is that Oswald was acting alone but that he actually missed and Kennedy was subsequently shot, completely accidentally, by a secret service agent in the car behind while raising his gun to identify where the Oswald's shot had come from.

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I believe the possibility that our life could be a simulation. Not a full believer, but I believe it's a possibility. Maybe that's why everything is messed up. A simulation of the worst possible world scenario.


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4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

There are times it feels like I'm living in a Truman show type of world. But it's weird. I get a lot of s**t thrown my way, then the solutions just fall into place. There are things I think of in my head at work. Never mentioned to anyone. But my managers call me out on it. Super weird. Either that, or I must be that easy to read.

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Marilyn Monroe was murder was orchestrated by the Kennedy’s


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I don’t strongly believe this, but sometimes I wonder about if COVID was made in a lab. Just the fact that it’s so contagious, that it affects so many areas of the body (not just the lungs but the brain as well), makes me feel like it was a biological weapon that escaped before it was ready (hence it’s not lethal enough) and before they had made a better way to control it.


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4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's a type of corona virus. Colds, bronchitis, for example, are also types of corona viruses. When you have it, it can get very severe if you end up with a phlegm in your lungs. About 2 years before the whole pandemic, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I had spikes in my chest and lungs, high fever, severely dehydrated, pounding headache, weakness, muscle soreness. I've had bronchitis before, this felt way worse. Ended up having to go to the hospital. I had chest x-rays, many blood tests, that nose test, IVs. I was sent home with little answers as to what it was. Something about a virus like bronchitis. I think it turned into pneumonia. The whole experience was bizarre in the hospital. There were a lot of tests with no information given to me. They didn't want to let me go until my heart rate went down. I was scared and stressed. The doctors couldn't get an IV in, so they tried 5 times and dragged the big needle in my hand. No anesthesia for that. What were they doing?

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Big Brother IS listening. I did not search Rhinoceros!! Yet there it is all over my internet!!



The the dead internet theory


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Hmmm hmmmm
Community Member
6 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As a completely and totally seriously real human I strongly disagree with this theory.

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that whatever my relatives say, music, money and friendship is better than the adult thing that lovers do in private


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Not sure if this a conspiracy theory but that computer chips are backwards engineered extraterrestrial technology. I can see the progression from vacuum tubes to solid state technology but there seems a few missing steps to printed silicon semiconductors. I understand the process involved in their manufacture and how they work, but the jump from actual transistors and capacitors to the miniaturization and dense packing of the modern equivalent of the solid state components is pretty amazing and in many ways much like explaining evolution by skipping some critical steps in the middle.



I actually think that the pyramids were not built by humans, because the speed of light is 299,792,458 meters a second, and guess what... the pyramids coordinates are 29.979248. The pyramids were built around 1500 BC to 2700 BC but the speed of light was only discovered in 1676. *mic drop*



Reverse-engineering of electronics technology from alien spacecraft. e.g. The crash debris that was allegedly an alien craft was found near Roswell, New Mexico on July 2, 1947. The first transistor was demonstrated just a few months later on December 23, 1947. Interesting coincidence of timing, wasn’t it?


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Lee Henderson
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1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

After seeing the first transistor, the aliens just had to have much better technology. I don't know how to post a picture here.

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