I just finished watching the original version of Saturday Night Fever and IMHO, it was a hot circle of garbage. I’m not really sure what the story was aside from D-Bag Likes to Dance. This has got me wondering - what classic movie do you think is actually just awful?
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Casa Blanca.
This isn't really a classic, but if you ever take a science fiction class, and the teacher asks you to watch a sci-fi film from the early 1900s, DO NOT pick "The War of the Worlds". There was almost no plot, and it just wasn't very good in general.
The Sound of Music
As classic and as much as I enjoy the Friday the 13th movies, Friday the 13th Pt. 3 is just horrible. It was originally made to be shown in 3D, so a bunch of the gags and jump scares just aren’t scary or even that good out of 3D.
It’s a wonderful life, more like it’s a boring life! Ugh that movie is so boring, I would rather watch Jurassic Park 3.
I LOLed at the ‘rather watch Jurassic park 3’. That movie is way hard to watch and I love JP 😂
Citizen Kane