What bad experience has helped you the most in life, and how?


I never really knew my father and when he was dying I prayed that God would help us somehow get close. Then I opened my Bible and read "Call no man father but your father which is in heaven." Okay, not the answer I wanted, but duly noted.

So I flew across country to meet him at hospice. At one point, I asked my dad if we could talk about the lost time between us. He said, "let's not go there." (I came to understand it was an unfair proposition in his weak condition.) He was slipping in and out of a coma and during one of his unconscious periods, I took his hand and placed it on my head. "Bless me Dad," I cried. "I've never heard your benediction and I need it before you go." Silence.

Upon returning home, I later sent out a group email and received an error message from his server. "Username not found..." a reminder that my dad was no longer to be found among the living. Saddened, I again opened my Bible prayerfully. "Blessed is the man whose sins are forgiven," it read. So I realized the greatest blessing I could ever receive came from my heavenly Father, in His sacrificial gift of Jesus. And every loss I've experienced--especially that one--has drawn me closer to Him.



    my apprenticeship. It was a really toxic workplace and my boss was an absolute a**hole who treated me super bad but I learned to not take stuff personal, to stay strong in shitty situation and not to be downed. It definitly made me stronger as a person. Still hate him tho :D



    The day that i scliced my middle finger with an exacto knife and got 6 stiches down my finger it helped me because i never touched one ever scince.


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