Hey Pandas, I have depression and I know that a lot of people besides me have it too. Therefore, I'd like to ask. What are some of the ways that help you cope with depression?

For me, personally, a few things seem to help. I like to write poetry and listen to music. I also play the flute and work out.

What are some of your coping methods when it comes to dealing with depression? Also, please be respectful and nice to each other; you never know what a person could be going through! So let's keep our replies positive and supportive as much as possible.


    I like to sit and think. some times I will draw and listen to music. I will play my favorite video games and chat with friends. but my favorite thing to do was to make up a new friend in my head then I would talk to them as if they were a therapist. I like to do that because I feel it is easier to talk and vent to some that are not real then to talk to someone that might tell others. I do this a lot for more than just depression and it really helps if you have. people say that I'm too old for an "imaginary friend" but I mean they are there for when you are sad and don't want to talk o someone that's real.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Okay, phew. I'm not the only person who does this. I literally talk to a made up person every night as I go to bed.

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    I sing. I get anxious a lot and have problems because of it. But when I sing I feel like all my problems are gone. Also, I read! When I read I'm not me anymore, I'm the book character and that takes all my problems away.



    A few years ago I was really sick, and in fact, dying. I was horribly depressed, had written and rewritten wills, saw no way out. Then someone tagged me in one of those fb challenges, and this time it was about Gratitude. I started listing three things I was grateful for each day. The days turned into months as I found my way out of the hole I was in by lighting the way with being grateful. Each time I found Gratitude, I found Joy. Each time I found Joy, I had another reason to live. Sometimes I was just listing things like, 'I am breathing'...or ' I woke today', but others, it was hard to just say three things. By being Grateful first each day, I was able to start in a positive space. It worked. It turned out I had more reasons to live than to die. It's now a habit, and the word Grateful is part of my daily vocabulary.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is amazing! You have people that love you and reasons to live!! I'm glad your alive and well!!

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    Listen to Billie eilish



    1. I bake a cake and share it with neighbours. It´s soulfood ...

    2. I´ m looking for whats new on "bored panda“. Seeing so much creativity makes me happy and gives me new inspirations

    3. I take care for someone who could use some help or attention, like calling somebody, who lives alone, giving some money to someone, saying something nice to somebody

    4. I read the meditations (self reflections) of Marcus Aurelius. It clears up my mind like having some clear fresh water from a source. You can search for "best quotes" of him and find them in a minute ...

    5. I am writing down just one litte detail that is "good" and/or "new" in my life, every day, for a while



    Usually giving a huge hug to my dog, going out to the beach or into the forest and trying to take in nature to forget about my troubles for a little bit, or lastly cook a comforting meal with my wife and just talk it over with her.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is a great way to cope! Family and friends are the most important of all!

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    I take a shower, turn up the water either super hot or super cold, and I lay down in the bathtub with the water coming down on me like rain. It is very relaxing and depressing at the same time.



    I sing in the shower. Trust me it works! ;)



    Books. I find some good books and immerse myself in it. You just have to find the right theme that works for you. Mostly adventure-fantasy, historical fiction and comedy does it for me. Oh and some really really good music in the bavkground.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Books are a great way to deal with depression! I find that reading distracts me from my everyday life.

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    when i was dpressd i talked to my friends alot and that helped i also watched lots of funny videos to make my self laugh.



    I smile and I laugh. This is how I cope with my anxiety as well, so people think I am blowing them off if we are in a serious conversation and I start laughing. Im not trying to do that, I am just extremely anxious.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wonderful!! I get anxious alot as well but we will get through this!!

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    nerver forget that there is people who care about you


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    YES! Most of my depression is because of my loneliness. But thinking about all the people I do have instead of the people I don't really helps me.

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    I build and paint small scale Airfix model kits. It's really good at focusing the mind and prevents it from wandering. It's only one thing I do in the endless war but it wins me a few battles along the way.



    I go to bed. When I'm asleep, I don't have to listen to my head anymore.



    Borrowing into a mountain of blankets and pillows on a really high mattress with popcorn, nutella sandwiches, and my homemade Coco mix by my side while watching Doctor Who (Best alien show in the world btw) with all the lights off and hugging my giant panda bear plushie. This is how I cope with life ;p


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    Kate Baumann
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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    The Moomin books from Tove Jansson. Those books never fail me. Also, the 90's anime series. I suggest them for everyone suffering from depression. They help.



    "One day at a time & One thing at a time." I don't drink alcohol ( 20 months sober ) or do drugs as it'll make it worse. I don't smoke pot as it makes me lazy and more so a downer also gives me more crazy thoughts ( paranoia & magical thinking). I eat healthy and run/ jog 40-55 mins a day 5 or 6 days a week. Ill do an hour plus bike ride too a few times a week instead of the jog. Exercise helps. Little things help too.. Like dishes, cleaning, anything... Making your bed, ECT. Goals help, little things to look forward to also baby steps. I have a lot of mental stuff going on I need help with but can't get on insurance so I figure out things on my own. I've came a long way with sobriety and drastic weight loss and keeping my place clean and tidy along with paying off debt ( credit cards. ) I take Sam-e as an antidepressant. Its the only thing really I have access to outside St Johns Wort. I like Sam-e better. .. Also stress, manage the stress in your life. Stress makes my BPD out of control which leads to major anxiety, insecurities also depression. Maybe try to meditate or CBT/ DBT therapy. They make apps, self help books as well as You Tube videos. And remember nobody is perfect, your not alone and hang in there and one little step at a time. 


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good for you not doing drugs!! That is wonderful and great advice! Hang in there life will get better!!!

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    I have existential angst. This means I worry about things completly and utterly out of my control. This leads to depression. What I do when this feeling butts its head is read things that make me happy. When I am feeling down, I always read about people having a worse day than me, because it puts my issues into perspective. If that does not work, I embroider while listening to an audiobook. By surrounding myself with things that make me happy, I can dig myself out of the pit of despair.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow this is great! Embroidery is a beautiful thing to take up. You got this!


    I don't suffer from major depression, so I know that this may seem rather flyweight. I go for walks. I put my favorite music on while I'm driving and sing along. If I'm at home (alone--I get embarrassed), I'll put on some really fun music and dance. I watch stand-up comedy for a laugh. I'll allow myself to indulge in some nice chocolate. And I give myself small tasks that I can easily accomplish and pat myself on the back for getting them done.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Great ways to cope!! Chocolate and music helps soooooo much!!!


    I like to go outside and write songs. I act like I'm someone important that people need to survive. It's weird, but it works sometimes.


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    Christel Nellemann
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do not understand? You are important, and people need to survive you? .? Eh?

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    I stubbornly keep on breathing and I ignore everything my head thinks. Depression lies.

    I have a check list on the fridge of things I forget: keep warm, drink tea, take Zinc, being overwhelmed is a symptom you are quite fierce in reality, wear hat, eat proteins before noon, brush teeth before noon.



    Apart from the obvious, antidepressants, I have strategies. However, when you have a bout of severe depression, it's so overwhelming that you just have to go with the flow. Even though I'm on a high dose of sertraline, I still have episodes. The last one was as recent as last week; I just laid on the kitchen floor for about 10 hours, that's it, nothing else, just laid there. But not all days/weeks are like that, most of the time I'm generally 'content', even 'happy'?


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry, I’ve realised that I didn't actually answer the question; I just rambled on for a bit. To be honest I've got no coping strategy, when depression hits, I just accept it, lie in bed and just deal with the emotional pain. As I have done for the past 35 years.

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    I have been struggling with anxiety and depression throughout all of Middle School, and into High School. Except no one knows about it, so everyone just thinks I'm fine. But I don't talk about it, because I am concerned about how people would react. Which really just makes everything worse. But some things I have done to help my self. I focus on the things that I do have. I am lonely and don't have many friends but, I realized that thinking senselessly about the people who don't care about me, doesn't help at all and makes things worse. But focusing on who cares about me, make me feel happy and cared for. Additionally, I have started a journal to record my thoughts that I have, when I go through a mental breakdown. Writing it down, helps me think about it more, and cope with it.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I know it might be hard to talk about it but sometimes that helps to. You do you but I'd also suggest that you find one teacher or trusted adult that'll help you. It can help so much.

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    I like to walk around outside, I feel like it clears my thoughts. One of my main things to do is to pour all of my emotions into something physical, ie a drawing, and then destroy it. Listen to happy music, read, take a bath are standard go-to's. Hope this helps! and remember your loved, wanted and needed in this world. also If you feeling suicidal please call a hotline, the world needs you.



    I do things that comfort me. I mostly just watch RuPaul’s drag race, eat food and play video games. I honestly just ignore it and let it build up. It’s not healthy but I like it


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    I have depression & anxiety. I used to believe it when I was told by media in various forms and by specialists that working or volunteering in something you care about, always helps people with depression. It Doesn't. Never believe that something Helps Everyone. I had a breakdown, then started volunteering after a while - that caused things to get worse.

    How do I cope with depression? I read, if I'm reading I can mostly forget the real world, my real situation, my real future, I feel a bit better. My other coping mechanism is to sleep, even with nightmares sleep is far better than being awake.

    If the anxiety worsens at the same time as the depression and becomes very, very bad I lie on my bed and look out the window. I can't do anything else except get to the bathroom as needed. It's like a weird paralysis.

    In years past, I would cope with depression by drawing a picture daily of how my day had been. Write down 5 good things each day. Write. Just write. Thoughts, fears, worries, hopes, regrets, anything. Lie on the lounge with my doona and a pillow while my mother did things and I would just watch and we would talk unless I was too bad, then I just observed and Mum did her things and talked to me.



    I don't have depression, but I think I might have some form of anxiety. I like to listen to music. And talk with friends. And clean. Cleaning really helps because it keeps my hands and mind busy, also I know that I will have 1 less thing to be stressed about. Also, something that REALLY helped me: a stress journal. I'm a person that likes to be organised, and it's kind of like a hard drive for my brain. I just write down what I'm stressed or anxious about and it helps me calm down. Also I like to look at it later and see how irrelevant that thing that I was stressed about was.



    I've dealt with major depression for almost 20 years now. A few ways I survive:

    1. Give my dog (who's passed away, so now my cat) a hug. I also talk(ed) to them
    2. Read. Live in that world instead of mine
    3. Listen to music
    4. Journal (including keeping a gratitude journal), and just go back and reread
    5. Sleep, so I don't feel anything



    I try not to give myself to much importance. Meaning it’s okay not to succeed or to miss work. The world doesn’t revolves around you. You are not that important. For me, it takes all the stress off my shoulder and I can just simply be instead of doing and having.


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    Reading sci-fi and fantasy adventure books, the further they are from our reality, the better. Also working with my hands, and doing something good for others (I'm currently renovating my mom's apartment).


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    I have huge problems with my level of endorphins so..
    I avoid ibuprofen
    Don’t drink to much alcohol especially when I am in a bad mood.
    Sports! Even when I think I can’t. (You can start in your bed raise your legs and try to hit the ceiling.)
    I talk to people that I love about things that I love.
    Sometimes I look in the mirror and make silly faces and fake smiles.
    Avoid TV, Netflix and Co.
    I read a book, a good one, nothing that tells you how to do something right!
    No plans!
    Feeding my pets.
    Clean up my flat, then taking a long bath and put my best dress on and take a walk in my neighborhood.
    Getting to bed and build up my own super hero world (super powers, accessories and villians) and try to sleep..
    what all depressed guys do!? ;)


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    My favorite thing to do is to go to an isolated place, preferably outside. I will talk out loud to myself, the person who made me feel this way, God or really anyone else in my head and when I get it all out and feel completely emotionally drained, I sit back and appreciate what my senses can soak in.

    Smell the fresh air. Look at the endless sky. Touch the grass, dirt, rocks, etc. Taste the fresh water in my bottle. Many people around the world don't even get those little things, for one reason or another, and we tend to take it all for granted.

    So, in my head, I'm substituting the good for the bad in my life and reminding myself that it's better than nothing.


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    I like to draw and browse artwork and crafts on Deviantart. I also have a little crochet Blip. His name is Bill and he is my best friend. You can find Blips on Etsy, just search for them.



    as i am a person who bottles up their feeling and lets them all out at once its hard for me to say this. But when i get really depressed i sit down on the couch and blast Juice WRLD through my airpods for hours.

    RIP Juice WRLD



    I listen to comedian podcasts like Conan Obrian and Marc Maron. While not all Marc’s shows are funny, he has suffered a lot of tragedies this year and keeps going. And he shares how he feels completely and honestly. We listeners feel like close friends with how he’s shared the pain of this year and I’m grateful to have someone along on my cruddy year.

    I also watch live streams on the site. They are a nonprofit that has 93 live streams around the world. The sun goes down over Africa about noon EST and they have a live cam in the wild. The polar bear camera in Manitoba shows the northern lights at night. And brown bears are fishing for salmon this time of year in Alaska. There’s even a kitten rescue cam. They’re all great for clearing my mind and slowing it down.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Well... right now nothing... (just cause for me it’s hard to deal with because my past gave me depression witch I still have) but when I was younger, I looked in the mirror and named out three things that I liked about myself.



    Personally, I don’t have depression. But when I’m sad, I like to listen to upbeat music, do something active or communicate with my friends via Zoom or Messages



    Blasting music. It's not great for my ears but it helps get my mind off things. I also sometimes spend my time boxing which is a good alternative to self-harm! (At least for me)


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    Playing Animal Crossing, and if I can make it off the floor, I nap.


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    Comedy especially stand ups. Lee evens is my fave.
    I like to share jokes with people as when it makes them laugh it also cheers me up to see other people happy. : )


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    i usually vent my feelings in art, and sometimes writing. but most of the time i just sit with french vanilla and watch old calming anime like My Neighbor Totoro.

    yes, i know my ways of calming down are weird ._.



    This, too, shall pass. That's all I've got. I'm in a really bad place right now.


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    I have no advice as I don't know how to cope myself. I've tried for 8 years and it's not stopping. I've tried so many ideas and solutions and nothing works. I've tried to end it all sometimes. I can't help myself but I can try and help you. Whoevers reading this, you are loved by someone, you are most likely hate sby someone. But that's life people are going to not like you for stupid reasons. You are awesome. I haven't met you but I can tell you are awesome you are amazing and interesting. Someone is always there for you. Even if you want to reply to this and rant. I'll be your punching bag. I'm not great with advice but I've experienced a lot in my life so I might be able to help. You may not belive anything I've said here but do you are worth something. You are someone. You are worth it. Good luck and hopefully this can help You. Here if you need. 👍


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Eh it's ok. I hope that looking through this list can help you find some ways to help.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I turn on one of my favorite solo RPG or Adventure games, like FF or Zelda. I don't need to focus because I've played them a thousand times, yet when I'm paying attention to destroying monsters, I don't have to think about other things either.


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    I think about my future. About how some day I'll grow up and move away and go to collage and have a career.


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    Sarina Greenhaven
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do that too, but sometimes I feel scared about the future because so much of it is unknown... But then I start thinking about the people I'll finally get to meet and maybe one day I can meet someone that's just like me! Then I think that in order for me to meet all those people and the someone just like me, I have to go through the things I'm going through now. And it makes it seem worth it somehow. Just a thought I had and thought I'd share with u :)


    Song I listen to: 1. My favorite things 2. Singing In The Rain 3. Orchestra 4. Disney (Specifically, The Next Right Thing, and Show Yourself Instrumental) I also have taken the time to learn to write music.

    Whether I'm writing music or listening to music, it gives something else to think about, because I'm focused on the bass line, the melody, and small little things I notice in the music.


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    i write poetry and eat junk food that isn't good for me and then I sleep and dream about everything and then I wake up in a bad mood, but then my best friend brings me out of that bad mood then I'm happy until I get home from school



    I hug people a lot. When there are no people, I hug pillow or teddy bear (I got it from my sister so I can be with her and my family even when I am alone). I also watch a lot of comedy and cute animals to cheer myself up.
    In long term, daily routine proves itself to be very important. Going to bed and getting up early (or at least not too late), having regular meals, going for walks and doing some work help me to keep functioning in daily life.


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    I struggle with depression, and some things I do to cope is cuddle with my kittens, listen to music, and sometimes I just like to blast it so I can't hear the thoughts telling me I'm not good enough. But, more often than not, I do cry, and let it out. I like to be alone, even if it's bad for you, but I don't like other people seeing me fall apart....


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    -Basically, I draw my Stress off, It relaxes me, and it helps even more if my Brothers would be Quiet for just one second at LEAST!!! uwu✋-


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    I like to dance where no one can see me. Turn up the music and just move any silly way I want to. Sometimes I cry, sometimes I laugh but in the end I always feel better


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    I just lost my dad. I suddenly found myself building a fort in the woods. I didn’t even realize it was a coping mechanism, until I was standing in my 20x10 hideout equipped with solar power banks, heated sleeping bag, and art supplies...and remember being 10 years old and having done the same thing (with much less money) when my parents divorced. Oddly, building my fort made me feel way better than crying or drinking.


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    Sarina Greenhaven
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes building things can really help keep our minds occupied and forts are the best things in the world! I'm sorry about your dad, but I'm really glad you managed to cope without crying or hurting yourself! Sending lots of love, a bonfire, and marshmallows! :) :)

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    Petting my emotional support beagle, Athena. It just makes me feel so peaceful and content with life. I feel like I'm living, which is a good thing.


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    Severe depression sucks energy, so I progress in small steps. When I got severely depressed this year, my boss told me to take time off. I didn't want to be cut off from my lovely colleagues (we all work from home during the pandemic), so I insisted on building up to full-time work. I started with 1 hour that day, then added extra time each day. It made me feel useful, which raised my spirits. I was working full-time after 2 weeks.



    well i don't really have a way but when im away from people i just cry but reading and writing always help because i'm always trying to look cheerful around people.



    I sleep (i know this isnt good for you dont come at me) but also singing and taking a day to myself really helps.


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    My answer to I deal with my depression is I go outside, find a quiet place to just sit. And then I just scream my head off. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it actually works!


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    I make sure my partner knows that I am having a rough time so we won't inadvertently get into an argument b/c I'm extra emotional. My partner makes sure I have taken my medication and offers me more if it's needed.


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    i take a shower and blast my music when I get back to my room, and then I eat and eat and then feel bad bc I think I'm fat


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't ever feel discouraged about yourself because of your body. Your body is perfect just the way you are. Everyone is beautiful, and everyone should feel beautiful. Don't ever call youself fat, it will just make you feel worse. Trust me.

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    Well a way I cope with my depression is kind of just laughing it off. I like to make lots of jokes and just put a smile on peoples faces and it sometimes helps a lot. Or I just listen to music and sometimes make my own.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To anyone reading, it’s not your job to make people feel comfortable around you by giving them the best version of yourself. As long as you’re behaving like a decent person, that’s enough. Or reserve more of that cheer for yourself.


    I take a shower, wash my hair carefully using scented products. I get dressed and put make up. Even if I'm staying home because I feel too tired or anxious. Feeling clean, smelling good and seeing my face taken care of makes me feel more human. If the day is going to be hard or I am scared because of something, I use red lipstick. Is like wearing a shield to protect my vulnerability. And snuggling with my cats, makes me feel unconditionally loved and reminds me that I am able to love


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    I try to remember that it might take time but will pass, and there are people out there who are having a hard time to. I also like to smile and say a simple hello to random people. You never know, that random act may change their lives in a moment.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Acknowledgement means more than money. Personally, I was so excited than anyone read my comment. Where I live, I am invisible and ignored most do the time unless they want something and then they act as though they care. They don’t see that When I go out to feed the horse at night some nights I cry. Here at BP, I have a voice.

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    First I come here to see what others are going through, try and help them then reread what I just told them and do it for myself, if that doesn't work then I grab my headset turn it up ALL the way turn the volume on my TV up to make it even LOUDER and listen to sad music to let my tears fall. I would suggest listening to these songs- 1. Stay with me by Sam Smith 2. let her go by passenger 3. to good at goodbyes by Sam Smith. While you're listening to these songs think about why you're feeling this way and just burst out and cry, let them fall, let them be. They need to be free, if you keep them in they might get worse and make you EVEN more depressed.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    you DO NOT have to listen to those songs I just recommend those cause everyone I play them to starts to cry fr though...

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    Sharing my brilliant comments on the internet.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not all of them are brilliant, you say a lot of awful and hurtful things about Joe Biden. Yes it is a way you cope, just maybe say positive things instead. Did you know that being more positive would make your mood better instead of saying negative and hurtful things? Try it out! :)

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    Talking with my best friend :) they're great


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    Billy the kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    its great to have friends but i like to be aware of who my friends are.


    Everyone has all these great ways to deal with stress and depression... I eat. :(


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have some ideas you might want to try: eat in a conscious, focused way. Select the food, prepare it with care and eat it slowly, focusing on taste and texture. Every few bites, stop to take a deep breathe, then exhale slowly. If you have a favourite food, express gratitude (thank a higher being or the universe of the food). If you have the energy, try out a new recipe. I hope this helps - you sound discouraged.

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    Who ever said I was coping?


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    Weirdly enough, I don't fight it, I let it sink in until it pasts its prime, then it'll fade away. I think my depression is not that bad.

    Often, I have these suicidal thoughts. Of course I don't act on them, I have a loving family who would be devastated if I ever did so. But sometimes when it's overbearing, I would go to online support groups and read others' stories, or do a research about the best way to kill myself and take notes. Then I go to bed and the next day I'm happy again. I don't know how it works but it works.


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    Curling up on the couch with my cat and three dogs while trying to work on my crochet projects. I love making ripple afgans because having to count each stitch up and down relaxes me. It's so soothing sometimes that I actually fall asleep while crocheting!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That sounds awesome! I've never done any crochets, but it does look very relaxing to do