Hey Pandas, What Are Your Thoughts On The Climate Activist Ruining Priceless Art?
So the other day I saw that climate activist through tomato soup at a van Gogh painting and what the hell does it have to do with climate change? Why are they ruining perfectly good art just to get attention? Anyways what do you guys think?
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As someone whose been an activist They're all just lazy narcissists who make it all about them.... Get out and actually DO something, anything!! Don't just "raise awareness", modify your life to lessen the inpact!!!! The time for talk and empty symbols is over!!! Their "acts of protest" mean fk all to people in the south pacific who are losing their nations to the rising seas!!!!
Doing something negative to protest a different negative is sometimes worse than the original problem. Remember the activists that protested those gas guzzling SUVs a few years back in the United States by burning them? Turns out they ended up releasing more greenhouse gasses and toxins by burning them then they would have produced in an average lifetime of use.
Don't make a specticle of yourself in protest. You are gaining attention, but it's for the wrong reasons. Motivate people to want the change too and soon the voices will be so loud that the powers that be can't ignore them.
By attacking beloved artworks in a (what can be looked as) almost violent way, these activists are losing any sympathy for the cause they may have had. Basically they’re doing the opposite of they intend. No matter how famous or expensive a work of art is, they are still very much personal and personally loved. So by throwing paint or soup or whatever on one, you may as well be throwing it on someones child- the act is taken the same way. Its Bad Activism.
This is summed up so well! You perfectly said what I was trying to explain.
Its very bad? Like... do something that could change instead? What did the art do wrong? Go make sum change stupid art destroyers!!!
As an aspiring artist, I can say that these people are ruining time and motivation. I mean, when you're making art those are hours you're not getting back and then just... Why? Why do we need to make art anymore if they're not going to appreciate it? It disgusts me :(
I feel like it's mindless vandalism. There must be more useful ways to protest and make a difference??
Leave them glued to whatever they glued themselves to. Close the art gallery for the weekend. Leave em inside to figure it out for themselves.
They did that at a car showroom. Turned of the lights and heating and left them there for the night. They complained in the morning about how awful the people were for leaving them there glued to the floor. They played a stupid game and got taught a lesson.
As far as I'm aware, none of the art was ruined as it (and all the others) were protected by glass, so I don't consider it that big a deal. However, I also don't see what the Hell throwing soup at art has to do with climate change.
I dont really know how to explain my thoughts, but why do people think ruining paintings will get the world leaders to do something? They can try making a change with other things. For me, art should not be about politics, and it shouldnt be ruined just because someone wants to spread awareness. Sorry if you didnt understand anything, what I mean is people should not ruin paintings :)
What does priceless art have to do with the climate? It’s not like Van Gogh or Munch - who’s paintings were targeted- harmed the climate?!
If I were so anti-oil I’d glue myself to a gas station or oil tanker or something, not to a painting….
There’s a difference between good change and bad change. The wee defacer has yet to realize that this is bad change, or change that you cause while pretending to do so for the better good (such as climate issues). This most often happens when people say they are making a change through idiotic actions. Good change, actively changing something, is something few know. If they had sat by these paintings in a museum, and talked to a person about worldly issues while observing this lovely work of art, then there would be more done.
I don't think it's very good. I support efforts to stop climate change but that is not the way to go about it. I think that it'd be more effective to take your efforts higher up.
Exactly. I believe that we need to do something about climent change but to ruin beautiful art that took so long to make Is the worst way to go about helping. Like what is it even doing except ruining it?
These people are idiots. They are protesting about the use of fossil fuels but oil paints back in the Renaissance era were made from linseed oil. Nothing at all about fossil fuels involved.
I think we need to address climate change. It's important! But why are we destroying art while telling people to save the earth, which is a work of art in itself....? hypocritcal in my opinion. I don't think they really did anything except made more people think that climate change activists are crazy. Ridiculous. That's not what we need.
If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I strongly believe it is, then how can anyone 'value' a piece of art? How can the 'experts' compare a Van Gogh to a Banksy? How can they say that one painting is worth £50m and another similar painting is worth £100,000? Are they REALLY appreciated as art or are they simply a status symbol (and a tax dodge) of the rich?
Some kids defaced a painting in protest against oil. There isn't much in that to get me worked up. In fact, good on them, if it's something that they truly believe in. I'm as guilty as anyone, but how many of us complain that we're killing the planet without ever doing anything about it? At least they made a stand.
If they had defaced a war memorial, WTC memorial, or any memorial for that matter, I would have been livid. But why get annoyed over a painting that you can barely see if you are stood in the same room as it? It isn't even that good, if you ask me.
Don’t understand the question tbh