Climate change… what do you think? Should we take action?
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I don't know about "climate change" but I do know that we are destroying our planet.
I live in the Midwest US, and the stuff we do to our environment is horrific.
We plow and spray and fertilize and then plow and plant and fertilize the point where we have no top-soil and we go into drought because there's no roots and dirt to hold the water.
We also have huge wind farms here and we create enough energy for our entire country probably, but we end up letting it go to waste because we can't utilize it.
Our animals are treated horribly in factory farms and feed-lots, and then we wonder why we deal with animal-waste pollution and why our food isn't healthy.
I am not educated enough to have an opinion on what governments should be doing to fix this issue...but I know enough to realize that if we took responsibility locally, it would make huge changes.
I think we need to make changes at home. Support local. Farm regeneratively. Grow backyard gardens. Treat our livestock right. Figure out how to use the wind power we create. Be self-reliant (nationally) so that we don't spend $ and resources shipping oil across the oceans all the time.
Wow I really like your comment. That’s right. I totally agree with you. If we won’t stop climate change, who will?
I know that the climate is naturally changing on its own, it’s bound to do that, but we’ve sped it up to the point where animals can’t really adapt fast enough to evolve with it. We pollute, we take more than we give, we actively hurt the earth. But the worst part is that it’s mainly the big corporations that are doing it; oil and gas companies and others like IKEA or Nestle or Coca Cola, who have enough money and power where nobody can do anything about it, and they push the blame onto us (like IKEA said the reason landfills we’re filling up is because we weren’t recycling, when they just introduced the idea that furniture was cheap and easily disposable so you could remodel) and they pay off corrupt politicians so that they won’t do anything about it and it’s all so frustrating, because I’m a kid who has to grow up and be an adult in this world in the future, and they don’t care that they’re actively destroying the planet for future generations like us.
They can’t take all of their money and riches with them after they die, why do they care about them so much?
Sorry, this was kind of a rant; I get anxiety about this topic a lot. :/
Just because they are lost. They want their lives to count, weren't sure how to do it, made something of themselves, and now they can't live without money. Funnily enough, money isn't what makes your life worth something. Something in Ecclesiastes speaks of how you can work hard and be rich, but there's no telling if your heir or the one who will take your wealth will care about the labor you went through to get it. Or if they'll even maintain it. I like to think that a few people who become very visible and influential figures in this world will step up and use their voices for better things. If no one does... I may have to switch to focus mode and try to do something, at least SOMETHING. My passion for being “the one” to do things like this might make it seem like I want attention or to be special... I do enjoy being special, but I really care. I want to make a difference and imprint on this world for the better. Maybe not an imprint... I could care less after I’m dead whether I'm remembered or not. But I want to make a really really big difference... It may be easier if I had friends who are as passionate as me lol.
It's something we really need to put more work into fixing and governments need to play a bigger part than they are now. Stop companies with high emissions from just buying their way out. Move up the timeline for switching to renewable energy. Find better ways to recycle plastics. Individuals can play a part too, but we need help on a higher level. All is not lost yet, we have fixed the hole in the ozone layer, now we need to keep going.
I wish corporations would focus less on getting the most money possible and more on fixing the climate
Making the most money possible is the intended purpose of a business, so without significant incentives and penalties no corporation would give up profits for fixing climate change. This is why we need stricter laws for emissions and pollution: To force larger corporate investment into preventing climate change.
I just had a Model UN conference about this, and climate change is causing more storms and droughts. We should make rich countries fund poor countries for storm infrastructure, like storm walls and warning systems.
I think no matter what we do, this earth is going to expire. It's a frightening thought, yes, but no matter what we do there will be some destruction. The best thing we can do is minimalize our destruction to slow down the damage. At this point, we're trying. That's good. But some people... Yeesh. I don't want to throw anyone under the bus, so I won't. But let's just say that some inventions people claim are better for the environment, kind of are, but not enough to be an alternative. For instance, try to ditch plastic water bottles all together. It's not hard to have a reusable water bottle, sturdy and capable of more than one use. This, I think, is one step everyone should take so the factories are forced to halt their production, due to less demand. That’ll take a while though, I'm sure.
Something else we are having a problem with: agriculture. Our livestock animals are a serious problem and contributor to destroying the earth. Namely, cows. I don't know if the “cow farts” thing is real. Maybe it is.-. But I do know that when animal waste is left anywhere and everywhere, it pollutes nearby water sources and the atmosphere. Bodies of water polluted will grow algae and become toxic, and the chemicals found in the waste that rises to the atmosphere can create something like acid rain. So, we need a more efficient way to feed ourselves (and we aren't even feeding everyone: world hunger), and a responsible way to handle animal waste.
There are many other things that are contributing, but those were off the top of my head. Something my mom brought to mind jokingly about those tesla cars: “exploding cars is better for the earth? And where do they dig up the things needed to make them electric?”
We're doomed. Might as well get used to it. Might as well try our best and stop reproducing all together anyway so our descendants don't have to suffer. Might as well.
I like how u fast forward to the future. Yes this might happen. We never know unless we stop this
I was active in the cause in the 1970s. We warned you back then but you didn't listen. So deal with it. It's past fixing it so live it up. I'm 60 so it feels like I'm on the last chopper out of Saigon.
Hey, Vermonta! 54 year old vet here! I had an aunt in the 70's that was big into enviro causes and my mom and the rest of her siblings called her a "hippy". Now, look at the world she was trying to save...ironically, she got a job at Fox...
First things first: We need to vote out all Climate Change non-believers. Those people are the worst because all they care about are campaign contributions from the wealthy corporations that profit from our planet's misery.
Second: We need to use diplomacy to encourage nations that aren't on board with the Paris Accords and other environmentally friendly international laws.
Until we learn to colonize/terraform other planets (which I don't see too soon), we need to learn to care for the one that we currently call home.
Yes. Climate change non believers all come from social media like Facebook and Instagram. We do this to make our selves feel better.
They’ve already shown that is major corporations that put out the most carbon. Soooo why is your average person being targeted by governments? I’m fine with people wanting to make the earth cleaner, but don’t go about doing it unproductive ways. Also, not a national emergency. National emergencies are things like war or natural disasters, things that affecting a large group of people in major ways right now.
okay, so why do you say it's not national? perhaps because it's international?