Hey Pandas, do you have any weird talents, like wiggling your eyebrows or licking your elbow?


Maybe that's not that rare, but I can immediatly see if there is a single misspelling in mountains of text. Immediately.



    Not sure if this counts as a talent but I have never met a dog that did not like me, I can also wiggle my ears.


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    BoredPanda is awesome
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    same here. Never met a dog who didn't like me. I can wiggle my ears too when I raise my eyebrows. We are kinda alike. Love dogs too.

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    I can imitate practically any high-ish pitched sound or voice rather quickly. I can also imitate quite a few accents after listening to a person with that accent talk for about an hour, but I try not to in the hopes of not offending someone.


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    Panda Mona
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I´d love to hear that :-) but also very mindful of you not wanting to offend anyone


    Being able to blur my vision on demand, can anyone else do that?



    I can go on for hours about fictional characters, I'm like a reading teacher with characters. I will go through each of their experiences and talk about why I think they did that or what part of their childhood made them the way they are. Even if the creator just made a character for the plot to move forward, I will get on that like they are the main character.



    I´m double jointed. I can bend my arm in a way that it is not supposed to bend, and I can touch my heels to the toes of the opposite foot. Also, I blog. Not sure if these are ¨talents¨.



    I can cross just one eye.
    I can write - and read - backwards. And say the alphabet backwards as fast as forward. Of course this is because I’m dyslexic.


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    Idk Katniss Potter
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Cool! You brain is hardwired for Ancient Greek (my cringy Percy Jackson reference)

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    I can make a weird farting sound with my eye. I just press down on it and it makes the sound. It is really funny to do it to people that haven't heard it before, and when I do it they get a look on their face that is hard to describe. I've only met like two other people that can do it though.

    Side Note: I can crack all of my joints



    I can make bird sounds. ( Sure I don't know which ones, but I can.)



    Double jointed in my shoulder, really creeps people out, makes nice popping noises, I have a cartilage growth in my chest that pushes my sternum out, so when I suck in my stomach I look like a skeleton, and makes me immune to sternum rubs. also I can disappoint anybody.



    I feel a connection with my dog. Sounds kinda strange but I know when he is in pain but I don't know anything else. Just if he is in pain. I can wiggle my ears, never met a pet that did not like me and I can sometimes guess what a person is thinking. I can read expressions very easily so I can tell what a person is feeling



    Finding 4 (or more) leaf clovers. I find them like nobody's business, like walking full speed past a clover patch. I have hundreds either laminated or pressed in a gardening book in my garage. Spring is the best time, fall 2nd to that.



    My friends think it's neat that I can come up with characters and draw them in under a minute.


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    I can identify voices with scary precision.
    My mum and I used to play a game where she'd play covers of songs and I'd tell her exactly who it was. And I can recite and do impressions of many SNL characters.


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    I can shake my eyes continuously, and that too very very quick.


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    Grace Marraffa
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can do that too, I didn’t didn’t know what i was doing so o in 6th grade I walked up to my mom and wiggled my eyes and said, what’s it look like when I do this?, yeah it scared her

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    I can, wiggle both eyebrows completely naturally and separately, I can wiggle my ears, I can lick my elbow, I can make my tongue make a clover shape, I can fit my whole fist in my mouth, I can wiggle my little toe by its self. I don’t why why I can do these things, but it’s pretty cool lol



    I can cut a banana into slices without peeling it first (okay, if you google it, you can do it too, but my friends and family has always been impressed and I never told them the secret ... )


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    It's not me, but my friend is double-jointed so normal people straighten out their arm, and it's straight but he can make it go further and he can sort of pop out his left back shoulder.


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    I have spasms when i can predict things that happen. I can also touch my nose with my tongue


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    So you know the hot dog? With your tongue? I can do that but x3. So it kinda looks like a very weird worm or w.


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    Doesn't matter when. I can pop the joints on my foot whenever I want. It creeps out my sister



    i can cry on command and I can act along to really anything. like if there is a sad part in a show or movie I can memorize it and copy their emotions. it is really easy for me to copy sad emotions and I never actually feel sad I just cry and act. It's kind of weird. also, I can sleep with my eyes open.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I can make really realistic frog noises. Nobody I know could do it. When puberty hit me, my frog noise got deeper and more scary. No it doesn't sound like a fake burp. I meant a real frog noise its also somehwat similar to a cricket.


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    not exactly a talent but i have little spikes on the bottom of my tongue

    also i have mastered the ability to to absolutely nothing/reddit/youtube for 4+ hours at a time and say i was daydreaming - and pull it off. the key is to say "why do you doubt me?"

    okay but actually i have a double jointed elbow, which means i can move my wrist and twist it and stuff and the bend of the elbow will say in the same place. look it up is cool
    i can also kick full grown men's butts but i look like a stick


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    I can bend my fingers in weird directions. I also can bend my first finger knuckle seperatly like normal people can do with the thumb but like I do it with all of them. Its not a talent but I was born with both my thumps pointing inwards. When I'm making my fingers straight the fingertip of my thumbs are pointing to my other fingers. Always funny to meet new people who think I'm doing it on purpose and I can make tham straight again. Nope my bones be like that baby


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    Not really a physical talent but I can multi task with a lot of things.


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    I can also touch my nose with my tongue


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    I don't know if this is a strange talent but I have the hitchhiker's thumbs which means I can bend my thumb backwards almost up to half and sometimes freaks out my friends 😋


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    I have several.
    1. I can pop out my shoulder blades and put my thumbs under them. At the same time.
    2. I can twist my torso around so I look behind me while my feet are pointed forward.
    3. I can twist my legs so that one foot is pointed in one direction and the other foot is pointed in another direction.
    Not sure if this one counts because it was a few years ago.
    4. In the fourth grade, I could tell which country song was which after only a few seconds.


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    Makayla Rhodes
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can do all of those things to, but for the last one it would be all the songs on the radio station I listen to.

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    I can crack a lot of my joints at will. Im talking from my jaw to my toes. Many of them al I have to do is flex the correct muscle. It usually feels good but some of them it hurts a lot.


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    Number 5
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Samesies. People find it especially creepy when I do my toes.


    I can lick the tip of my nose, and I’m double-jointed.

    I also make funny noises when I’m startled so it has become a game amongst my friends to startle me and hear the ‘guinea pig noises’. :D


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    Forgot to mention this in my other post, but I can twist my fingers around themselves without using my other hand, make the colored part of my eye disappear, and almost fully memorize a song with about 10 minutes.


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    I'm also a sea glass hound!


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    I can pop my back whenever


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    I can depress anyone, too.


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    I can sing over a song. Meaning, if there’s a song playing, I can sing a different song pretty well.


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    Deer dipper is so cute uwu
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Me too it's weird I keep imagining myself singing my super hero movie by Jacob Jefferies and then taking off the wig as I was dressed up as Robin it's the weirdest thing ever


    not much but i can do the splits with my fingers


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    I can fart on command. Don't ask me how I discovered this.


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    I can pull an improbable amount of objects from my slacks, including a yak, and 22-year-old baloney. I probably have an anvil in there somewhere too. I don't keep track.


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    I can sing and sound like any singer and I can make myself belch


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    I can chirp like a dolphin. I can also fold my thumbs onto the backs of my hands, and still use my hands as if I had my thumbs readily available. (Even when I’m drumming.) I could go on, but Imma just stop here.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I can burp on command, and do a near-perfect British accent


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    I can touch my nose with my tounge, twitch my nose like a rabbit and cross my eyes


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