Post your stories, but please, no personal info!


When my Mom came home with a hamster for me and my sister! (I was 4.) When my Mom showed me the hamster, I was like, "That dog looks like a hamster!"



I was a safety patrol and as a patrol we're supposed to go in a line and high-five the incoming parents. I stood next to my friend and some lady skipped us, "Because we were "Japs."" Neither of us are Japanese. She's Korean and I'm Chinese. Just goes to show how racist people can be.


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Billy The Kid
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yep, some people can be right Assh**es! Its a shame we have to live in a world of scum like them.

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Feeding a family of hedgehogs after I took one of them out of the metal fence where the hedgehog was stuck and couldn't get out, he came back shortly with 2 other hedgehogs, and my family and I fed them for like a week.



Going to the dogs home to get my very first pet (REX). I went up to the cage and put my fingers in and my mum started to panic until Rex started licking my fingers then my mum said that he was the one. He was a collie and we were best friends. Where ever i went he was with me. I missed that dog! I have had other pets since but nothing as close to him.


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Here's a fun one-
On Halloween, I was (then 11) trick-or-treating with my crush at the time. While we were between houses, he gave me a candy bracelet!
"Yum, Candy!" I said and promptly popped it in my mouth.
It was not candy.



it didn't happen o me in real life but in my mind when i first heard of eminem i thought he was a literal rapping m&m



I would never believe it now, but when I was a kid I hated sleeping during the day (please, bring back those times, and let's start over...). So when we went for an afternoon nap in the kindergarten, I did whatever to entertain myself and stay awake. I used to blackmail my friend who slept next to me and threatened to tell everyone that she liked one older boy (to be honest, everyone was in love with him) if she wouldn't talk to me. I mean, it worked, but the poor child didn't get her sleep.



when we were getting in the car from school and there was a puppy in there and i said who's dog are we babysitting and they said ours



When I was younger me and my family were very close with another family that lived down the street from us. Our family had three kids and two parents and their family did as well and since we were all pretty close in age we were practically inseparable and one day we decided that we would form a club between the six of us and it would be a secret from the parents. From that day on every time they came over the house on a weekend we would secretly come up with (what we thought) was a master plan to convince the parents to let us have a sleepover and even though it often failed it was lots of fun to try and convince them. We drew pictures for them, wrote letters, and even secretly delivered messages to the front door, saying that we should get a sleepover. One day we were waken up at around 5:00 in the morning and were taken to the airport, we were so excited and when we got to the airport my parents told me and my siblings that we were going to Legoland in Florida and we were ecstatic, but when we were going to get our bags checked we noticed that the family that lived near us was also at the airport. We were excited to see them, but until the parents told us that we were going on vacation together all six of the kids thought that we were just randomly at the airport together. It might not be my favorite childhood memory but I definitely remember it very fondly and I just thought it was a fun story.



When I first met my stepmom and her daughter (She has a son as well but he doesn't like to talk to me because he wants his Dad back and he doesn't like my dad). Mia is literally THE BEST stepsister anyone could ask for. Love you girl


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I remember my dad pulling over on the side of country roads to let me and my sister pick wild blueberries. When he would say "girls, back up slowly and come back to the truck" we knew we were currently sharing a blueberry bush with a bear. Another fond memory is all of us getting bundled up and sitting on sleds pulled by snow mobiles to the local Dairy Queen (by local I mean within 30 miles) and sitting in a snowbank, eating dilly bars.


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We had a couple of gerbils called Tom & Jerry. My sister picked up Tom too close to the end of its tail and it fell off. Our parents woke up to our panicked whispering as we decided to hide this problem by taping the tail back on.



When I was in 3rd-4th grade my family was in the federal witness protection. I had to change my last name several times. (They made me keep my first name incase I said it by mistake) We lived in several different states. Once while being moved to new location the FBI guy that was driving us (very large tall man)stopped at McDonald’s. As we got out he went to adjust his coat and his gun fell out and slid across the parking lot. People stopped turned around and got back in their car. Just one of the interesting stories of that time. We were in there because my stepfather turned states evidence against his mother and brother. The story can be found on google.



Probably building legos with my dad or mountain biking

Example :) :I remember my dad taking me to the beach with our bikes and me crashing into a tree :l but I almost twisted my foot/ankle when I was going down a steep hill (yes my dad was watching me but he was calling my mom)

Example 2 :p : When we went to target when I was like 6 I started begging my dad for the new Lego friends toy building.And I loved the furniture so he got it and i still have it today (in parts I destroyed it for my custom house UWU ) But I do have a picture of the full building but idk where :L



trying to ride a bike for the first time, but then, no training wheels



I ran into a BRICK mailbox by riding my bike.



I think I was about 5 years old my family drove from Portland Oregon to conneautville Pennsylvania to meet my dad's family for the first time. I remember the trip vaguely what I do remember is seeing so much buffalo. And on the way home we were going to Mount Rushmore and I remember saying Dad look at the heads we're here!!! That was one of my most memorable best ever childhood memories that I can remember and I'm 36 years old now


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im still a child but ok

when I found out my pets were the opposite gender
I thought my dog was a girl but he is a dude
I took him to the vet, turns out he is a dude

my cat is a girl....and pregnant
she gave birth on my blanket, that was my favorite since I was a baby

r.i.p baby bunny blanket ಠ╭╮ಠ



I was three, waiting for my sister to come of school. Sitting on a swing in the rec & a much older girl said if I didn’t go with her she would kill me. I went with her. I remember being in the fir tree plantation. She said I had a spot of blood on my leg and I should take my tights off. Then it was dark and she was trying to blag packets of crisps from a pub. Then the police car and her dragging me, trying to run away from the policeman. Then what I always see in my mind as a photograph - every family member on or around the sofa. Then the next morning and a policeman trying to ask me questions.

Today, I still have no idea what exactly happened. Perhaps it’s a form of coping mechanism. Not one single family member has ever mentioned it since. Sorry to be downbeat fellow Pandas but it’s kind of therapeutic to get it written down.



Early one morning a few days before Christmas, my sisters and I went downstairs and started to play Ring Around the Rosie with the Christmas tree. It didn't take long before we "ALL fell down." The tree came down with such a crash as all the glass bulbs were busting. My parents tore down the stairs to see what happened. I bolted to the couch and pretended to read the newspaper as if I had nothing at all to do with it. It did not go as I'd hoped.


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J.K. Rowling didn't give me a childhood.


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Just generally speaking, two major things:
1. Most of my friend group was Asian[I am Chinese. Please do not give me or other Asians or really anyone for that matter any hatred because of the pandemic]. Whenever I would be standing next to one of my Asian friends, once in a while, some random person would walk by and ask if they were my sibling(s), which of course, they were not. It goes to show how amusing it can be when you don't even remotely look like your friend and someone thinks they're your sibling(s).
2. Just generally speaking, my successful music career. There was one particular instance where I sight-read a solo live in concert on my French horn, and it had a lot of tempo and time signature changes–I thought I sounded bad, but listening to the CD a while later, I actually sounded pretty good, and I remember the director smiling at me and having me stand up to receive applause for the solo–it was one of the proudest moments of my time with the ensemble and in my career, for that matter. Another memorable time with that particular ensemble was playing piano with them, with a higher-level subgroup within the ensemble–it was quite fun, and a different experience from what I am normally used to, which is simply small recitals in a studio-like setting.


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Arctic Fox Lover
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That really is cool--but aren't we supposed to be writing about childhood memories rather than just any memory we really like?

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Instead of going out to play on recess (30 min), me and two friends used to stay inside the classroom to read Asterix & Obelix comics. We were like 10 or 12 yo, circa 1987. It was like entering a new world, i will never regret doing that.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That was my lunch break as well :))))) at my school they had a whole break room full of comics like Asterix, Tintin, Marsupilami, Thorgal etc

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When my parents bought me a kitten when I was 5. (I thought it was a small heart shaped pillow)



I do have another to share as well. When I was trick-or-treating last year (2020, yes) I was walking down the sidewalk towards my house when a large (AND I MEAN LARGEE. This cat was built, lemme tell ya) cat scrambled underneath the bushes of my friend Amena's house. I walked over to the bush and coaxed the cat out from under it. Long story short, I brought the cat home, he still hates my Mom (and it's already March 2021 lol) and I named him Cloud. My mom also has another cat named Church (named after the cat from Pet Cemetery. He looks identical to that cat as well) and Church and Cloud are brothers. They are both British short-hairs and they look very similar. Also, Church doesn't like any of our cats, not even his sons Sweets and Lil' Church, but he was fine with Cloud. I love happy endings :)


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I stayed with my grandparents at their home in a village until I was seven, so lots of animals all around.. piggies, horses, cows, ducklings, chicks... all of which I would love and take care of faithfully, even lounge on a blanket and read with them.

Once, though, we had a dalmatian colored baby goat for the whole summer I was there (after I started school and went to live with my mom, I would go there every break). The little goat and I became super close, she would follow me eeeeverywhere, hopping around me. If I sat down, she would climb up on my lap for pets, or on my back/shoulders if I was sitting on the sidewalk in front of the house. She would follow even outside the property but always stick to me like a baby duck!

I loved her, she was like an overexcited, giddy, innocent puppy. When I went back to mom (in the city), she started doing the same with my grandma. Such a sweet baby~


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When I was seven (1981), I would go into the basement of our old house. It was where my older brother had his room, and he was a horror film fan. He had all kinds of books on werewolves and vampires, and he had books published by Hammer films and MGM, showing how they made their movies. So there was Bela Lugosi sipping coffee next to a camera, talking to a director and such, or the great Christopher Lee getting his fangs in before a shoot. I could tell, this was make-believe.
One day I take the paperback "Night of the Living Dead" off the shelf, and inside are only stills from the movie, no behind-the-scenes stuff. I asked my older brother what was going on. He said, "A couple of years ago, dead people got up and ate the living."
I still have zombie nightmares, but I do love horror movies!


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When my family was living with my dads boss in a condo(we had the bottom half) the landlord/my dads boss came down and said "hey, i need you guys to keep your dog quiet, or get rid of them." so we tried as hard as possible, but next week, he said "alright y'all need to get rid of them, so we did, one of them got adopted, but the other one(a german shepherd mix) could not get used to being at a shelter, and was snappy, so they had to put her down... but they had a cat that would sprint around the house all night.(BIG CAT) hypocrites...


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

and I don't wish it upon much people, but i hope those jerks got what they deserved for that.


ok sry if my grammar sucks anyways one time i climbed on the side of the 2 story apartment complex because i left my key that mom gave me inside and she had to stop what she was doing to come and deal with my little 4th grader self at the time and i didnt want her to lose her job because of me and when my mom is mad she is scary I MEAN SCARY so i got on the out side of the stair rails and my balcont was right next to the stairs soi reached over with my left foot and my left hand aand pulled that direction and then i kinda swung my self to get onto the balcony because if i didnt i would be dead.SO YEAH im 7th grade now doing fine and yeah thats my crazy story


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Derpy Dino
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

my god, that sounds scarier than anything if done, i dont even have the guts to get big air on a bike.

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So, pretty everyone who knows Bi Kirby knows I love Hermitcraft. I always had fun talking to my uncles ( who also watched Hermitcraft and still lived in Guam ) about all the canon stuff. I talked to them through my mom's phone and never talked to my brother about it cuz he says Hermitcraft is for babies. Then I told him that our uncles watched it and he FLIPPED OUT! It was hilarious and I still talk to them to this day!



I remember when I had sleepovers with my cousins and we'd do stupid stuff, we would watch the mysteries of Alfred hedgehog and we'd "argue" over which one of us he'd fall over and stay up all night watching Qubo. I also remember when me and my friend milo would hang out and talk about all of our favorite YouTubers and see which one of us could stay up the longest(i'm gonna see him again next weekend to go on a qubo marathon on yt to honor/mourn the ending of qubo). I have a ton more childhood memories but those were the ones that meant the most to me.


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When I was a kid, I had this awesome dog. But, one day... ON MY BIRTHDAY! My mom decided to put her down. 😭😭😭😭😭😭



Going to Disney land


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I went there when I was 8 and it was the best :) Tower of Terror really scared me though. I had to latch onto my Aunt's arm (She's the one that took me) the entire time


there were always what me and my friend refer to as the twin cats. they came over and me and my friend would feed them leftovers we knew were not harmful to cats. the cats were little angels towards us but to literally anybody else they were hostile lmao


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I grew up in Alaska. My dad bought a motor home, sight unseen, from a co-worker who said it was in rough condition. We showed up at the storage facility in California where the Motorhome had been in storage. All the tires were flat and inside there were mounds of garbage and dog hair. We cleaned her up, my dad fixed the sewage tank so we could use the restroom. As we finally pulled out of the storage place, my Dad scraped the bottom of the Motorhome on the curb and tore open the sewage tank again. So with no bathroom on board, my Mom, Dad, older Brother, and I started our trip from Los Angeles to home in Alaska. My brother and I thought it was a great adventure. My Mom told me years later that this trip was a real low point for her mentally. My Dad just wanted to get home.


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When I was in 6th grade, my dad was studying to be an Anthropologist. One of his many projects was on the plains people of ancient New Mexico. He often had the bones of partial and full skeletons laid out on the pool table in a side room near the front door. The first couple of times I brought friends over, the remains weren’t covered, and I thought their fearful reactions were weird, since it was “normal” in our house. Even then I knew the bones were once people to be treated with respect. I felt terrible my friends had been frightened and made sure from then on that my Mom knew ahead of time when I would be bringing anyone over so she could cover table up first.
Now, of course, I understand that they had never seen a real skeleton before (or probably since) and I feel even worse about their possible trauma. And anyone who leaves a fake skeleton in a crawlspace or construction project because they think it’s “funny” to frighten people is a compassionless asshole.


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I was five at the time and my only job was to walk down one step. Well I completely missed the step and gave myself a one inch cut above my eyebrow.. but after the ten minutes of crying and getting patched up my parents convinced themselves to take me to a theme park afterwards. Best aftermath of a nasty fall ever


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When I was 9 years old there was a strange man that appeared in our village and started asking for [my name]. That was me! He went around a few of the houses and eventually asked one of my classmates who was in her front yard at the time. She was confused and asked if he meant [my surname] to which he responded yes, I need to tell her her grandfather is in hospital. Luckily she didn’t know my house exactly but was able to give him directions to my street.

Word got round and so in assembly at school one morning the head teacher gave us the stranger danger talk. I was pulled aside afterwards and told not to leave the classroom on my own at the end of the day. It was like I had become a celebrity or something because I remember all the ‘big girls’ becoming my bodyguards and although it was all fun and games to me at the time I imagine it was quite scary for my parents. The guys even turned up at the back of the playground during break time and I had to be ‘hidden’ inside. My father actually confronted the guy outside out house when he asked my father if he knew [my full name] and where I lived and that seemed to scare him off for a few days.

Long story short it turns out the guy was looking for a different [my name] who was in her 20s and owed him money for drugs or something (I never quite found out what it was). The grandfather story was completely made up and was his way of trying to get contact with her. The whole thing blew over after about 2 weeks and many people in the village (including my parents) don’t really remember many details but I’m 22 now and can still remember the incident very clearly. It hasn’t affected me one bit but it’s still quite a fun story to pull out at parties!


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I grew up referring to Uncle X and Auntie Y, but then when I was about 10 I found out that they were not relatives, I mistook Y for my aunt because they have the same name and it stuck with us.
We stopped seeing my actual uncle and aunt (and my grandparents) when I was 5.


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Once I was laying on my bed in my pjs and i started screaming "THE DEVIL! THE DEVIL! I AM GOING TO DIE!"


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getting my great dane... she used to be so tiny i could pick her up but now she's huge and she's the best girl


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I SWEAR i saw a yellow biplane fly overhead super low down near the ground when i was playing in the garden. The trajectory it was going would've caused it to hit the house at an exact 90 degree angle.


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that one time in third grade when I almost broke one of my right ribs. If you wondering how this happened I was a very hyper 8 year old who liked to goof around on playgrounds. long story short, we were playing tag and I fell off the playground at a weird angle, and landed on a part of the playground that was something like a parallel bar. lets just say it hurt really bad, and to this day my ribs are still very sensitive.


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When I was a child, The Lion King had just come out on VHS and I couldn't wait to see it. One day I'm upstairs in my room and I hear my parents come back home from the grocery store. Then suddenly I hear my dad yelling at me to come downstairs as if I was in trouble. I asked what I did, and my dad goes "LOOK AT THIS!" and then from behind, he pulls out The Lion King on VHS. I was so happy. To this day I still think of that and to this day (I'm 35 and live 1000 miles away) my dad surprises me with little gifts.


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Eating play-dough 0-0 it's weird Ik



I have a lot, the main two are

1) when i was like 5 and i met my grandparents for the first time at a monster truck show.

2) EVERY SINGLE DAY SINCE MY LITTLE BROTHER HAS BEEN BORN. (I'm still a child so all of those days count)


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Also the reason i hadn't met my grandparents before then was because when i was like 2, my mom and biological dad got divorced, and my mom took me and my sister and moved to the other side of the country, and then my mom met my now-dad, and when i was around 6 they got married, so thats why i hadn't met my grandparents until i was 5 if anyone cared.


When I was 4 I remember a tank driving on the street two blocks from where I lived. A martial law was declared in my country. Later there were soldiers on every corner warming themselves around braziers. It was also extremely cold that winter


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When my bro was 4 he punched our neighbor in the nose because she wouldn’t share a hula hoop with a rope tied to it(she was completely fine btw)


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Not exactly a good memory but here it is:

When I was about 7 I had gotten sick. Now mind you, it wasn't a normal kind of sick. I would be fine during the day, but at night things would get very bad. At night I would get fevers up to 107 degrees Fahrenheit, I would vomit and cry because of nightmares. After about a week of it not going away, my parents took me to the doctor. I got my blood drawn for the first time and waited a while to see what was going on. Since I was such a skinny child, my parents thought I might've had hyperthyroidism. If you don't know what that is it's overactivity of the thyroid gland which causes rapid heartbeat and increased metabolism. It causes unintentional weight loss and/or irregular heartbeat rates and can be treated by a medical professional. Well, we went to Spokane to see a professional. When we got there and went into a regular sort of check-up room, I had to leave the room. My parents were sat down in the room with the doctor and were told this: "Good news, it's not hyperthyroidism. But...we don't know exactly what is wrong with you're daughter. This is some sort of sickness we haven't seen before. The last and first time this was seen in medical records was the 1800's. The only information we really have is that your daughter is going to be sick into her 20's and then...pass away. I am so sorry. Next time one of her nighttime episodes happens, take her to a hospital to get an MRI." By the way, an MRI is a medical scan used to detect things such as brain tumors, traumatic brain injury, developmental anomalies, stroke, dementia, infection, and causes of headaches. Of course, my parents were horrified but they didn't have a choice. They took me home and laid in bed waiting for it to hit. They laid there praying that it wouldn't happen again...and it didn't. It never happened again. I went to get checked about a week after being okay and after getting checked the doctors said there was nothing wrong with me and that I was perfectly healthy.
Mind blown lol.


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Always knowing that no matter what I was always warm, safe, happy and loved and that my family either as a group or each as individuals would always be there for me to take care of me and support me through anything and everything. I am 46 now and I STILL have that. I know that I am a very very lucky person because of that.


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I used to love ninja turtles, and I had these action-figures of the turtles, I'd bring them wherever.
So my family and I wen on a vacation to a beach place, and I brought them. We then went to the beach as one does when they go to a beach place.
I kept burying the four toys and hen up bury-ing them, then I buried two of them. Never found them. I like to think it'd be funny if I found them again.


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When I was almost 15, I had a part of my brain removed. I was so excited that I kept counting down the days, then hours til the surgery! Then again when I was almost 19. Had a 3rd surgery when I was 22; wasn’t a brain surgery. I was such a happy woman!


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