It was an awkward time in life for all of us. But it made for some funny stories!


I got mine really young actually on my 10th birthday i was so lucky. So in my school middle school starts at 5th grade but at home we ran out of those things and all we had was thin ones and i thought i put one on and went to the bathroom after gym class to realize my underwear were so stained ad it was my first day of middle school...



    Mine isn't as embarrassing as most but it's embarrassing for me...
    i went through puberty at 12 and my first 'thing' was during health class lmao
    my teacher noticed I had a stain and suggested I went to the bathroom and clean up and she gave me something and it was so embarrassing...



    I don't think I have one fun story to point out but I was a weird preteen/teen.
    I had a phase where I only wore neonpink and pastels. It was horrible! I had severaly sweaters in all pastel colors with black applications of cats or dinos. I also had this neon pink lipstick from claires and an olive green/gold shimmery eyeshadow which I both wore EVERYDAY! looked horrible... I was pretty chubby so I either wore my moms jeans from the 80's or leggins because normla jeans made for preteens didn't fit. I still blame my parents for letting me leave the house like this.



    Okay so I got my period when I was 11, coincidentally in health class, when we were playing a game. I can't remember what it was called, but one person was a detective and they stood in the center of the circle trying to figure out who was the leader, because the leader made movements that the rest of the people had to follow.
    I was the leader, and I chose to jump up and down, but the detective kept looking near me so everyone had to BOING BOING for like 5 minutes straight. All of the BOINGing made me need to pee really bad so I just let the detective catch me. I went to the bathroom and found the underwear stains and et cetera.



    I got my first period the day before my mothers birthday. She got so excited and kept saying "you've become a woman today, this it the best birthday gift I could get" (she was serious about it being wonderful.)It embarrassed me to no end. As an adult now I of course no longer embarrassed by getting my period; I still cringe at my mothers reaction.


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    I got my period over winter break in December 2013. I was nine years old at the time and had no idea what a period was. I should’ve known that I was on track to get my period that year when I had frequent mood swings and outbursts in the first semester of fourth grade!



    When I started using tampons I thought that everytime I had to pee I had to change my tampon. This went on for a year until one night I told my grandma I had to pee but we needed to go to the store to buy tampons because I only had two left and we had just bought a box the night before. She had to explain that girls have two different holes. Health class taught us nothing! And my mother must have spent a small fortune on tampon that year.


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    I was so self-conscious i never looked in the mirror, so when my mom said that there was no way I could wear that bikini to the pool I asked why not and she said ,"Go look at your self in the mirror, young lady." Now, if she hadn't been who she was, and I hadn't been so self-conscious, I would have proudly worn that bikini! Evidently, I'd gone from 4'10" and 73 lb skinny tomboy to a 5'6" woman with smooth hips, a flat belly and C-cups within a couple months over summer. I was mortified. My mom really screwed my psyche when it came to body image.


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