Every fantasy pen & paper roleplayer, be it Game Master or Player has their favorite, often unique magic item. Often homemade, they rarely leave the realm of your own group. Some are weird, some are funny, some are cursed. Here is the place to present them to the public. Go ahead...
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Mine is the Ring of Extravagance. The user of this cursed ring loses the ability to haggle. He/she can only buy the most expensive clothing, the most stylish armor, the fanciest weapons and will always get the most luxurious suites in any inn.
HELLO FELLOW NERD! I salute you!
-The Flaming, Poisoning, Raging Sword of Doom:
“a gigantic blade wreathed in flames with a crooked, oozing scorpion’s stinger affixed to its point. Deals an extra 20 melee damage”
It only sounds like it was designed by an 8 year old because it was designed by an 8 year old. I believe it sold for a hefty 700,000 gold pieces. It’s from a podcast I love, The Adventure Zone. Don’t judge by the name, it’s genius.
-The Deck of Many Things, because it’s f**king BROKEN. Instant comedy and potential TPK in any situation.
-The alchemy jug is also pretty broke
The Tentacle Rod
•3 attacks, with a +9, at a 15’ range…and limitations imposed on a creature if all three attacks hit and a saving throw is failed
Or, the Cloak of Arachnida
• You have Resistance to poison damage.
• You have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.
• You can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving your hands free.
• You can't be caught in webs of any sort and can move through webs as if they were Difficult Terrain.
• You can use an Action to cast the web spell (save DC 13). The web created by the spell fills twice its normal area. Once used, this property of the cloak can't be used again until the next dawn.
I’m a huge Drow Elf fan, so these too my list. My usual DM has sworn to never let me have the rod again however; She let me get it just once, and realized how overpowered it could be once I had it