Hey Pandas, What Are Your Best Most Life-Altering Moments Of 2022 So Far?
Tell me about your happiest, funniest, most thought-provoking, and other such moments of 2022 so far! If you'd like, feel free to add something about your hopes for the end of the year or the far future!
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In 1991 my family my family hosted an exchange student from Leningrad, Soviet Union. It was a very rare opportunity to meet someone from such a different country.
During the time he was with us, the Society Union finally collapsed. He returned from his trip to St Petersburg, Russia. It was amazing having him with us to share his perspective and mixed feelings.
I changed my life goals to go into international relations. I went on an exchange myself to Finland the next year and we able to meet up with him. I later went to school for international relations and then worked in international trade. Right now I'm working on moving to Panamá as a digital nomad. Entire life changed over the course of one year and through the influence of a fifteen year old student during a very tumultuous time.
i met my girlfriend in february(?). best thing to ever happen
I met a new friend! Their names Bug and i love them ( not romantically). They are so funny and such a great person. We both related to being ace and on the aro spectrum. They are also the first person ive met who has eczema like me!
I learned how to solve a rubiks cube and then decided to get a speedcube, then a 2x2x2 and 4x4x4 version and a pyramid shaped puzzle called Pyraminx... Basically i started speedcubing and it is a great hobby and really gives you something to do when you're bored!
Definitely would recommend!
I learned how to solve a rubiks cube and then decided to get a speedcube, then a 2x2x2 and 4x4x4 version and a pyramid shaped puzzle called Pyraminx... Basically i started speedcubing and it is a great hobby and really gives you something to do when you're bored!
Definitely would recommend!
That sounds really neat and I’m sorry I’m replying so late! I just saw this submission!
We bought a beautiful and amazing Esspresso machine 😍
There’s nothing in the world like coffee. Enjoy and I’m sorry I saw this post just now!