Hey Pandas, What Are Your Best Arguments Against Christianity?
Why do you think it is not true? (that sounds kinda aggressive but i'm only trying to rephrase the question. no aggression intended)
Religion is a pretty controversial subject, so please be kind to your fellow pandas on this post whether you agree with them or not.
I'm going to try to respond to each post with a counter-argument. It may take a few days because I'm not on here very much anymore and sometimes bp doesn't notify me of new posts/responses.
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I don’t feel the need to argue against Christianity. It’s futile. If someone tries to drag me along with them I will fire the old “imaginary friends are so cute” round across their bow though.
True? It exists, yes. Otherwise, there's no more plausible than any other cult. Because the kind of Christian who thinks they have the right or the experience to try and "inform" another human being about faith clearly has no conception of how offensive and patronising their conduct is, I no longer engage with them on the subject of religion. The arrogance is mind-blowing. No Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, or Wiccan feels the need to inflict their religion on me, and yet a good chunk of Christian sects think it's okay, nay, important that they do so. As someone who read the bible from cover to cover back in the late 70s, has attended the rites of several religions over the decades, and has conversed earnestly with the clerics of a few of them, I can safely say you are unlikely to be qualified to tell me anything I don't know, and even if you are it would be rude to try and "teach" me without invitation. No, you don't understand. Maybe consider your lack of understanding for a while.
Carbon dating
Big Bang
Mathematical models
The inaccuracies of religion
Christianity does agree with science on a lot of things. Just like Adam and Eve were created fully grown adults, trees and other things can be created already aged. What do you mean with your geology and dino points? Big Bang is a fun one to discuss! What caused the Big Bang? What caused the thing that caused the Big Bang? How did the Big Bang lead to such a perfectly designed planet and universe for us to live in? How could it have led to life? To morals and a conscience? Mahematical models? I need an explanation for that one. (I'm not that good at math) 1/2