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The whole pandemic was mismanaged by the governments. I just have this feeling, but I can't reasonably prove it.
I think that Trump is mentally handicapped but I’m not a doctor.
There are some people in a room somewhere making up conspiracy theories.
"They'll never believe this one! 5g in the vaccines, they couldn't possibly...."
"Oh, no way, they believed it!!"
And laughing their heads off every time.
that pineapple on pizza isn't the worst combo in the world.
Durian on pizza is the WORST, hands down. Lived in China for many years and all the pizza places have it like Pizza Hut etc. People actually order it.
That every sock that goes missing in the washer/dryer turns into a Tupperware lid without a match.
My 'brother from another mother' says they are used as fuel for UFOs, I figure they become those little rocks that always get hit by the mower no matter how often you try clearing your yard of rocks. But I have taken apart a couple dryers before and found the little hidey hole that the socks get stuck in.
Cosmetic or skincare industry does not care about costumers' health, they prey on our insecurities. There's no product that makes you Fairer, Clearer, Smarter, Slimmer, it's all gimmick
You don't actually have to be an asshole to succeed in life
That somewhere there is a world full of lizard people, and some are convinced that there are secret humans among them, controlling them.
Everything is Business. Be it Healthcare,
Skincare etc.
No one cares about Human Beings or Humanity ,just costumers
Even some churches, temples, synagogues, etc. Not all, but there definitely are some out there.
That humans are actually better than most believe.
That we will continue the quest upward and onward; with occasional mis-steps
That our future is open-ended.
That god does not exist.
There is life across the universe.
That I exist.
That you exist.
That there is intelligent life in the universe can be proven by the fact that they're not stupid enough to visit
Mattress stores are usually fronts for money laundering. In my town you can’t drive five minutes without passing a mattress store, furniture store that sells mattresses, or department store that sells mattresses. Not to mention all the online sellers. They’re always empty and almost as common as Starbucks.
My husband and I have discussed this many times. Just a few days ago, we went for ice cream. It's right next to a mattress store. We've been many times, and the mattress store has never, ever had even one customer. We've never seen a single customer in any of the many, many mattress stores around town, and often wonder why. Just the one employee at a desk in a back corner, most likely bored to tears.
That crime/addiction/death and suffering are all linked to a government that would rather put money in the pockets of rich people than to take care of their citizens. If the pandemic taught us anything here in America is that, giving just a little extra cash to needy families actually pulls people out of poverty and helps them to get rid of debts. Providing people with a supplement to a living wage, providing free healthcare and free educations can only help us, not hurt us. So why is it that monetary greed wins out over taking care of your follow man? This is not rocket science, but the powers that be seem too inept to make it happen.
I may be cynical but I strongly suspect that those in power are benefiting from the system and that's why they won't close it down. If you had a cash cow, you wouldn't give it to the poor so they might eat, you would keep it for yourself to make you richer. I believe that's what is going on globally.
That extraterrestrial aliens exist. And that we will discover proof of them when one of our deep space probes finds a space buoy just outside of our solar system that reads "Avoid 3rd planet, full of assholes".
This reminds me of a comedian who said something about Earth being the Alabama of the universe.
That this plane of existence is basically hell...
I wanna show my parents that Im not trying to be disrespectful or to disappoint them and argue to them , Im just showing my pov.... But idk how to prove that.... Any ideas ? :(
You're bound to get some good advice but here's a hard truth: your parents might not be able to accept that you are being respectful, that you're listening, and that you still disagree with them. Parents are still just people and some people cannot accept being wrong. And once those kind of people have a form of authority over other people, they get aggressive when questioned. It hurts and it's hard to live with, but it gets better when you're an adult. At that point, the hardest part is learning to stand your ground.
That colleges just keep adding useless classes just to justify why you have to pay so much
My college had me take Engineering Economics, to figure out the cost to a company if they lease a machine for 10 years vs buying it outright in the beginning, for a Computer Science degree. I have never once needed a single bit of information from that class, but when it was introduced to us, they pushed it like I would use it every day.
I suspect that dark matter and energy are an illusion caused by the dilation of spacetime from supermassive objects like young stars and black holes, as well as from galaxies themselves. Of course, without the ability to travel meaningfully closer to any of those supermassive objects, I can't exactly test that hypothesis...
There is some ghost who keeps emptying the dish soap in the kitchen. Every time I try to use it it's empty. EVERY. DANG. TIME!
A bit random, but here goes. I have a strong suspicion that many prehistoric artefacts in Ulster Museum (Northern Ireland) are fake. I studied some for my Masters and noticed that a lot of artefacts in a very narrow band of styles were 'discovered' in a really small time frame in the 1890s. It is documented that there were forgers selling stone artefacts to tourists in that period. I think a local forger was selling them to the museum as well.
That's interesting. Did you speak about this to your director? Or someone from the museum? I'm sorry if I don't use the right terms, english is not not my first language. When you say artefacts you mean flint tools? Did you find any resembling artefacts elsewhere? I work in a museum and I find this interesting, if someone suspected that some exposed piece is a fake I would like to know, speak about it and maybe start new research to be sure.
That you can see the future I have dreamed something and it happens even if it’s 3 years later it’s happen 3 times to me no believes except for my bestie it looks like I’m mad but dose happen!
You should keep a dream journal and record things. then when it happens, you can show people you wrote it down in the past. Even if it doesn't dream journals are so neat. It's amazing what you can decipher or unravel.
Most people are to stupid to live if someone didn't live for them.
That people in the future have invented time travel and can time travel into our current time and in our past.
Kerr-McGee had Karen Silkwood run off the road.
Pac faked his death to get away from the heat, but instead was disappeared much later. There were multiple "Son of Sam" killers.
When CERN's LHC went off, it sent us into a parallel and dystopian universe where Trump won, two rhino species went extinct, mass shootings went way up, Boris Johnson was elected, a global pandemic, the world literally caught on fire, and so much other s**t happened. It would make sense, and it would explain all of the mandela effects.
Luna Lovegood is LGBTQ+ I am certain of it. I don't know if she's lebian, bi, omni, enby, queer, pan, trans, poly, ace or something else but she is LGBTQ+ and you cannot convince me otherwise.
Okay, I know most of those terms, but “enby” is new to me. Someone define please…
That Trump is EVIL personified. Best description ever.
That the light in the fridge turns off when you close it
Put your phone in there recording video. It's the way to defeat Schrodinger.
James Coney Island is part of a drug cartel or something. You never see anyone in there except little league baseball teams, yet they have multiple locations that have been around forever.
That most people are unhappy and work hard to stay that way.
Are you referring to how resistant to change most people are? For a lot of things, people would prefer not to make any effort than actually have things differently.
I think my sister is autistic, but I’m not a doctor. So yee
You probably mean well by suggesting this. The fact is, there is an autism spectrum. In addition, there are other conditions like Aspergers syndrome. Or she simply may have a learning disability. Since you don't say why you think this , or how old she is, there is not much to go on. The best thing you can do for her is to mention your concern to your parents. If this is not possible, then you could speak with an adult at school like a teacher, nurse, or guidance counselor.
That multiversums exists, and everything that can happen, actually happens.
And also, staying in our universum.... there is life in it, not necessary intelligent, not necessary carbon-based, not necessary depending on oxigen, but there is sure billions and billions of life forms in our universum: from basic to intelligent ones.
That octopuses will evolve into the next dominant intelligent species on Earth and will create a civilization that will replace ours after we are gone (die out or self-destruct or go primitive).
What about squids? Will squids and octopi fight for dominance, or will they live in peace and harmony?
God is real.
Scientists - This is how the big bang happened Religious people - Im going to need "hard evidence" Scientists - Sure *hands over findings* Religious people - I dont know, its kinda sus and speculation. Religious people - God helped me do *insert thing here* Scientist - can you show me proof? Religious people - ITS ABOUT FAITH!!! Scientist - Soooooo, you cant.....
All the planets around the sun are being slowly pulled towards the sun by it's gravitation pull. Mercury's gonna be sucked in and eaten by the sun making Venus the next Mercury, and Earth the next Venus, and Mars the next Earth. Wait and see!
I think I may be on the autism spectrum but I'm not sure. I'm not a doctor so I can't diagnose myself, but I was researching autism because I wanted to put a believable autistic character in a fanfiction I'm writing, and based on some of the symptoms I found I think I might be on the spectrum.
Some advice from someone diagnosed: treat yourself as though you are (stim toys, noise reduction things, etc.), it won’t hurt if you’re not and it’ll help a lot if you are.
People who like their thermostat to be on the warm/hot side are destined to go to hell, while people who like their thermostat set to cool/cold will be going to heaven.
Squirrels are bubble gum warriors in disguise
(Completely made that up)
Was jumping out of a hayloft in a barn into a massive pile of hay. One jump I ended up on the floor of the barn. We didn't realize all they hay we were jumping into was on a wagon, I managed to cleanly fall between the wagon and the wall. If I had hit the edge of the wagon I could have been seriously hurt or killed.
I put this one in the wrong post. It was supposed to be in the dodged a bullet one.
The internet is controlling its, there is one man behind this.
1) That there’s a Master Architect (I call the Supernova Intelligentsi SI) that’s overseeing the entire galaxy and the homo sapien civilization is the most fragile, backwards and illiterate of them all.
2) That the ‘space race’ is driven by the fact that the elites have seen the fate of this world, have made contact with aliens and are colonizing Mars as a result.
That I’m not only ‘cute’ and ‘funny’.
One day, my friend said that even everything on my phone was cute or a meme. I protested with “That’s not true! I just downloaded a bunch of… cute animals and… memes…….”
That I would be a better coach of Manchester United FC than Ole ever was
Oh oh! - I have one! I believe that the 'War on drugs" is only a reason to have a whole security/weapon industry + agencies busy and funded. Too much money and too many jobs If drugs were legalized and produced and under correct supervision by the government It would be much of a problem for society more than alcohol/weed.
Reiki. I know it works but don’t know why or how or even what it is. But it’s wonderful and I love it.
Oh oh! - I have one! I believe that the 'War on drugs" is only a reason to have a whole security/weapon industry + agencies busy and funded. Too much money and too many jobs If drugs were legalized and produced and under correct supervision by the government It would be much of a problem for society more than alcohol/weed.
Reiki. I know it works but don’t know why or how or even what it is. But it’s wonderful and I love it.