if you had infinite wishes with no rules or limitations what are the first three things you would wish for?


1) The ability to teleport anywhere, anytime. Including other solar systems
2) The ability to speak any language I hear fluently. Necessary since I'll be teleporting around the globe
3) No more enmity for different races, genders, LGBTQ, religions, etc. People can only hate one another for their personality, nothing more.


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#1: my beloved, late cat Princess Bubblegum ( died 5 yrs ago) to be alive again.....
#2: immortality...(and for my cat)
#3: every paedophile and rapist in the world to spontaneously combust....


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#1. To be married to my boyfriend. #2. To be fully male. And #3. To not have any mental health issues.


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1) a happy life for all individuals (including myself)
2) No stigma
3) for every bad person (pedo, rapist, ect) to vanish


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A man walks into a bar. As he's ordering a beer, he happens to glance down towards the other end of the bar and see a man with a big orange head. As the bartender brings his beer, the man asks him, "What's with the guy with the big orange head?"

The bartender chuckles. "Yeah," he says, "That's a helluva story, alright. Why don't you go buy him a drink, and maybe he'll tell you about it."

So the man walks over to the guy with the orange head, introduces himself, and offers to buy him a beer. The guy with the orange head says, "Let me guess. You want to hear about the head?"

The first guy says, "Well, yeah. If you don't mind."

The man with the orange head says, "Alright. Lord knows I've run it over in my mind a million times, anyway. So, it's like this: One day, I was walking along a beach, when I stubbed my toe on something. I looked down, and there, sticking out of the sand, was an antique lamp. So I picked it up and brushed away some of the sand, when a big cloud of blue smoke erupted from it. When the smoke cleared, a genie was standing there. And this genie said to me, 'Thank you for freeing me from my 5,000-year confinement. For doing this, I will grant you two wishes.'

"So, I think, wow, okay. And I do what many people would. For my first wish, I wish to be fantastically wealthy. So the genie snaps his fingers, and suddenly I'm covered in jewels. Hundreds of necklaces, three rings per finger, a crown on my head, and a chest full of gold next to me besides all that."

At this point in the story, the first man is in amazement. He just can't believe what he's hearing. Eager to hear the rest, he says, "So what was your second wish?"

The man with the orange head slowly takes a sip of his beer. He puts it down, and says, "You know. This may be where I went wrong... I wished for a big orange head."


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#1. Financial security.
#2. A wife.
#3. A program for my computer that would allow me to find anything I want, no matter where, with complete anonymity (those coupons will be mine).


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This is difficult, almost like getting three wishes from a magic fish. (A book I read once was about a fisherman who caught a magic fish and ended up wasting his wishes on stupid greedy things his stupid greedy wife demanded. I liked the book but would have liked it more if it was the guy being the stupid greedy one doing the stupid greedy demanding)

1. Financial security for everyone willing to work - no matter what the job (white collar, blue collar, no collar) as long as it served a beneficial purpose for society

2. Just fit-the-crime penalties for all those who commit crimes

3. Three more wishes?


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1) make me able to give the emotions I’m feeling to the person who caused them.
2) invisibility on command
3) teleportation


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See Also on Bored Panda