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When my middle kid hugs me. He's autistic and usually doesn't like hugs, but he can tell when I'm having a bad day and will just latch on and give great big squeezy hugs. Makes my day every time :)
A cute and sleepy face of my cat when I wake up in the morning. I then give him the first pets of the day.
music, eating, love, FOOD, FOOD, more food, even more food...little ity bity tiny winy weeny beany smol lil wittle food
Too many! The fact that everyone here at home is alive and well, despite the rampant growth of pandamy, my mother has undergone surgery just over a month ago (she is 90 years old) and recovers very quickly, from my cats being affectionate with me every morning, not missing anything and that all the difficulties that are presented to us are overcome ... There are many small GREAT things that make my day !!!
Good for you! Make the most of every little thing in your life and you will be shined upon!
My wife's smile at the end of her hard work day. I have been retired for awhile and never managed to do that enough when we both worked.
1) People being polite.
2) Serenity.
3) The Sun.
4) Not being ill. Two years of ill health, worsened in the last 6 months with Pleurisy and Pancreatitis. Oh, I made a bad decision yesterday, which resulted in me needing stitches for a two inch deep cut in my right thumb. Kitchen looked like a crime scene. Top tip, do not attempt to try and fix a lawnmower with the power on. It will only end in tears and sitting in A&E for a few hours. On the plus side, I didn't cut off my thumb and I’ll have another scar to add to the collection.
It makes my day to awaken to the unusual mewing my dog makes when he awakens. I am also elated by my morning coffee while walking thru my garden with the early morning dew still resting on the leaves. Life is so good.
Every time I get an alert that someone purchased something from my shop. I make a lot of things based around self acceptance so when I get an alert I smile not bc I made money but bc the thought of it maybe being someone embracing who they are or showing support for someone in their life means a lot to me.
Watching the bees on our lavender plant in the backyard in the morning with a nice cup of coffee.
A compliment, even if it's for the smallest things, or when people notice the small things that I've done.
I love touching little gifts that my friends or family have made or given me. It makes me remember that I'm loved.
My children in general, but more specifically, knowing they have voided or had a BM that day (TMI, sorry, but when a child at one time can only go with enemas and has had dozens of tests those little things are very important). Seeing my daughter's 'pretend play' or hearing her talk when at one time I didn't have much hope of seeing or hearing that. You don't realize how much those tiny details can mean to you until you don't have it. Cherish what you have!
A text from my crush even though he has a gf or a simple I love u from my parents and my mom everyday hug and kiss when Im leaving the house to go to school
Lately, the various YouTube channels I watch have really been helping to improve my days! Also for some reason, having ice cubes made from those trays that make fun shapes entertains me. And any day that I see a cat is a much better day. (can't get one quite yet, so seeing kitties around the neighborhood is a nice treat!)
Seeing my friends throw their trash away instead of throwing it on the ground. Seeing mixed couples living unapologetically, and seeing people treat a waitress like a human and not a servant.
Security cameras. Sometimes I am tempted to shoplift, but I look up and I know I won’t. (I sometimes feel weird compulsions, like to scratch my face until bleed so I can paint my hands in blood, or when I buy a lot of stuff for my friends and pile it on them.)
At night when my cat jumps onto my bed and settles down - her weight is so comforting and she also snores in a little, funny way which is soothing.
Whenever my brain works fast enough to make a witty comment or a funny joke, it is satisfying and I always feel proud afterward.
Whenever I get a random compliment on say, my earrings. I always feel warm and happy inside afterward. Okay one more, when I make a breakthrough on something little. Like how to sew this (stuffed) raccoon's head on right or the perfect way to apply sprinkles... It's the little things in life!
I really like spring so whenever I see these particular little yellow flowers in grass I get really excited and happy.
Simple kindness. After seeing so much hate and anger through this pandemic, a kind word or gesture means so much more to me now.
I live in the country so when I walk outside-coffee in hand-on a warm Spring day and hear the birds chirping alongside the stream flowing over the rocks behind my house..that’s what gets my day going right 💕
Just an FYI I did not put a question mark at the end of my post lol. It was supposed to be a heart. I don't know what happened :)
Joining an online game and entering the same server as the person you played with a while back you forgot to friend. And they recognize you. Noice.
My friends, no matter what happens they are always there.... Especially at 3 am. They always make me laugh so, they make my day.
Clear air, blue sky with a little dot of white clouds here and there
my cat curling up and using my feet as her pillow
the smell of fresh-baked bread or roasted coffee
the sound of the rain when I'm inside the house and curls up in the corner with a hot tea and a book
sakura full blossom, blue sky with pinkish petals falling softly
Getting a hug from my 15 year old. As a teenager, she wants her space and doesn’t like to hang with Mom anymore. But the times she randomly hugs me or wants to chill and watch a movie with me are priceless.
I love complimenting random people. Anything, a sweater, hat, hair... I love it. It makes me feel like a better person every time!
Emailing my friends so that I know we're still friends even though we haven't seen each other in a year
If someone buys me food, I am NEVER going to leave them. Makes my day every single FREAKING time!